The view below was particularly pretty:) Don't you think so
I found this flower all by itself in a clump of leaves,and it's so sweet:)
And so are the mouldies on this dead leafy
And speaking of unnaturally spelt words
English lesson was very entertaining
English lessons are always entertaining,what with Mr Poon's dry sense of humor
But this one was more so
Yes,I cannot stress how much I despise such terms
If you were to send me a message that said
"Hlo Nishan,lng tm no c"
I would be confused out of my wits
Whoever created this mania has to be sent to the gallows
Well don't curse me for cursing
At least I don't Tlk Lyk Dis
Well now,I have to go punch holies into my holy documants,and then file said holy documents in my holy file
Sometimes I think students are'nt getting much credit
If we were any dumber,we would have conversations like this
Teacher: Hello student. Here is your test results. I have marked them very unfairly but you should respect the marking anyway because I am much smarter than you.
Student: Thank you very much teacher. I completely agree with your statement and might I also add that I am a nerd,and I have no friends.
Teacher: That might have been the only useful thing you have said in your 13 years of existence on this planet,which is by the way,mine to rule beacue I am a teacher and you are a pupil. Now write me a one thousand word essay on why your intellect is inferior to mine or off with ye head.
I got the second paragraph from Brendon Urie. Panic! at the Disco,or should I say,Panic at the disco is an entertaining band:)It's sad the exclamation mark had to go.
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