Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Frank finds out Gerard's a vampire
Twilight/MCR Crossover. Oneshot.
Something was wrong. Ever since Gerard had gone on that walk alone by himself, he'd changed, and it wasn't funny. He always wore makeup, but now he never went without it. He had started wearing dark red lipstick, and painted his face so white he was glowing. He usually stayed out of the sun but now he never came out in it, ever. Not to mention the huge amounts of golden colored contact lenses he kept blowing his money off on Ebay. Frank was worried.
What had happened yesterday had only increased the doubts and theories that he'd been formulating all week. Frank had been in the parking lot. It was the night before the Taste of Chaos tour kick-off and most of the tour buses were starting to pull in late. He'd been checking his bag when one of the buses had spun out of control, coming towards him with fierce speed. He heard the screeching and turned around, only to find that the bus was about 10 feet away from him. He was too shocked to move, until a hand pushed him out of the way.
Frank had looked up and had seen Gerard, staring back down at him, one hand on the car in front of him and another pushing the bus away, a huge dent where it touched the bus. Gerard took his hand away from the bus. He looked shocked at what he's just done, and had run away from Frank without saying anything. Gerard was now sitting on the couch in their tour bus reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Frank walked towards him cautiously.
"Gerard, I've had thoughts." He heard Frank's voice and put the book down, sitting up slowly and looking straight at Frank. Gerard's golden colored eyes burned a hole though him.
"You've got to give me some answers," Frank said.
"I'd rather hear your theories." Even Gerard's voice had changed. Before it had a little squeak to it, now it was low and deep. Frank deliberated.
"I have considered radioactive spiders, and kryptonite." Gerard laughed, shrugging.
"It's all superhero stuff right?" he looked at Frank sharply, continuing, "What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm, the bad guy?" Frank didn't believe him. Gerard was crazy sometimes, it was true, but he was one of the nicest people he had ever met. Frank reached a hand forward and touched his face, it felt like he'd just taken a shower in freezing water. He added everything up, the makeup, the contacts, the whole new demeanor.
"You're impossibly fast, and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold. You don't go out into the sunlight," Frank muttered. Gerard moved closer to him, whispering slowly, his voice as deep as it would go.
"Say it, out loud." Frank hesitated.
"Say it," Gerard urged him.
"Vampire." Gerard moved away, still keeping his eyes on Frank.
"Are you afraid?"
"Yes," Frank said, before running out of the tour bus, screaming. He went to go hide behind a confused Bob. Gerard shrugged and lay back down on the couch, opening his book up again.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Seth trudged home after his second run of the perimeter. He was tired, exhausted, but his spirits picked up when he saw a pile of presents on the table.
"All for you," his mother said, putting his dinner down in front of him. Chief Swan was there as well.
"Happy Birthday, Seth," he said, taking another sip of his tea and thanking Mrs. Clearwater as she put his dinner on the table as well. She sat down with her own. Seth ignored his food, ripping open the first one from Leah and Jacob. It had "Happy Birthday Kid" scrawled on the front. Most of the presents had the same things, shoes, clothes, books, socks from his grandaunt. He shifted through the torn wrapping paper and boxes to find the one Jasper had given him.
"Jasper dropped that off himself just now," she said, pointing at it with her fork. Seth took it out of the shiny silver paper it was wrapped in. Charlie Swan picked up the label that had come off with the wrapping and took the card out of the envelope.
"Let him read it himself, Charlie," Mrs. Clearwater said, stopping him from opening the card. Charlie grinned and gave it to Seth.
"Seth, I hope you consider yourself as part of our family now. Always yours, Jasper," it said in Jasper's beautiful cursive. Seth set it aside and opened the box. Inside was a bracelet, wrapped in soft paper. The Cullen crest, for Seth. He ran his thumb over it, the three shamrocks, a lion, and a hand above the lion.
"Seth, it's beautiful," Mrs. Clearwater said, peering over to look at it. Leah and Jacob burst in through the door, laughing. Charlie turned to both at them.
"I'm going to have to detain you two for excessive noise." They kept quiet at once.
"What's that you've got there, Seth?" Leah asked.
"Jasper gave me the Cullen crest," he said, making to take it out of the box.
"No! Don't take it out just yet. Go up to him, ask him to put it on you for you," she said.
"Can I go to the Cullen's, mom?"
"If you finish your dinner first." Seth was done with his food in five minutes, he raced to the Cullen house. Jasper was outside, standing at the cliff and staring at the sea. He must have known he was going to come. Jasper heard footsteps behind him and turned around, smiling, his hands clasped together in front of him. Seth walked up and hugged him without saying a word, the box in his pocket.
"Happy birthday," Jasper whispered into his hair. He pulled back, noticing Seth didn't have the crest on.
"Didn't you like it?" he asked. Seth reached into his pocket.
"Well, I want you to put it on for me," he said. Jasper smiled, taking the box from his hand and lifting the bracelet out of it. He gave the empty box back to Seth and took his right hand up, fastening the bracelet around his wrist. Seth stared at it, watching the charms dangle. The crest in the middle shimmered in the moonlight.
"I love you, Seth." Jasper said, putting his arms around Seth's waist and kissing him. Seth let his hands snake up Jasper's back and into his hair, pulling him closer.
"In case you didn't know, I love you as well," Seth said in between kisses. Jasper grinned.
"I think I knew that perfectly." It took a while for Seth to remember that he was tired after having to run the entire length of La Push, twice. Jasper seemed to have read his thoughts, as he took Seth's hand and led him back home. They walked in through the front door. Chief Swan and Mrs. Clearwater were still talking in the kitchen. They looked at Seth and Jasper and smiled at the both of them.
"Had your dinner yet, Jasper?" he asked. Charlie Swan had no idea what Jasper or the rest of the Cullens were, but Mrs. Clearwater knew perfectly that they were vampires.
"Of course he has, Charlie. But if you want anything Jasper, just ask," she said, winking at the both for them. Jasper grinned and followed Seth up to his room. Seth walked in and collapsed on his mattress without turning on the lights. Jasper didn't mind, they both had excellent eyesight anyway. He climbed into the bed beside Seth and lay down beside him, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"Sleepy much?" he asked, resting his head on Seth's, who didn't answer, already fast asleep. He always smelled of wood. A strange mixture of the trees in the forest and the ocean. Jasper kissed his cheek and looked around the room. As much as he hated playing cleaning lady, he had to admit, it was a mess.
There were books, and clothes on the floor, and even the carpet was out of place. He sighed and got off Seth, barely moving the blanket or bed, and set to work. As he was putting the books back in the shelf a leather bound album caught his eye. He made sure Seth was asleep before taking it out and opening it. It was a scrapbook. A letter was stapled on the first page.
"Seth, this is Alice again. Although as always, you already know. Listen, I might not be able to write to you any more since the finals are coming, my mom's been keeping watch on me like a hawk. I promise, once the exams are over, i'll write you a letter so long, it'll take you days to read it. Love, Alice."
Jasper frowned. Seth had never said anything about anyone named Alice. He turned a page, there was a photo of a boy, a younger Seth, and a short, raven-haired girl beside him. She was pale, and breathtakingly beautiful. She was so familiar to Jasper but he couldn't put a finger on it. He heard Seth stirring behind him and put the book back.
"I'm here, Seth." Seth opened his eyes, blinking to get used to the dark. Jasper leaned over him, with his palms pressing down on the bed on either side of Seth. He brushed away a bit of hair off Seth's face.
"Seth, who's Alice?"
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The scene opens showing a bedroom. A girl, Marilyn Sparrow, dressed in black pajamas is sitting at her table, writing in a black book. It's her diary. She does not have crazy "Goth" makeup or hair, but it's apparent she's dark and gloomy, There is a simple bed, drawer, dresser, and a small window at the side but the walls stand out the most because they are covered with posters of many bands. Three posters stand out the most and are at the forefront. They are of Marilyn Manson. Her voice plays overhead as she writes.
Marilyn: Dear Diary. School was good as always, sometimes I wonder how someone like me can have that many friends but I do. But it could've been better. The teacher asked us what music we liked and I said "Marilyn Manson". Then my classmates started making fun of him and called him weird and all for a good five minutes. I know they don't mean it because they're my friends but I was hurt. I waited until class was over and then I ran to the bathroom and cried.
Marilyn stops writing and looks at the poster on the wall. She closes the book and walks to her bed. The lights dim as she lies down on her bed, facing the audience. Suddenly a spotlight shines on her and a deep storyteller's voice speaks overhead.
Storyteller: Marilyn Sparrow was a girl. She liked dark things. Dark clothes, and dark books, and dark shoes and dark animals, but the thing she liked that was the darkest of all, was Marilyn Manson.
Marilyn sits upright on the bed, shocked and confused. She turns around, looking for the source of the voice. The storyteller continues.
Storyteller: When he best friend Nicole was murdered, she listened to Marilyn Manson every day and made the pain lesser. She had her friends, and her family, but it was Marilyn Manson she looked up to the most. She only wished that Marilyn Manson knew.
Marilyn's shoulders slump at the sound of her best friend and she lied back down on the bed, turning the other way to sleep. The storyteller's voice fades and the lights black out completely. A five second pause and they come back on again. The sounds of birds whistling can be heard. Marilyn wakes up, angry. She storms to the window and shuts the blinds on her window. The sound of birds stop and the lights dim a little when she shuts the blinds. Her mother, Sylvia comes in with her breakfast and the newspaper. She turns and sees Marilyn Manson's poster on the wall.
Sylvia: He's a freak, Marilyn.
Marilyn: So am I.
Sylvia: Take those down before the exorcist comes tomorrow. I think we have ghosts in the kitchen.
Sylvia shakes her head and walks out, leaving Marilyn in the room. Marilyn takes a bite of her toast. The storyteller's voice plays overhead again. She stops halfway through biting her toast and rolls her eyes when she hears the voice, unfolding her newspaper.
Storyteller: Marilyn's mother did not like Marilyn Manson. Marilyn unfolded her newspaper and read the news like she did every Saturday morning. What's this? Marilyn Manson is on the front page?
Marilyn scans the front page in shock, she throws it down on the floor and slides off her chair, on the floor beside it. The glass of milk she has for her breakfast spills on her and she's crying really badly.
Storyteller: The headline was "Shock Rocker Kills Ex-wife's Boyfriend". Marilyn Manson has finally done the unthinkable, he's killed someone. Marilyn won't have it. Someone had killed her best friend and she knows how Dita must feel. How could Marilyn Manson do that?
Marilyn throws her glass at the side of her room and yells at the voice.
Marilyn: SHUT UP!
Marilyn stands up and rushes to the Marilyn Manson posters on the wall. She tears them off and throws them on the floor, falling beside them and ripping them up into pieces. She grabs all her Marilyn Manson CDs as well and breaks them, throwing the cases everywhere. She sits among the mess, crying. Sylvia comes back in taking as she opens the door.
Sylvia: What was all the noise, Marilyn?
She looks at Marilyn and exclaims.
Sylvia: Marilyn, you didn't have to do that? If you didn't want to take them down you could have just told me.
Sylvia crouches beside Marilyn and picks up the pieces. Marilyn continues crying and helps her. They both leave the stage through the door carrying the remains of Marilyn's Marilyn Manson collection. Marilyn comes back in a different pair of black pajamas, clean. She sits on the bed hugging her legs and stays there. the storyteller's voice comes back on but Marilyn ignores him.
Storyteller: Marilyn would never listen to The Golden Age of Grotesque again. She wasn't a Disposable Teen anymore, or one of The Beautiful People, or a member of the The Nobodies. She didn't want to be in the mOBSCENE, or buy another pair of Heart-Shaped Glasses. Never will she have anymore Sweet Dreams because she thought, "Rock is Dead". Or at least, Marilyn Manson was to her.
The lights black out and turn back on. Marilyn is sleeping. Sylvia comes in is wearing different clothes. She walks towards Marilyn and shakes her.
Sylvia: Time to wake up. You have school today.
Marilyn gets up and rubs her eyes. She nods and picks up her towel, going out of her room. Sylvia goes out behind her. Marilyn comes back after a while, wearing her school uniform and picks up her backpack, leaving again. The lights dim and the scene ends.
The scene opens. It's a classroom. Students are gathered, talking and laughing. Marilyn walks in and puts her bag on a table, sitting down. One of the students, Sally, walks to her and starts talking loudly.
Sally: Did you hear the news about Marilyn Manson? I told you he's a weirdo.
The rest of the students start laughing. Marilyn smiles a little awkwardly and starts reading a book, trying to block them out. Sally returns to the rest and they start talking about Marilyn Manson.
Gabby: It's just the way he is. I was wondering when he would kill somebody. It's about time.
Alexandra: He's a poor thing though. Sick, twisted.
Victoria: You bet.
Sally: I wonder what he did with the body, I bet he ate it.
The students laugh.
Beatrice: Maybe he fucked it.
Sally: Maybe he fucked it and then he ate it! Or ate it while fucking it. He's disgusting.
Alexandra: He's going to jail though.
Sally: I hope he gets the death penalty. I'd like to see a video of him in the electric chair.
Sally starts making spastic jerking movements. The students start laughing. Marilyn loses her temper. She picks up a sharp pencil and storms to Sally, stabbing her in the chest. The rest of the students scream and run away. Marilyn stabs Sally hard and as many times as she can and blood is spurting out everywhere. Marilyn screams at her in between stabs.
The principal rushes in and grabs a struggling Marilyn, pulling her away from Sally's dead body. Two more teachers rush towards her and take the pencil out of her hand. The rest of the students file into stage to stare. The school nurse comes as well and she stabs a syringe into Marilyn, who faints on the floor. They all stare down at her. The lights dim and the scene ends.
The scene opens. It's a jail cell. The whole cell is grey and there's a white bed in the corner. Marilyn is sitting down on it wearing prison clothes. There's a sound of doors banging shut. The storyteller's voice come on. Marilyn ignores him again.
Storyteller: They put Marilyn in jail for killing the girl named Sally. Marilyn Manson got the death penalty for what he did. He's going to be hung in the prison today, at the guillotine. Marilyn's going to die in the same guillotine next year.
Suddenly, a bell chimes. Marilyn goes stiff, staring at the floor in shock.
Storyteller: There's the bell. Someone rings it every time someone dies at the guillotine.
There's a bang of a door opening and a Prison Warden comes in carrying a tray.
Prison Warden: Your dinner.
The Prison Warden throws the tray in front of her and turns around to leave. Marilyn interrupts him. She does not move her eyes away from the floor.
Marilyn: Can I have a pencil?
The Prison Warden turns back and shouts at her
Prison Warden: To what, stab me? Stop making stupid requests.
The Prison warden leaves the room. The bang of the door shutting jerks Marilyn and she takes her eyes away from the floor. She sees the tray in front of her. She picks up a butter knife and uses it to slit her arm. She moves the bed aside and sits cross legged in front of the wall behind it. She starts writing on the wall with her blood using her finger. The lights flicker on and off as days and nights pass.
Storyteller: Marilyn wrote a word a day for a year till it became a song for Marilyn Manson. The only thing she did for her idol. But it was sad, the day after the day she finished it, they brought her to the guillotine. The same guillotine Marilyn Manson died in.
The lights fade out and the scene ends.
The scene opens. It is a dark, grey room again. Marilyn is standing in front of the guillotine. A priest is there, and they are preparing the black sack to cover her face. Marilyn starts singing.
Marilyn: "Will you come back?
Because without you, my world's not black.
They can bury me, with my head in a sack
But they can't bury my soul, it'll come back."
Marilyn keeps singing the same chorus. A faint white figure walks up in front of her. It's Marilyn Manson's ghost. He sings another verse over and over again in symphony with her.
Marilyn Manson: "This is where it starts.
This is where it will end.
Here comes the moon again.
This is where it starts.
This is where it will end.
Here comes the moon again."
Both Marilyn Manson's and Marilyn Sparrow's voices join to become one song. They continue singing, even when the Prison Warden puts a black sack over Marilyn Sparrow's head. Marilyn Manson stops singing and says one final verse.
Marilyn Manson: I know it's the last day on earth.
Marilyn Manson disappears. They pull the lever and Marilyn falls through the trapdoor. She does not struggle, but goes still. She's dead. The priest bows his head. The storyteller's voice comes on again.
Storyteller: And that's the story of Marilyn Sparrow, who's last wish, to see her idol Marilyn Manson, came true right before she die. The end.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Oh by the way, I found a new hot werewolf guy~
see, really some more
k fine
i dont have all day
actually i do
but not the point
oi faster
He's darling I tell you.
HAHA I have tuition in the evening
YOUR money
TOO bad
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Taylor Swift
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Alan works as the owner of a store. He sells his stuff well, until another man, Adam opens up a store beside him. Adam's business takes away all of Alan's customers, and it doesn't help that Adam does almost everything he can to sabotage his business, including being extremely mean all the time.
Alan gets really mad one day and fashions a voodoo doll with sticks and cloth. He starts poking the voodoo doll with a pin and gets shocked when he sees a drop of real blood come out of it. Alan puts the doll on the window sill and goes to bed. Halfway through the night a cat comes along and takes it away.
The next day when Alan shows up to work he sees Adam, and is shocked because Adam has plasters all over his face and hands. He overhears Adam and another lady talking and Adam describes that he was sleeping when he felt something poking him in all sorts of places, and he started bleeding. The lady tells him he is mad, and she walks off.
Alan, shocked runs back to his house to discover the voodoo doll is gone. He searches for it everywhere but he can't find it. He goes down, and back to the store, guilty, and dejected to tell Adam the truth. He is about to tell Adam when he sees the cat carrying the doll and putting it down on the sidewalk.
The cat starts playing with the doll. Adam jerks, and falls on the ground following the movements of the doll. Alan is shocked, and chases after the cat, who take the doll in it's mouth and runs away. Alan runs after it, and Adam follows, pulled involuntarily by the spell of the doll. They run through the streets of london until the cat runs into a sewer to hide. Adam hits his head on the sidewalk and loses his memory.
Alan must now find the cat and the voodoo doll in order to restore Adam's memory, which he does, after many difficulties. In the end, Adam and Alan close down their respective stores and become the co-owners of Adam and Alan, with a cashier, their pet cat Robert.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Jasper's very different than how he's portrayed in the books, but I'm working on making it more Jasper.
Once again, I'm naming this Chapter 4 for the time being.
I haven't even named the entire story yet.
Chapter 4
Seth Clearwater/Jasper Hale.
A sharp tap jolted the young man out of his dreams. He was having a good one, of him sitting on a rock watching a waterfall. It wasn't that interesting but it had given him the peace he'd been lacking the past few days. He heard another tap and Seth Clearwater opened his eyes. The clock on his nightstand said "3:11 am". He heard another tap and sat upright in his bed.
Seth stood up and walked to his window, sliding the glass up and leaning over to look outside. The cold air hit his bare chest in sharp contrast to his warm bed as he looked at Jasper watching him from below.
"Hello, Seth," he smiled, looking up Seth's messy bed head and sleepy eyes.
"It's 3 am."
"I know, hold on, I'm coming up." Seth stepped back from the window and collapsed back onto his mattress. Jasper came in and crossed the floor to sit down on the bed.
"It's not fair, vampires don't sleep," Seth mumbled through the sheets, half asleep. His sleepiness faded away and he remembered Jasper's vampire gift. He sat up again and ran his hand through his hair messing it up even more, a gesture that Jasper found strangely attractive.
"I never said I was fair. I wanted to talk to you."
"You told Jacob about, us?" Jasper was slightly taller even when they were sitting down. Seth was still half buried in the sheets.
"I was just feeling like I had to tell someone. How come you knew I'd told him?"
"Edward, he came to La Push to talk to Sam and he saw Jacob. He read Jacob's mind and told me about it when he came back."
"Oh." Neither of them spoke for a while. Seth took interest in a spot on his bedsheets and stared at it, not wanting to look at Jasper.
"Were you okay with me telling him?"
"Seth, I'm fine with anything you do. I was just wondering why you didn't choose to tell the entire pack."
"I want to tell them, and I know I have to tell them soon, but I don't know how they'll react. Your family took the whole idea so well. Carlisle and Esme just took me in and treated me like family," he said, "and I don't know if the pack will be that way."
Jasper reached forward and pulled Seth into a hug.
"They will. But I want you to tell them when you feel like it, not because you feel you have to. Please promise me that." Seth pulled back, he felt a calmness come over him and realized Jasper was using his vampire gift again. For the first time in days a real smile came over his face.
"I promise, now quit using your magical powers on me." Jasper looked stunned.
"I'm not!"
"Right, I believe that."
"Have you maybe thought that you were feeling like that because you're in love with me?" he said, smirking.
"Man, I can't stand you." Seth lifted his blankets and crawled back underneath them. Jasper moved to his side, wrapping one arm around him and using the other to prop his head on the pillow while Seth turned to face him.
"Are you going to stay here till morning?"
"I'll be gone once you're asleep."
"It's going to be a long time considering you woke me up at 3 am in the middle of a pretty good dream."
"I can give you a better one." Seth sighed.
"Just, stay here okay?" he asked. Jasper kissed his hair and wrapped his arm tighter around Seth.
"I will." He stayed there till it was almost dawn, watching Seth until he was he had fallen asleep, before heading out of the window and back to the Cullen house. Sam Uley watched him leave from afar.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I would include more fluff, because I love fluff
But this is just a short piece to give the story direction
Also, I was having title trouble, so I'm just calling this chapter Chapter 3 for the time being
Chapter 3
"Seth. Seth!" Sam's sharp voice jolted the young man out of his own world and he fell off the fallen log he was sitting on, "Are you alive?".
Seth blinked twice. He looked up at Sam towering over him.
"Yeah, yeah, I am. Circle the perimeter with Jacob. I heard." Sam looked unconvinced. What was Seth to do? He stood up and walked towards the rest of the pack, to where Jacob was waiting.
"You ready?" he asked.
"I guess." In fact Seth wasn't ready at all. The last thing he felt like doing was running around as a wolf. He phased, and got a head start, but Jacob was fast, he caught up with him barely a mile into the scouting. Seth kept his mind clear of Jasper whenever he phased into a wolf. He didn't want the rest finding out about the both of them.
They finished soon, and phased back. Seth walked off silently, deep in thought and happy he could finally think about Jasper, but Jacob soon caught up again.
"So, who is it?" Seth's heart nearly stopped. What was Jacob talking about?
"Don't act dumb Seth. It was obvious you've imprinted ever since you started shutting yourself off. So, who is it?" He didn't just hear Jacob say that. He felt his insides squirm and coughed.
"Some, girl," he managed to squeak out.
"Yeah, some girl."
"Okay." They walked in silence for a while. Seth's head was throbbing, he wished Jacob would just go away.
"What's her name?"
"Her name?" A name, a name, Seth had to think of a name.
"Yeah, Megan." Once again with the awkward silence. Seth couldn't stand it, or Jacob.
"How come I've never seen-" Seth cut across Jacob.
"You have seen her before."
The leaves crunching under their feet held a stead rhythm to them, it made it easier for him to think. He wanted to tell someone, and Jacob was right here. He knew how Jacob had felt about Bella, he was bound to understand. But it had come as such a shock to him, he couldn't trust Jacob to not tell anyone, especially the rest of the pack.
"There is no Megan, and I haven't imprinted on her."
"Oh. Okay."
"But I have imprinted on someone." They stopped. Seth sat down on the cold forest floor and Jacob followed suit.
"Promise me you wouldn't tell anyone, not even the rest of the pack."
"There are no secrets in a pack."
"But this is a really big one." Oh man. He was going to have to say it, now.
"I imprinted on Jasper." Silence. He heard a giggle, from Jacob.
"It's not funny" Jacob practically rolled on the ground, howling with laughter while Seth just stared.
"You're gonna wake up everyone in La Push!" Jacob got himself together quickly.
"I can't help it! Do you know how many times Jasper had crossed your mind in the past hour? You're lucky none of the other's have phased."
"Do they know?"
"They don't suspect a thing. But I saw you two a few days ago in the forest, you two might want to be more careful about where you choose to fool around." Seth stared at him.
"You're not..freaked out or anything?" Jacob laughed again
"No, but if you've really imprinted on this guy, it's the first I've heard," he said.
"I don't know if I've imprinted, I mean you only feel it once, how would I know?" he asked. Jacob stared at the forest ground for a while, obviously very much immersed in his own world before looking up again.
"You've seen the way Sam feels about Emily, even outside of his mind, and how Quil feels about Claire. You'll feel that way. That's how you know." He continued staring at the ground.
"Oh." Seth looked down at the spot Jacob was staring at. A trail of ants were moving across the ground and he sat there watching them for a while as well, before he decided to ask something he was always curious about, but never got to ask Jacob.
"Have you ever, felt that way about Bella?" Jacob still continued to look at the ground and Seth thought he would never answer, but he soon did.
"I thought I did," and with that he stood up, making to leave, clearly ending the conversation. Seth stood up as well, and walked behind him silently until they reached town.
"Jacob, you won't tell the rest about this whole, imprinting thing will you?" Jacob looked back at him with his hands in his pockets and managed a small smile.
"I'll take it to the grave." With that he left, walking off into the distance.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ready for some different questions?
I guess so.
Do you have more than five songs that remind you of just one person?
Of course.
How old will you be in three years?
60, or, 18
Do you think you'll be married by then?
What's the biggest thing that's happening in the next three months?
Secondary 4. I can hear teachers running at us with knives and pitchforks, and stakes, and silver bullets.
Who was your last text from?
Nicole Kwek.
What are you thinking about RIGHT now?
Why is the room so bright.
What are the last two colors you painted your nails?
Black, and black
What do your hear?
Thunder, it's raining.
Do you have any pets?
What were you doing at 2am last night?
Wide awake watching The L Word.
Look behind you. What do you see?
The headboard of my bed. And a painting.
When is the last time you saw your sister/s?
Just saw her.
What was happening Friday night?
What irritates you the most about girls?
I have a list.
Song title and artist of the song your currently listening to?
Weck mich auf - Samy Deluxe
How many different schools have you been to?
Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
Bare feet
Are you a social person?
What was the last thing you ate?
My neighbor.
What is your favorite ice cream?
Mint chocolate chip.
Let me guess, you're thinking about the person that you like?
I am?
Do you like coffee?
What do you drink in the morning?
Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
I. Sleep. In. A. Coffin. :[
Do you go out to eat or eat at home more often?
I eat out, when it rains, then it's less work cleaning up the carnage.
Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
Prince William.
When's the last time you went to the hospital?
I don't go to hospitals.
Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?
The ocean.
When's the next time you'll dress up?
I don't know.
Whats the closest pink object to you?
Hairbrush, I bought it yesterday.
What is your favourite TV show?
Anything on the History Channel.
Can you roll your tongue?
Who is the funniest person you know?
I know plenty of funny people.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
No, I keep them beside my coffin.
What are your school colors?
Yellow and Blue. I wish it would be black.
Do you still have clothes from when you were little?
My mother keeps them.
Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth?
Oh you mean my fangs? Of course.
Would you rather go streaking down a major highway or walk around naked for a year?
Are you gross or are you gross?
Miss anyone?
A little.
Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
No, maybe.
Something's bothering you right?
What are you looking forward to?
Don't tell me lies, so where's your girlfriend?
No lies? Well that's too bad.
Are any of your friends virgins?
Of course.
Do you like when people play with your hair?
When you’re getting ready for something, do you listen to music?
Would you ever try being a vegetarian?
That's hilarious.
Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped?
Of course
Have you ever made out in a park?
Can you do splits?
Hell no.
What movie do you want to see?
Sherlock Holmes, or something along that line.
Like your mobile phone? Or want a new one?
I love Dracula.
Do you prefer to call or text?
Are you one of those Twilight crazy people?
#$&*&%$^&&^%^&*%&*^#!!!!!! Yes...
Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a J?
Is it possible that you could be pregnant right now?
Where is the shirt you are wearing from?
Its a My Chemical Romance shirt.
Do you want your tongue pierced?
Have you ever fallen asleep while texting someone?
Do you have a reason to smile right now?
Do you smoke weed everyday?
Of course-.-
Have you ever gone camping?
Yes and I was crying by the second day because I missed my coffin.
Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friends?
Yes, during sleepovers.
Would you pay someone to kill the last person who hurt you a lot?
No, i'll do it myself.
Do you always care what you look like?
I've spent half a century looking like this, I'm used to myself by now.
What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?
Are you ready for kids now?
No, I'm not hungry now, but thank you.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
More than I would like to admit.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend smoked pot, would you care ?
Of course.
Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating?
Is your hair clean?
What should you be doing right now?
When was the last time you watched a horror movie?
Yesterday, I watched Coming Soon.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months?
Do you drop your phone a lot?
Have you met someone who has changed your life?
What means the most to you in the whole entire world?
A lot of people, theatre, and my writing.
Have you made any new friends this year?
Yes, many
This survey gets REAL personal, are you sure you're ready?
I hope I am.
How are you doing today?
Could be better.
Do you plan on lying?
No, I plan on avoiding.
What were you doing last night at 10?
Talking to Fart on the phone.
How many tattoos do you have? And how many do you want?
None, and many.
What’s something you’re not looking forward to?
Do you think it’s a bunch of bull shit when people say “I have no regrets"?
not really.
Who got you the jewelry you’re wearing?
I'm not wearing jewelry
There's a serial killer inside your house. What do you do?
There is a serial killer in my house, it's me.
Do you get scared during scary movies?
I scare scary movies through the screen.
Have you ever cried in front of your number one?
Number one?
Where do you want to live when you're older?
Was it a boy or a girl to last text you?
Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
Do you like hugs?
I love hugs.
Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed?
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
A filmmaker.
Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now?
What are you wearing on your feet?
You wake up, all your hair is gone, your first reaction?
I would call for Igor.
The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
Why so many questions about the last person I kissed? It was a one time occurrence and I don't even speak to that person any more.
Two days from today, where will you be?
Still here.
Bet you have a best friend, don't you?
Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it?
Is there someone you don't ever want out of your life?
Are relationships ever really worth it?
If I meet the right person, I would give up anything and it would be worth it.
Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Do you miss your past?
Where do you think your number 1 is?
Is the last person you kissed older than you?
Are you wearing something you borrowed from someone?
What color shirt are you wearing?
When you sleep on your bed, is stuff usually on it?
What do you currently hear right now?
Thunder, still.
What are you planning on doing after this?
Are you gonna be home tonight?
Do you slam doors when you're mad?
I break them.
What do you want in your life right now?
Have you held hands with anyone in the past 48 hours?
Is your room messy or clean?
It's clean except for the dead body on the floor.
When was the last time you had a real smile on your face?
Do you tell your best friend EVERYTHING?
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Do you have feelings for anyone?
Is it easy to make you smile?
Has anyone told you they don't ever wanna lose you?
Not, really.
Is there something bothering you?
Do you like one of your friends?
I like all of them.
Are you single?
Do you want to be?
I don't know.
Whats the one thing you cant live without?
When's the last time you kissed someone?
Early this year.
What don't you like about them?
Who do you spend most of your time with?
Blondes or brunettes?
How do you know when you're in love?
I start thinking of them when I write.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What is on your mind?
What do you think about liars?
Where would you rather be right now?
Tan or Pale?
Anything's fine.
What did you do today?
Nothing really.
Have you ever liked somebody that didnt like you back?
What did you eat today?
I told you. My neighbor.
Were you honest this whole survey?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Because of the impact, Vincent gets thrust into the small space between life and the afterlife. The small space is a huge mansion, The Registry Office of Dead Souls, where dead souls come in to get registered so they can move to the afterlife. There are many rooms in the house where the staff stay and the entire first floor is an office. Vincent goes to register to move on to the afterlife, but is turned away because he has murdered a person.
He is attacked by an entire group because of his acts and blacks out. He wakes up to find his dead sister, Violet, who died falling off a horse, taking care of him in his fainted state. He asks her what she is doing there and she states that the office had a job space open and so she decided to take it. He asks her what is going to happen to him and she leads him to seven different rooms in the house. She tells him he has to do his time according to his sin.
The first room is labelled Greed and is put aside for the rich, and mean. The second room is Envy, filled with people who covet. The third room is Sloth, and is filled with lazy people. The fourth room, Pride is filled with arrogant people. The fifth room, Lust has a sign that says "Only 18 and Above". Vincent and Violet shake their heads and move on to the sixth room, Gluttony, filled with people who eat too much. The last room Wrath has a sign underneath that says "For the hot-tempered and the murderers. ESPECIALLY for the murderers."
Violet sends him into the room and he spends about five minutes getting bullied and annoyed by the rest of the angry people, who insist they don't want him in the room. Violet comes back and asks him to come out. She tells him that he can get a job in the kitchen if he doesn't want to stay in the room, but he will have to work hard. He tells her he will do anything and he gets the job, but ends up having to work with Alvin again.
Their situation is made even worse because the Registry Office of Dead Souls is hosting a big scale event and wants to beat the Registry Office of Thoughts and Feelings, who is trying to sabotage the event as much as they can. Alvin and Vincent have to work together to make it a success. In the end, Alvin and Vincent's sister move on to the afterlife, while Alvin still has to do his time in the kitchen, still getting letters from them every week.
Monday, November 30, 2009
I'm still grateful for everything that makes me happy
Like all the almost simple things like waking up with the sun goes down
Tokio Hotel's Automatic keeps playing on MTV
I still get so proud every time its' being played because they've come so far
I love them.
I've been sleeping at 5am every morning
Life in the dark is good
Both ways, metaphorically and literally
Man, am I depressed.
Will come back when I feel better but the fanfiction ideas are pouring in.
I guess if I'm depressed I should be depressed, but I won't let it hurt the love I have for the only thing that won't fail me, the fandoms.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Seth stomped through the mud path leading to the Cullen's house. Normally werewolves couldn't stand the smell of vampires but ever since imprinting on one, the guy had grown to actually like it. He rang the doorbell twice, and thunder sounded above, not a good sign. He could see the lights in the Cullen house flicker on and he sighed with relief as the doorknob rattled and the door opened.
Jasper smiled at the wet Seth and moved aside to let him come in. Seth couldn't hear any other movement in the house.
"Where are the rest?"
"Edward and Emmett have gone out of the state hunting, Carlisle and Esme are in Iceland, and Alice and Rosalie have gone on a shopping trip to Milan."
"So, everyone's out of Forks?" Seth took off his jacket making to put it on the sofa but Jasper took it from him instead, draping it over his shoulder to get it out of the way.
"Which leaves just us both here." Jasper took Seth by the wrist and led him to the fireplace to dry whatever his own hot werewolf skin hadn't. Seth shuddered at the touch, he hadn't gotten used to his icy skin yet. He sat in front of the fireplace until it became too stuffy and he moved to the couch instead. Jasper hung his jacket on the mantlepiece and sat beside him. They both stared at each other, barely flinching until he spoke.
"What what?"
"What what what?" Seth scowled.
"You know, when the rest come back, they'll be complaining about a wet dog smell on the couch." Jasper took his hands off his lap and laid an arm around Seth, putting the other one on the arm of the couch. Seth rolled his eyes and looked out the window. The outside was a dull grey, even the trees and the sea were grey.
"You know you want to," Jasper said his annoying sing song voice. God, he thought Edward was the one in the family who could read minds. Seth got up to his knees on the sofa and curled up in Jasper's lap, fitting perfectly in between his legs. He folded his arms and felt Jasper's hot breath on the back of his neck. Even his breathing was annoying.
"You know, I don't get what's so bad about a wet dog smell." Seth's heart skipped a beat. He turned in Jasper's lap and put his head on his cold shoulder, fiddling with one of the buttons on his designer coat. Jasper slid both his hands around Seth's waist, and brought his mouth closer to his ear.
"I like dogs."
That's it. Seth grabbed both of Jasper's hands and wrestled the annoying ass to the ground, pinning him there until Jasper gasped out.
"Poodles! I meant, poodles! I like, poodles!"
"You better." He released the gasping Jasper, but not before giving him a quick kiss, and got off the ground. He grabbed his jacket from the mantelpiece and moved towards the the door. Jasper got off the ground as well and followed him.
"You're leaving? Wait, Seth!" Seth opened the door and stopped, turning to look back at him.
"You're going to leave me here all alone?"
"Well, I don't know, maybe, yes," Seth replied, putting on his jacket and heading out into the gloomy rain. Jasper called out.
"We have umbrellas!" He swore he heard a low growl replying him from the distance, and went back in smiling.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Not Jacob and Edward, because that would be too obvious
It's Seth + Jasper.
Seth because I think he's the only good looking werewolf except for Jacob in the Twilight Saga movies.
He's being played by Boo Boo Stewart
And Jasper because I like Jasper.
Going Somewhere?
Sam wasn't listening, again. When did he ever listen in the first place?
"But, hasn't a male werewolf ever imprinted on another dude? I mean, it's possible right? Leah's imprinted on Mike."
"It's different, Leah's a female. You're a boy, and why the hell would you want to imprint on another male werew-" the older guy stopped, his eyes widening. He rushed forward and put his hands on either arm of the chair Seth was in. Seth was a werewolf, sure but Sam still dwarfed him.
"Seth Clearwater, you're not?"
"No! No, I was just, curious!" Seth said quickly, trying to put as much space between him and the Alpha, who straightened up, still not convinced. He crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes.
"You do know we can look into your mind when we're wolves, don't you?" Seth raised his hands.
"Honest!" Sam threw his arms up into the air.
"Teenagers. That's why we wanted to wait till you were 17, like we did with Jacob."
Emily had excellent timing, she entered the room right then. As always, Sam was too caught up staring at her pretty face and touching her hair and looking at her eyes, and gross, Seth couldn't go there and not expect to throw up. He grabbed another muffin and snuck out of the house, heading down the path and into the forest.
He pushed past the trees and came face to face with the vampire he'd been waiting to see. Jasper Hale stood in front of him, tall and pale, his skin sparkling in the light, hands clasped in front of him, making him look, elegant.
"What did he say?" he asked, each word perfectly articulated.
"He said it was impossible, and he asked me if I was gay."
"Oh." Seth thrust the muffin into Jasper's icy hands and kept walking. Jasper stared at it, confused, before running to catch up with him.
"Hey, you know we don't eat right?" he said, once again, right in front of Seth, who stopped and glared at him, deciding to try and outrun the annoying bloodsucker. He had already disappeared into the trees. Jasper stared after him smiling and said out loud.
"You know, you can't outrun a vampire, Seth!" He threw the muffin on the forest floor where the bugs soon caught up with it and ran after Seth. Seth called back out to him, laughing, before turning into a wolf.
"You know, you can't outrun a werewolf, Jasper!" He continued till he knew it must have been a mile, before stopping at a clearing and looking back, surveying the forest for movement, there wasn't anyone there. Maybe Jasper hadn't decided to follow him, or it was true, vampires couldn't outrun werewolves.
"Something funny, Seth?" said an all too familiar voice behind him. Seth turned to see Jasper standing right in front of him, for the third time, barely out of breath, and looking just as elegant as he had before the chase. He moved forward, barely altering the forest floor till there was little to no space between the two of them.
Seth moved back, into the sun and Jasper followed, making up for the distance. His skin sparkled again once it touched the sunlight and Seth was tempted to touch it to see if it felt like how it looked, like diamonds. He felt pressure on his hips and wasn't surprised to see Jasper's cold hands there, holding him gently but firmly enough so he couldn't move away again.
"Going somewhere?" he asked, barely waiting for a reply, instead bending down and kissing Seth on the lips. Few things could make a werewolf's pulse quicken, and Jasper Hale was one of them. He straightened up again too quickly and Seth stared as Jasper stepped back, arms outstretched, silently daring him to move closer. The vampire had the most annoying smile on his face as he turned and ran off into the forest, leaving a confused werewolf in his wake.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
How dare anyone try to make a fool out of someone like him.
The reason Marilyn Manson wears a light colored contact lens in one eye is in memory of a dog he used to have
And the dog had eyes like that
And how fucking dare anybody say such a thing about him.
Just because somebody looks or acts differently it doesn't mean that they're evil
Marilyn is far from evil
In face, I can name a hundred retards I know personally, that are more evil than him.
I don't care if you're Bill O' Reilly or some other bloody asshole
If anyone says one bad word about Marilyn Manson, i'll hunt you down myself.
Male vampire Vlad repeatedly tries to kill himself because he does not want to be a vampire. Using bullets, stakes etc. His assistant Bigfoot assists him but somehow nothing he does works. He gives up and sits by the fireplace, feeling sorry for himself. He screams "I WANT DEATH." Frankensteins monster, Death, comes up to the door with a basket, selling cakes. Bigfoot opens the door for her and asks if Vlad wants any. Vlad buys all of the cakes. While Bigfoot is searching for money Death comes in and explores. She decided to try and put herself in Vlad's coffin to try. Vlad walks over to his coffin and opens it to take his toothbrush and is taken aback when he finds Death inside. He asks her for her name and she says "Death".
Vlad mumbles to himself about finding "Death". Vlad explains to her his unfortunate predicament. She tells him not to die. She gets out of the coffin, gives him the toothbrush and tries to go out of the room, but Vlad calls after her asking if he would help him get over his addiction to trying to die. She promises and when Bigfoot comes back in to give her the money, she declines and gives them the cakes for free.
The next day, Vlad visits Death in her house as she is baking. He tells her about the promise she made and she lets him in, provided he helps her with the baking. He starts rambling about how nice it would be to die and she gets angry and upset, advancing on him with a rolling pin and hitting him on the head with it. She explains that she had died before and proceeds to recall a flashback. She sees herself riding a horse and falling off it into a river, being swept away by the current. She recalls a dark, horrible place filled with muck, sadness and other frightening dead souls. The flashback goes away and the scene returns to her sobbing on Vlad's shoulder.
He asks her what happened afterwards and she says she found herself, days later, alive in a laboratory with electric currents running through her. She talks about Doctor Oblivious, the mad scientist who brought her back from the dead. Vlad shows interest in going to see Doctor Oblivious and she brings him to see Doctor Oblivious, who, along with his assistant Igor welcomes both of them warmly. Vlad tells him he does not want to be a vampire,and if there was a way to turn him back into a human without dying. Doctor Oblivious says that he knows that there is a way to reverse the change, although he does know know what it is unless he can find it in his library.
Vlad and Death leave with a promise from Doctor Oblivious that he will find a way to turn Vlad into a human. On the way home, Death falls down and cuts her knee on a rock. Vlad takes her to a river, where she has a flashback of being swept away with the current and she starts crying, before fainting on that rock and begging him to leave. Vlad drinks the blood from her knee as he can find nothing to wipe it away with, bandages her knee with his shirt, and goes off. A villager walks past and sees Death. Horrified, he runs off to tell the rest of the village.
The frightened villagers agree to kill Death, believing her to be a monster. They break into Death's house the next day and stab her with a pitchfork. An unknowing Vlad comes to visit her, concerned, but finds her near dead. He carries her to Doctor Oblivious' house where Doctor Oblivious takes out the pitchfork and tries to make her better, although her situation is dire. He gives Vlad a vial telling him that drinking the liquid inside it will turn him into a human. Vlad takes the vial home and ponders over it.
He is approached by Bigfoot who asks him what he is going to do with the vial, and if he plans to drink it. Vlad says he does not know, and confesses that he has feelings for Death. Bigfoot tells him to turn her into a vampire and he says he can't because she isn't human, at which point Bigfoot points to the Vial. Vlad runs to Doctor Oblivious' house. He finds Death, and pours the liquid into her mouth. She shudders and goes weak, much near death, and he bites her. She lies asleep for 3 days and then wakes up.
She notices she has fangs, and her fingernails are clear, like glass. She calls for Vlad, who has been sleeping on the floor beside her bed and he tells her what he has done. She asks him why he did not choose to use the liquid on himself and he tells her he wanted her to have it, at which point she asks him what he was planning to do now. Vlad says the only reason he did not want to be a vampire was because he would be immortal, and he would have to spend eternity alone. The reason he doesn't mind being a vampire now was because he finally has someone to spend eternity with.
She asks him who, not believing that it could be her, and he tells her that he wishes to spend eternity with her. They kiss. The time jumps to three days later, when Death is feeling better. Her stitches have fallen off and she looks human. So does Vlad. She thanks Doctor Oblivious and Igor. They move into Vlad's house, and live there with Bigfoot. The ending sees them both walking through the village marketplace and meeting the villager who led to her death, and they both attack him. They drink his blood, before walking off into the sunset together.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
So anyway, today I was bored
And I was inspired by The L Word,the way Alice made the chart
So I decided to go make one for Disney
Which shows who has dated who, how they are related and whatever, it was sunny so I couldn't go out
For example, from this chart you can examine Taylor Swift.
She is rumored to be dating Taylor Lautner, who was rumored to be dating Selena Gomez, who has dated Nick Jonas, who is brothers with Joe Jonas, who has dated Taylor Swift
So what goes around comes around
I think Miley and Joe should date because she's the biggest whore and he's the greatest womanizer in the chart.