What with this new technology around
It means everyone will be typing; they would all be glued to the Internet, and increase in myopia would be imminent.
No personality in Crescent anymore:(
I mean, would you feel better if someone wrote you a letter with a great big

on the top. Or of someone typed you a letter that said “Hello”
So now my tablet PC is sleeping in it’s box, I haven’t taken it out yet
The box was so heavy! And half of it was Styrofoam.
I like Micheal Jackson songs:D
They say Criss Brown and his sister, Lil’ Mama are the next Micheal and Janet Jackson
That’s just silly
If I were to think of a singer, that could be the next Micheal Jackson
I would think of Justin Timberlake, except that he’s not a pedophile:)
Justin Timberlake, like Micheal Jackson, has singing talent, can actually play an instument, and can dance
Unlike the two rappers in question
And since when did Rap and Pop music become the same thing?
The mainstream mtv subculture has messed everything up:(
Not good,as long as they don't start stereotyping again
I'm tired of telling poeple that satanism is not a trend,but a religon
And I am not a satanist
I mean,if you are a satanist thats all fine,I have nothing against you
But it's just not for me