I take the train every day ever since my mother decided to part with our beloved car
The one with the spiderweb sticker on the side
She thought a car was too much trouble so she sold it, and I didn't even get to keep the spiderweb sticker
So I'm taking the train every day, almost
I guess I found out the only thing I'm afraid of getting run over by the train.
And I'm so afraid of it that it's becoming an obsession.
I want to know what happens if I were to fall onto the tracks right when the train is five feet away from me, and I couldn't get away fast enough.
There are plenty of things that could happen to me.
1. I could stand up and run like the wind to the other end until the train stops, and then get off. This is very unlikely because trains are fast, unlike me, and I won't be able to avoid it.
2. I could do what would be wise, which would be to scurry under the platform, where they is a small space you could escape and just get my ears blown off by the defeaning noise instead.
3. If i'm right in the middle and I have no time to get up, I could watch as the train comes closer, then slices me not very neatly in half as it slides forward on the metal thing in the middle that I will be lying down on, having fallen down.
4. If I'm on either sides of the track, on the rocks parts, I'd probably have the worst. I first be crushed, and almost dead. Then my bloody-half corpse would be dragged until the train stops. If someone realizes, the train might never move and I'd just die there. Or, if no one realizes and I haven't died, the train will start up agin and I'd be dragged until enough bits of me get torn off, and then I die.
5. If my day is really, extremely unlucky, I might die before even getting to the platform. Escalators are deathly things and if the step I'm standing on gives way and falls inward, I'd be plunged into a rotating mess of gears and it might just feel like I've been put in a blender. Cream of Nishan doesn't sound too appetizing, but the people that were lucky enough to be standing in front and behind on the escalator me would get a taste.
I did give this plenty of thought, more than I should have
Still, I will take the trains to school and if I do die, touch wood, then, well unlucky for me I suppose
Maybe I'll throw a camera onto the tracks in front of a train and see what happens
If I do, I'll tell you.
If I really do get run over a train and I die, I'll still come back and tell you in my deformed, crushed, mutated form.