You guys are twenty now I know you two were jealous when Tokio Hotel went to Las Vegas and only Georg could get into the casinos Now you only have one year left to wait Ich Liebe Dich, and your album Humanoid will turn out epic
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I think the Count in Nosferatu is the cutest vampire in the world Except for Edward Cullen But still, he's so creepy and gothic and evil and so cool I want to look like him
Goodbye DJ AM Although I only loved your Travis Barker collaborations You were an awesome DJ Rest in Peace
Happy Birthday Michael You would have turned 51 today I hope you're resting peacefully up there I love and really respect you Thank you for everything you've done
Got the result slip yesterday And I failed 4 out of 8 subjects tested I have nobody but myself to blame Thank you mom and dad, for understanding, and not yelling at me for my marks or anything You guys know I hate failing anything and I promise, this end of years I will do well and make you guys proud
My mother came for the talk for parents And she said it was good It was nice for me also, although they didn't let students in So me and Zi Qi and Jie'r sat outside the PAT until 9 pm talking and fangirling and waiting for our parents Jie'r has influenced me to listen to The Gazette now
The school is very quiet at night But it wasn't that quiet yesterday because the NPCCs were having a campfire The school's very creepy at night also because Crescent has a lot of ghost stories And barely any of the lights were on
Also, that woman actually dared to smile at me and my mother I told my mother about her all the way to the car and she agrees that that woman is a horrible teacher I mean the whole world agrees after all >:(
Anyways, Agnes is watching Final Destination 4 And I want to watch it also but unfortunately, it's M18 I can't wait for the DVD this time because in theatres, it's 3D And I want to see people rest in pieces in 3D Bloody hell:(
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I have not thing to post about cause life is depressing But anyways, I started a new play.
Scene opens showing a deserted street next to three apartment blocks with papers, rubbish, dirt all over. An overflowing trash can is at the side. A “Missing Person: Offering $5000 if not found” poster is on one wall and on the other end, a “Wanted Kidnapper: Rewarding Eternal Peace if found” poster is on the other. A young woman, Gayle, is sweeping the rubbish off her doorstep with a broom and onto her neighbor’s. A man, Frank, walks into the scene smoking a cigarette and stops to read the “Wanted” poster.
Gayle: They never pay up. Don’t even bother.
She opens her house door and goes inside it carrying the broom. Closes door behind her. The door of another apartment block opens and another young lady, Emily, steps out of it carrying a broom. She proceeds to start sweeping all the rubbish on her doorstep to Gayle’s doorstep. Frank walks over to the Missing Person poster and starts reading it.
Frank: If not found?
Emily: Some people are better left lost, Mister. Finishes sweeping the rubbish onto Gayle’s doorstep and picks up a watercan to water the dead flowers in a flowerpot. What’s a well-dressed man like you doing on a street like this anyway? If you’re a spy, you’re not very undercover you know.
Frank: I’m not…
Emily: Well I’m glad you know…
Frank: I mean, I’m not a spy. I’m Frank Arthur Holds out his hand for a handshake
Emily: Puts watercan down and shakes his hand awkwardly Emily Black. You’re a weird guy.
Frank: I’ve been told. But my friends call me Frank.
Emily: What does your wife call you?
Frank: I don’t have a wife. Never married, never tried.
Emily: I see…
Short pause. Frank sits down on the steps of Emily’s apartment block. She sits down beside him.
Emily: What are you doing here anyway?
Frank: A real-estate agent promised us a good deal on an apartment here. He was supposed to meet me here. I guess I’m early.
Emily laughs loudly
Frank: Laughs along. What's so funny?
Emily: And I thought no one would actually want to live here! Wipes a tear You’re mentally stable aren’t you?
Frank: I doubt I am. But what’s wrong with here? This seems like a nice place, from what I’ve seen.
They stare at each other for a while
Emily: I don’t think you are. Besides, everyone who lives here is insane anyway…
Frank: What do you mean?
Emily: OCD spreads like the flu. We have vaccinations for the seasonal demonic possession. Good old Arthur from that block would treat them nods towards right side of stage but who exorcises the exorcist? He was one of the longest lasting. Died about five months after he started speaking backwards.
Frank: I'm...a pentecostal.
Emily: Keep telling yourself that, Mr Frank Arthur, and you'll be just fine.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Panic! at the Disco's video for New Perspective is out I missed their old style, and this is closer to that The song's so nice, and Brendon and Spencer can work those the Men in Black costumes so well I almost died And the photo op collection at the end, so cute
Cinema Bizarre's album Bang was released on iTunes today So this means, its Bangday And all the little freaks in the world shall come celebrate together If my computer wasn't being gay, I would download everything And I will download everything, soon I need to find the video when they talked with Miyavi as soon as possible It's so important to me, and Jie'r too
I'm starting to hate Literature because of you But I won't hate it Cause I realized I can never hate Literature and you will never make me no matter how horrible my marks are, and I can only hate you instead So go fuck a toaster and turn it on >:(
Monday, August 24, 2009
Cinema Bizarre's album BANG! is coming out tomorrow August 25th omg And they mentioned Miyavi on Twitter They said:
Wir hatten ein Interview mit Miyavi letztes Jahr wenn ihr wissen wollt, was passiert ist, schaut in die neue Ausgabe der ROCK NOW! Kiss/Play
Direct English translation:
We had an interview with Miyavi last year when you know want, what happened, look on the new edition of the ROCK NOW! Kiss/Play
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The original version of Desolation Row was better than I expected it to be Even better than the My Chemical Romance one
I can see why Gerard would call Death Before Disco the best song they ever wrote It's a nice anti-party party anthem, but I don't kid It's not their best:( The Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge album, was their best
I think I almost died Cause Tokio Hotel's song Automatic, from their New Album Humanoid And Bill's voice and Tom's guitar and Georg's Bass and Gustav's Drumming are electric ELECTRIC I TELL YOU Bill looks so hot in the picture by the way
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Before it's too late
Happy Birthday Strify<3 Best thing today was watching Queen videos on youtube during Angklung And helping Fart with her play Other than that, the day sucked Kris
Teachers are assholes Most of them
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I can't get over how hot Adam's makeup and dressing is in this video
And seeing him almost cry in Black and White is so heartbreaking yet adorable He deserves everything good that has ever happened to him
I'm quite a retard My tweet about American Idol when I said
Happy Birthday Ratna, fellow Glambert:D I still remember arguing with you during OBS and winning every time But that has stopped, or rather, decreased mostly since Adam has come into our lives We have converted so many closet Glamberts And thank you for forcing me to do Emath and Amath, since I hate math
Happy Birthday Madonna, Queen of Pop and Queen of Fashion You're our last hope for Good Music Besides Ozzy and Marilyn Please take care, and don't overwork yourself with your 2 hour workouts every day You're Sticky and Sweet tour is going awesome Love you
And, Elvis, King of Rock and Roll It's your death anniversary but you're still as alive as ever I hope it's nice up there in heaven and you're having a great time with Freddie and Michael I don't really know you're music, but you're an amazing person with an amazing personality Thank you for everything
Went out with Geraldine today Haven't seen that dodo for so long She's changed cause she doesn't eat slowly anymore, and she ate more than me So I can't bully her for that any more:( We visited her mother's boutique Rel Concept I got a shirt
It's such a cute place, and her parents were so nice It's at #04-14A City Plaza and if you tell them you're Geraldine's friend you'll get a discount Of course only if you're Geraldine's friend Don't go telling them you're Geraldine's friend if you don't know her at all The next stock will feature some clothes that she designed herself so you should go look at it And recommend the store to any friends with blogshops also
Friday, August 14, 2009
Turn on, Tune in, Drop out
Happy 40th Anniversary Woodstock 3 days of good music It was total magic and freedom, I wasn't born yet, but your legacy is still here
And, Happy Birthday Joe Jonas Thank you for being so cute and adorable and funny
You can't sing, but still Love you
She's a Killer Queen. Gunpowder,Gelatin. Dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind.
Either it's me. Or the artwork at the beginning of Stand My Ground by Within Temptation Reminds me so much of the artwork at the beginning of Killer Queen
It's probably the same style anyways The lion in the Killer Queen one is a part of the Queen's logo Such a pretty logo.
Get Well Soon, Kasabian I can't believe the whole band got infected by Swine Flu Bloody Fuck Take care please Tokio Hotel<3 Don't get sick:(
Damn common tests All of them, almost all of them were such Kris's I swear, but we got back physics results today And, the whole combined science class passed I got an A2:)
Anyway, Lady Gaga came to Singapore And, I missed it bloody hell I missed the concerts of one of the most inspirational women in the world:( Who has met Marilyn Manson and worked with him Not once, but twice She came for Singtel AMPed as well She promised to wear her bubble outfit, which makes me wonder if she did.
Oh and by the way Happy Birthday Mother I hope you liked the roses The black roses were so pretty but I remembered you were the only normal member of our family So I got you white ones instead Dad got her a white gold necklace with a purple gold pendant, so cool
Finally, I got an email about a Playback Theatre session next Sunday And it'll be nerd-free, hopefully Don't get me wrong, nerds are nice people Just, annoying Smart people are fine But nerds who talk about school all the time, so annoying
Anyways, I feel quite happy that I kicked you today I'm sorry, but it made me feel a lot better Cause sometimes you're more annoying than me
And, this month's issue of Elle magazine is going to be so cool Not only is Adam going to be in it Even the fact that Kris and Allison are also going to be in it will not ruin anything But Ed Westwick and Leighton Meester will be in it too And they'll be going goth
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Teen Choice Awards 09 winners list is here:) Twilight was leading by 12 nominations and it won 9 Awards Including Choice Movie: Drama and Choice Movie: Romance and Choice Music: Soundtrack Choice Movie Actor: Drama for Robert Pattinson, Choice Movie: Fresh Face Male for Taylor Lautner, and Choice Movie Actress: Drama for Kristen Stewart I support Robsten by the way. They make such a nice couple.
Gossip Girl won 4 awards For Choice TV Show, and Choice TV Villain for Ed Westwick, Choice TV Actor for Chace Crawford and Choice TV Actress for Leighton Meester The Jonas Brothers hosted and performed at the show and won 5 awards including Choice Music: Album (group), Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon (Male) and Choice Breakout TV show for JONAS Frankie Jonas won Choice TV: Breakout Star Male
David Archuleta won 3 awards for Choice Music Love Song, Choice Music Breakout Artist and Choice Music Even though he didn't attend the Award Show Miley Cyrus won 6 awards including Choice Movie Actress: Music/Dance and Choice TV Show: Comedy Britney won the Ultimate Choice Award of course:)
Fred won Choice Web Star And American Idol won Choice TV: Reality Music Competition I bet it's cause of Adam:) Wth. Ryan Seacrest won Choice TV Personality >:[ But, Obama's dog won Choice Celebrity Pet, so cute:)
National Day, again The worst day on earth. Disgusting I tell you I hate Singapore I didn't watch the parade on TV since I already went to the preview with Siti And honestly the only thing nice, was the cute lion and maybe the Malay song "Selamat Datang", not the National Anthem
The story of Sang Nila Utama is so dumb Singapore doesn't even have lions wth How could he have seen one Blind... I watched Camp Rock, and Jimmy Kimmel instead
And then, I became depressed after just 10 minutes of trying to watch Singapore Idol It was horrible So I switched off the TV and came on the computer I want to get out of Singapore so badly right now It's killing me to just stay here Just take me away.
Friday, August 7, 2009
So I was watching The Ring 2 in the living room Since I was too scared to watch it in my cold, dark room alone And Mother was watching Nigella Lawson And Nigella Lawson was making mixed nuts, and she kept saying the word nuts What the hell
Anyways, went out with Jaymann and Atikah today to Ikea cause my mother wanted me to pick up some stuffs And Siti came with us for a while Jaymann was so funny with her "There! There! Rolling pin" and her "I want to buy the cactus" Then Siti had to leave, and we sat at Queensway's Mcdonalds eating ice cream And then walked around Queensway and Anchorpoint:)
Nicole gave me an idea for a play So I wrote a play based on her idea, it's called Turtles When she first said she wrote a compo about Turtles I almost died But then it was such a good plot So I made it into a play and Nicole approves of it:) It's here We're going to be collaborating on a Harry potter fanfic after the common tests
National Day was alright by the way Of course, pretending to love Singapore is not easy But with S2B it's much easier I guess the national songs are nice But the lyrics are pure propaganda >:[
The Angklung performance was okay Missed a lot of notes, making me a bad Angklung Section Leader But still, it was okay Your were hanging in the corner with your 5 best friends I heard that you were trouble but I couldn't resist
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Common tests are next week and, class tests Failed Amath Failed Emath Failed Biology
I hate you I wish you would just die I'm done trying to make you be happy for me Cause I know you're a big fat liar And you want to make yourself seem better every time Even though you don't know the meaning of working hard Go to hell
And I hate you, teacher Cause you think you're the only teacher ever I used to like you, but now no more You're just another one of them
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Happy Birthday Romeo Love you<3
They found the light switches. Now, it was easy to see which ones were really gay and which ones were just in it for the fun. Those who had never felt even the least bit hot for a guy left the club as things started to get heated in the darkness. Too much for the "barsexual" homophobic freaks. He slid easily into the crowd and found me waiting for him, just like that.
Just a few touches and it was on. The heavy groping, the "only for tonight" dirty words whispered into each others ears. I could barely see his face through the red light. But I knew what Adam Lambert could do. He could make you feel like the hottest thing in that room, or the least interesting. You couldn't say no to this man. Feeling the heat radiating off his body as he inched closer. And then,
"Wait, are you Adam Lambert?"
He turned, smiling like he did for every fan. The soft light was glinted off his teeth and he looked like, a vampire. The short dude in front of him was clearly mesmerized.
"Yes I am."
"My boyfriend and I are huge fans. Could you maybe, give me an autograph,". Groupie.
"Sure," he took the piece of paper, "to whom?" Excellent. Adam the nicest guy on earth couldn't spend just one fucking minute with his real boyfriend without talking to someone else. Not that we were boyfriends, well. I left the dance floor. He would come find me, soon. In a million years.
I sat down on a bar stool and looked away. As far away as I could from the spot he was at I heard footsteps behind me.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just don't feel good." A short pause, I fiddled around with my nails, not really paying attention. He looked at me for a while. Not really understanding, but understanding a little.
"You've been acting strange lately, Brad. I was thinking, the fans, the paparazzi, it must be getting to you. It's getting to me too, sometimes I wish it would all just go away. You're my only escape from all this, and I can't bear seeing you like this," he took one of my hands in one of his own.
Sometimes, when you love someone, and you hold their hand. It feels like home. It feels like coming back to your room after a long day at work. That was how my hand felt in Adam's, but it shouldn't. I realized I was tearing. He took my head and put it against his chest, stroking my hair.
"You keep saying you love me, all the time. You don't realise how much it kills me knowing we're not together. It's no more just about the sex, Adam. I think, I'm in love with you." He held his hand still for a while, still in my hair for a while. My heart stopped. But he started his soft caresses again, this time gentler, like they had meaning.
"I love you too, Brad. And I mean it this time." I felt his lips on the top of my head as we snuggled closer and I knew he did.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Paris Hilton is so disgusting Quoted from
"Also, Paris has revealed that Michael Jackson liked the name Paris so much, that he asked Paris’ mother if it was okay to name one of his children Paris. Too bad Michael isn’t around to deny that story."
That's just dumb and egoistic Michael named his daughter Paris because she was conceived when he and Debbie Rowe were on honeymoon there He said so himself in his biography I really don't think Michael would have wanted to name his daughter after a stupid slutty whore Who wasn't even that famous twelve years ago >:[
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Just looked at the Billboard chart rankings for this week Michael Jackson has 4 songs on the European Hot 100 And Love Game by Lady Gaga has gone down one position from last week to become #8 on the Billboard Top 100 And it's also #2 on the Pop Charts and #10 on the Dance/Club Chart
But the Marilyn Manson remix was better It's faster, and doesn't sound that sped up or slowed down And Marilyn Manson and Lady Gaga's voice mix perfectly Of course you can't believe it until you hear it
And, The weekend is almost over And its 5 days till the next weekend starts I have two stupid tests tomorrow, and one on Tuesday I remember during Physics on Friday
Mrs Tan: *Gives me back the testpaper* Nishan, I expected you to do better Me: But, I still got an A1...
YOU SEE D: And I'm having Monday blues again Lucky there's Adam in this world or I'll just die
But, I finished watching Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and Mean Girls High School Movies are so nice to watch I wonder why Lindsay Lohan turned out like how she is now She used to be so nice
So this is Cinema Bizarre's new single And it's produced by RedOne Who also produced Just Dance for Lady Gaga, and he also worked with Adam<3 Of course, Adam deserves to only work with the best Cinema Bizzare's album is coming out in 10 Days And Tokio Hotel's Album is coming out on the 2nd of October I can't wait
Evertime I wear my Tokio Hotel shirt I get funny comments Today Ronnie asked me "Which one is the girl" Bill is not a girl, he's so cute D:
And pretty And he also couldn't believe Bill and Tom were twins If they were not twins There wouldn't be any Twincest And what world would it be without Twincest:(