Monday, March 31, 2008
And the line was on the rod
And the rod was in the hand
And the hand was on the arm
And the arm was on the boy
And the boy was on the rock
And the rock was in the stream
And the stream was on it's waaaaa-aaaaay
And the moon shone bright in the clear blue sky and all was bright and GAY
I just remembered this song:)
And it's a nice song:D
Accidently in Love is also a nice song
But the ending was not fair
Xin Yi is right
How can anyone like a tupid rabbit with a moustache and goatee?
And the guy inside making pancakes is just crazy.
Nevertheless,it's a sweet video,and song:)
And then I posted once
But then now I have 102 posts
Where did the extra post come from???
Tomorrow is April 1st
And Adelia and I are going to play really cool tricks on each other
Maths lesson was so funny!
That teacher is definitely GAY
His stick,and stupid microphone only emphasises the fact that he is GAY
So for maths I was unhappily doing the questions
And then the tupid GAY came along and said my presentation was all wrong
And so I had to redo,so being the defiant thing I am
I wrote as messily as I could so I could finish faster
And you know how messy my handwriting can get:)
English test tomorrow is going to be tupid
Tupid complain letter
All because of the donation running thingy on Friday!
Dumbledore is climbing to the top of his cage and falling down again
That's what all my hamsters did before they went cuckoo
All 30 over of them
How come everybody loves spamming my tagboard huh
Actually it's nice:)
They brighten up my days:)
When I was in the library,my computer suddenly blasted out music
Not just any music,King Diamond music
And King Diamond music is very loud
Speking of that.I would like to quote from Sound of the Beast-Heavy Metal
"Metal is not just the fashion and music,it's the whole lifestyle and attitude that comes along with it."
It was so,inspirational
I watched the Heroes Season 2 marathon yesterday
SYLAR !!!!!!!!! !
I'm glad he killed that Alejandro
But it only has 11 Episodes,what on earth?
Still,I hope it is as good as the last
And I have such a need for spoilers
Saturday, March 29, 2008
[La Rocque / Diamond]
Im in the hallway on the floor, I cannot stand the Dark no more
Oh I'm lighting candles everywhere
I try to keep the darkness out of here
Inside my mind nightmares are turning real
Oh inside my mind I can't control how I feel
Now I'm on the second floor, I cannot stand the Dark no more
Still Im lighting candles everywhere
I try to stay awake out of fear
Inside my mind nightmares are turning real
Oh inside my mind I can't control how I feel'
Or what is real
For the pictures in red, they are still in my head
How can I believe in all of the things I see
When there's a Floating Head outside watching me
[Solo : Mike]
The Floating Head has disappeared, I got to get some water in my face
I turn towards the mirror on the wall
The little sink is filling up, the water's cold
Inside my mind nightmares are turning real
Oh inside my mind I can't control how I feel.
Or what is real
For behind me is the wrinkled head of a woman who's dead
No body, just the head, strong hands around my neck
Forcing me under water, I'm drowning
Ah Ah Ah I got to breathe
Ah Ah Ah Got to break free
[Solo : Andy]
Inside my mind nightmares are turning real
Oh inside my mind I can't control how I feel
Or what is real
Lyrics taken from
You can find it in that,playlist thing I put down there
It's a nice song:)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Nishan: I smell ginger:)
Siti: I can't smell anything
Nishan: But I really smell ginger!
Siti: Maybe it's just you!:)
After a while...
Nishan: I smell ginger again!
Nishan: I really smell ginger!
Xue ling: ::Shakes head::
Nishan: =(
I'm doing history project at Wan Teng's house now:)
There seems to be a lot of potatoes here
For lunch she says it's potato potato potato
There seems to be many refrences to food in this post
I must be hungry:)
I declined eating breakfast today and instead decided to sleep for 30 more minutes
Since yesterday Nicole invited me to fuhua's cultural night
The NCC drummers were awesome:D
Nicole would know:)
Have to go do project now:)
I still like Nightwish's the best:)
I feel exceedingly bored today
I even counted trees as I walked home today
268 trees from Crescent to Tiong Bahru
I'm talking to Varuni now
The Marilyn Manson - The Nobodies: Against All Gods Remix is no different than the original,and the Burn 69 Mix is nothing like what Marilyn Manson would sing
Today during mass run I had a thought
What would happen if you fell down on a cone?
Will it just fall with you,or pierce you
Speaking of that,I had the NAPFA 5 items today
Last year I could'nt even do 1,now I did 5:)
It's not awesomely good,but it's good enough for me:)
But i'm still horrible at sports
AHA. I have been labelled.
You can guess if you want,i've been labelled a goth
Well,I was curious:)
But still,I would much prefer if I was normal
Labelled normal
Because I don't think I'm wierd at all,I think the world is wierd
Because no one in their right mind does not like Marilyn Manson I think:)
Adelia showed me a song today
It has a banana dancing,and the only lyrics were "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time"
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My tablet battery is low:(
I'm looking forward to Hippies on the history channel:)
Hippies seem like nice people,the love generation must have been a nice time
Sadly though,their numbers are dwindling
Since i'm bored,i'll do history notes:)
World War 2
Austria Hungary signed a treaty with Germany. Serbia signed a treaty with Russia. Britain signed a treaty with Japan. Italy signed a treaty with the United States. The Japanese introduced a type of suicide bombing “Kamikaze”,where pilots fly planes with just enough fuel to reach their target,and then crash.
An incident that shocked the Americans was the battle in Iwo Jima, a very small island. The Japanese fought so hard that about 7000 American soldiers has to be dispatched, making the ratio of Japanese soldiers to American soldiers 1:2. Still,the Americans were unable to take control of the island,so they had to find an alternative.
They developed 3 atomic bombs, one was a test bomb. The test bomb was so powerful, it could make an island disappear when set off. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, the second one was dropped on the 9th of August. Some Japanese went blind. Some suffered burns for the rest of their life. Those that lived further away suffered radiation damage, and gave birth to deformed children. The timely invention of the atomic bomb and the game of cheat played by the Japanese were the reason the war did not stretch for a few more months. The Singaporeans were overjoyed not because they loved the British, but because the British were very humane compared to the Japanese. The Japanese were forced to repay for their actions, and did so by repairing and paying for the damage from the war.
I really ______ hate ______ people
But they ______ don't ______ know it,I ______ wish they ______ did
Then they would ______ leave me alone
Use your colourful vocabularies
I'm Nishan,and I hate people
How dumb
They're dumb,
You heard that,BITCHES?
No,because you're too busy being a bitch
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I mean,last year it was all about being nice to everyone no matter what
But some people just cross the line
I mean,what's with being friends with you
And then hating you to the extent that,well you suck
And you're just nonsensse alright
I see you, and I feel sorry for you
Gentleman Marilyn Manson has said
It's just as scary being possessed by people as it is being possessed by the devil
I'm tired of manipulated and fabricated facts
I hate you,and that is certain
The cup is not half full,or half empty
It's just there
Phantasmagoria,the essence of every human being
Delusions,fantasies,illusions,and dreams
You think you have a whole posse underneath your belt?
Well think again,loser
It's a nice thought,that you have people behind you who care about you
It's also a nice thought,that you have enemies,because you know that you can never be like someone who hate
People need friends who are good for them,and good to them
They have to be good to said friends as well
And I have no intention of being good to you
So get lost,I mean it
I live in a house where we have Christmas trees with angels,and hang pagen symbols on our windows,what would you expect:)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
They put the funk in dysfunctional:)
And then I read Getting Opera:For the Cultivated yet Confused
I found a new way of using my tablet pc
I put it on the bed,and sit on the floor to use it
No,not carrot
Me and my frequent dalliance of real things
My skirt is below knee
I have to alter it a little:(
There's no proper drama classes in Singapore
Ever since drama enrichment i've been searching
But either they're too expensive,or are not in Singapore
I'm typing in very colourful posts nowadays:)
To make my blog brighter
And to overwhelm your brains with information:D
And then Mr Teo says that some places don't provide straws
And then you have to go find straws
Bring your own straws:D
Now they're using the mosquito repellent thingy in the air
It's not fair,when I go for mother tongue on tuesday they are fumigating over at that place
And on wednesdays they fumigate over here
And it's bad to breathe in the repellent thingy:(
Rainbows don't have enough colours:(
So I shall use white:)
Today’s assembly was actually good :D
The acting was so awesome :D
Was so funny:D
And then it was only after Xin Yi told me that the brick wall thing in the canteen was for the advertising of the show that I knew it was
Menakah said it was about the three little pigs
The first had a straw house
The second had a stick house
And the third had a brick house
So the brick house was the house of the third little piggy’s house :D
Adelia and I spammed Xin Yi’s blog:D
Haha,Xin Yi must be very very happy today:D
I told her to on her bluetooth many times
Ad she finally did,so now there’s a new way of communication
Adelia says that if you put your tablet on your lap to do work you can’t give birth
And you can die from the radiation, how scary
So I shall be far far away from my tablet whenever I use it
And we seriously have to DO LIT
Dara says DO LIT
And Jantu says DO LIT LAH EU
According to Xin Yi, Dara will then say to Jantu ,
“I thought you died already”
Xin Yi came to my house today:)
She said I look really different from my sister
Of course I do, I don’t look like anyone from my immediate family
I follow my grandparents:)
My eyes are the same as my grandmother's:D
Not only that,she listens to all those what I like to call
"MTV music"
Who am I to be brainwashed and addled by some poorly produced,nonsensical codswallop that is MTV
I shall quote from
Research has shown that 98 percent of MTV's audience exhibit an IQ below that of a rotting corpse.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Sec Ones
They seem to know me as the one who likes Exorcist films
It's all fine,I mean I do like Exorcist films
But it's sort of,unorthodox
When you think you know a person,and then they turn out to be completely different
I watched Countdown to Armageddon the other day
It was quite informative:)
I find it abnormal,that people would want so much to figure out the end of the world
I won't say much,since it is not my place to predict the end of days:)
I didn't get a wink of sleep last night
I lay awake staring at the ceiling
It's not my fault alright! The glow in the dark stars are pretty:)
So I was staring at the stars
And then before I knew it it was 6 am,and I had to get up
Just as I was starting to get sleepy
It rained today:)
And it was cold:)
The hot weather was starting to get bothersome
But I couldn't walk home,so that was sad
I found one of the videos I took during the My Chemical Romance concert
So I think,I will put it here:)
The sound quality isn't that good
Speaking of which,I haven't done any good fanfictions at the moment
Oh yes,and I like that teacher's wife's wedding dress
It's a gorgeous wedding dress
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Curse it all !!!
Come on,curse it
I'm sure you all have very colourful vocabularies :D
And projects,curse projects too =(
NEH. This is not fair=(
I'm complaining again,don't mind me:)
It's class time,and i'm doing my own dramatic version of Phantom of the Opera
I'm typing in blue:D
Blue is a nice colour:)
And so is black,but you could'nt see i if I typed it:)
How sad,if Marcus Poon were to enter class right now and see my adolescent agonising on the computer
Ah well..
I saw a flower today
It was orange
I thought it would have looked nicer if it was purple
Xin Yi says my handwriting is very bad
But I think it's very nice:D
Saturday, March 22, 2008
My mom think i'm doing homework,but i'm blogging!:D
Today is the premire of Life After People on the History Channel:)
And I watched Heroes yesterday
They havent shown Syler for a very long time:(
And Noah Benett has been shot,and reawakened
So I can't wait to see what happens next:)
"Someone else got to the human before you"
Nonsense,go and die
I talked to Nicole yesterday:D
She's the emcee for her school's speech day
And she gets to introduce herself as a prize winner:D
and her little brother is so cute:)
Nicole: What would you get if 10 people each had 3 metres of ribbon
Brother: Big ribbon
I have to really go do homework now:(
How sad is this
I guess I have no choice because SOME PEOPLE are old and stupid
And still want to give homework:(
I went to the MSN homepage link
"The Worst,most humiliating baby names ever"
I found the names to be nice actually
It would be nice if someone introuduced themselves to me as "Lust T. Castle"
It just started raining:)
I found our last year's PBL group's website in the PBL projects Gallery on the Crescent Homepage
That's good:)
But the pictures are all...not there
I go on Youtube alot,you can see how many youtube videos i've added to my blog
Well,there's a collage on Freddie Mercury's highest notes
He's flipping into falsetto,but it's still very good
His lowest note was a C2(somebody to love) and his highest was a G5(bring back that leroy brown)
Marilyn Manson covered Justin Timberlake's What Goes Around Comes Around
I like both artists,so it's nice:)
But it sound abit like a drunk Justin Timeberlake I have to say
It's a little,sad
Now I have to go spam Xin Yi's blog:)
Friday, March 21, 2008
How sad is that:(
He bought coffee
I bet he bought cold coffee,then it melted when it came into contact with him:)
The gathering today was alright:)
My mother's Navy Officer is so funny
And there was crab,yes:)
And I heard everything at the adult table
I don't get it
If the economy is low,then all the government needs to do is print more money:D
Me and my stupid answers
I asked my mother to donate for the blue coloured card
And then she asked "Where is the money going?
And then I replied "Inside here",and I showed the envelope
Credits to Reader's Digest:)
And here's proof that when elderly people say you don't need to help,they really want you to
I helped my grandmother carry her things up to her house
And she forgot the keys ,she called out to the tenents but they did'nt answer
So she said she would wait outside for them,and that I should go back,and it was ok
I would have lent her my handphone,but I did'nt bring it
So being the stubborn person that I am,I went down,and came up again with my mother's handphone
And she happily called the tenent,and went in
And after a few sentences of "Take care" and a glass of water,she saw me off:)
Xin Yi and I made an agreement,to stop insulting each other's people we consider attractive
I find "Crush" a very superficial word
And I will teach her Drama,and she will teach me too:)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
And the cute guy keeps walking past McDonalds
Hot damn! Walk past again will you!
Enough I think.
Never mind:)
We've only done half of Literature script
And my milo is finished:(
Adelia dared me to maintain it for 5 secounds
Why is he loitering THERE,why not loiter HERE
Now he's sitting at starbucks
How sad...
He just ran past.
He's wearing black skinny jeans,a red shirt under,a black shirt on top,a black wristband,a studded belt. How punkish. And yet his face was so cute:D Caucasion guys are cute:)
XinYi says: He is so not cute lah!___or___ is cuter luh!
Nishan says: He is cute alright! ____ is GAY
I have a gathering later:)
Going to my mother's friends' place
Every time we go there there's crab:D
We got free starbucks samples
They're nice:D
No wonder the guy was sitting there:)
He's gone now:(
No sight of him
Oh well...
Now i'm fattening myself with apple pie
Your rank is Aspirant Elder - next rank at 500 pints
Sign up:)
The Dark Alleyway:)
Walking,and talking
Talking and walking it rhymes
And since I'm hyperactive,I'm pain resistant:D
Today,for the whole day,I sat straight-backed and even now
So as to decrease the chances of me really becoming a hunchback
My mother cooked Mushroom and Chicken rice
I didn't eat any,because I went for Varuni's return home gathering:D
She's back for the holidays:)
and her parents are so nice:)
But before that,I went to do the art project
which I absolutely hate
And then to Jurong East Library
You must believe, believe this is the first time I took a bus for more than 8 stops:)
No one is not at home now,they brought the dog downstairs
And the lights are off
Ooo,flashlight!On! Off! On! Off! On! Off!
Yes,I feel relaxed now
I feel relaxed after drinking,I mean eating coffee
I borrowed the books, "The Sound of the Beast-A complete headbanger's guide to Heavy Metel' And "Beginners:Opera"
Siti says i'm a freaky person,because I like the two extremes in music
Opera,and Metal
I was shocked that metel only began in the 1970's
And Ozzy was the first metel singer,it makes me feel proud to be a fan of Black Sabbath
Tomorrow's Good Friday
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
"The Elder Tree"
It's fits,really
The tree is so old,and so wise
You look at it's cascading leaves of ferns and you wonder
"What on earth has this tree ever been through"
What has it seen,what has it heard?
So I make a point to mentally salutate it everyday when I walk home:)
I also saw two birdies fighting over a piece of bread
How I watched the raging kerfuffle as I was waiting for the green man
And well the piece of common breakfast item broke apart:)
And then I noticed the green man was blinking already
History is really an interesting lesson
The British really like to pass laws:D
I did'nt change my index number:D
So i'm still a lovely lovely number 19:)
The number is lovely,not me
The last day of Drama enrichment was today
Maybe I could direct a musical,that would be wonderful:)
I could write a story out:)
Turning on the Queen of the Damned sountrack when no one else is at home is fun:)
Now it's "Slept So Long"
I just ran out of baby carrots,how sad..
Queen of the Damned-Cold
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
While shampooing my hair,I got soap into my eyes
How sad,I haven't done that since I was well,7
And speaking of eyes
I have proof that my eyes are indeed round
During assembly times,after I have gotten someone to tie my tie for me of course
I still don't know how to tie a tie,how dumb
My contact lens was irritating my eye
And all I could see was banana colours
So I rubbed my eyes a bit,and then blinked
And the contact lens fell out
Literally,into my lap
So then I had to go back to class to get the saline and then rinse the lens
And put it back inside:)
Drama enrichment was good
I learnt many things that would be useful if I wanted to get into the theatre industry
Theatre as in,not those television films with canned laughter in the background
Plays,on stage:)
Yeah,you would be surprised at the number of jobs I ever wanted to have
Let's see now
1.Forensic Scientist
5.Social Worker
7. Tour manager
8. Work in the diamond industry
9. Stockbroker
10. Lawyer
12. Chess Grandmaster
I have dreams to do stuffs
But never thought of a proper job for myself
I guess I still get to choose yes:)
It'll probably change by next year though:)
I need to study for the CME test tomorrow
Otherwise known as the test in which they SAY they're going to test our MORALS but in real life only want to see how much we know about the school
And I have to practise chess as well
Unbelievable,i've been knocked off the leaderboard
Monday, March 17, 2008
Because it's just nonsense
Why am I typing such nonsensical posts nowadays
No more,no more nonsensical posts
When i'm sad,I will refrain from blogging
As easy as that:D
Did I mention mother bought baby tomatoes,baby carrots,and baby cucumbers
All in an effort to make me eat my vegetables
But vegetables are nice:D
1/4 of the carrots were given to dumbledore:)
Adelia: Why do you have so much things to blog about. I have nothing to blog about.
Nishan: Because I have wierd parents,two pets,and an interesting life. Not that your life is'nt interesting of course:)
Adelia: My life is too interesting,it's boring.
Nishan: Like for instance,when I went home yesterday. My dog wouldn't open the door for me.
Adelia: You're dog can open the door?
Nishan: No,unfortunately:D
Adelia: So that's why your life is so interesting. You make things up.
This proves that I have a wild imagination:D
Drama enrichment was enriching
The teacher lost the dustie,many times
The world is a stage. And every man and woman are players.
Everyone is an actor
It helped a lot that we were learning about plays,since I would love to be involved in theatre
Drama is good,I'm contemplating on asking my parents to send me for classes
Menakah says I'm already so dramatic
Teatro-Theatre in Greek
Romeo and Juliet-
Intellectual Jokes,and sophisticated humor
Speak in cultured terms,yet slightly less uncultured behaviour
Simple architecture
And dramatic,flamboyant clothing
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Do you have absolutely any idea what a "Fallen angel" is
Stop using it as your nickname unless you admit to being satanic,or a devil worshipper
It's just sickening,when you think a fallen angel is some lovey dovey sad and lonely poor little angelic being that has no choice but to tell a small lie,and then cries over it
That's how shallow you people are
------------------------------ ---------------
╔/═/╦/═/═/╦═/╗ Put this on your
║/╩/╣/║/║/║/║║ account if you support
╚/═//╩╩/╩/╩/═╝ the torture of emo kids.
------------------------------ ---------------
Thats enough I think:)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
6 times 7 equals 42
7 times 8 equals 56
8 times 9 equals 72
9 times 10 equals 90
10 times 11 equals 110
11 times 12 equals 132
12 times 13 equals 156
13 times 14 equals 182
14 times 15 equals 210
15 times 16 equals 240
16 times 17 equals 272
17 times 18 equals 306
18 times 19 equals 348
19 times 20 equals 380
Check answers:)
5 times 6 equals 30
6 times 7 equals 42
7 times 8 equals 56
8 times 9 equals 72
9 times 10 equals 90
10 times 11 equals 110
11 times 12 equals 132
12 times 13 equals 156
13 times 14 equals 182
14 times 15 equals 210
15 times 16 equals 240
16 times 17 equals 272
17 times 18 equals 306
18 times 19 equals 348
19 times 20 equals 380
Not bad:) I don't know why I chose to do this but all the same,it did help relax me a little.
My parents bought The Centris
I've barely stayed in this house for four months
We'll be moving in next year's May
They said Jurong Point will be right below our house,and that's good:D
Becuase they're upgrading Jurong Point:)
But school will be further away of course,and the air quality in Jurong is not very good
But it'll be a nice change :)
I'll also be living near Nicole again:D
Friday, March 14, 2008
Well,everyone seems to be putting up lists of things they want on their blog
And they all seem to be one specific colour
Wait a minute,can't you sit
Sit you down,SIT!
Well i've always wanted to live in a castle. This is the infamous Castle Dracula,Home of Vlad Dracula Prince of Wallachia himself. He's dead now,so I see no reason why I have no means of buying it:)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
As delusional as it sounds
Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton,how better could it get?
Helena Bonham Carter is INCREDIBLY pretty:)
I had him!
His throat was there beneath my hand.
No, I had him!
His throat was there and now he'll never come again.
Mrs. Lovett: Easy now, hush love hush
I keep telling you, Whats your rush?
Todd: When? Why did I wait?
You told me to wait -
Now he'll never come again.
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it.
But not for long...
They all deserve to die.
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why.
Because in all of the whole human race
Mrs. Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two
There's the one staying put in his proper place
And the one with his foot in the other one's face
Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you.
No, we all deserve to die
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why.
Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief
For the rest of us death will be a relief
We all deserve to die.
And I'll never see Johanna
No I'll never hug my girl to me - finished!
Alright! You sir, you sir, how about a shave?
Come and visit your good friend Sweeney.
You sir, too sir? Welcome to the grave.
I will have vengeance.
I will have salvation.
Who sir, you sir?
No ones in the chair, Come on! Come on!
Sweeney's. waiting. I want you bleeders.
You sir! Anybody!
Gentlemen now don't be shy!
Not one man, no, nor ten men.
Nor a hundred can assuage me.
I will have you!
And I will get him back even as he gloats
In the meantime I'll practice on less honorable throats.
And my Lucy lies in ashes
And I'll never see my girl again.
But the work waits!
I'm alive at last!
And I'm full of joy!
Your Husband Generator by Lady_Galadriel | |
Name | |
Your Husband Is | |
You Met | online |
You Have | 5 children |
You Live | greece |
In | a farm house |
You And Your Partner Are Best Known For | wearing matching clothes |
Who were you in a past life?
by Kat007 | |
Name: | |
Birthdate: | |
Favorite Color: | |
Country: | |
You were most probably: | Sacagawea
If not then you were: | Leonardo da Vinci
What will your Funeral be like?
by rashock | |
Username | |
You will die by: | You died of natural causes. How sweet. Your funeral is an adverage open casket. |
Death Date: | January 21, 2026 |
Number attending your funeral? | 197 |
How much will you leave to friends and family? | $4,740,447 |
What will your kids be named? by failed_x_senses | |
Name | |
Son | Deon |
Sons middle name | Alex |
Daughter | Shannon |
Daughters middle name | Wendy |
And this is just so funny:)
Sexy Celebrity Life (for girls) WITH PHOTOS! What celebrity will you marry? by naughtyblood | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your name | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Age | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Husband | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Lover | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Best Friend | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Worst Enemy | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Digs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Ride | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Pet | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How Many Years You'll Be Famous | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How Popular You'll Be | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Your Daily Link | Become Immortal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Utterly needless,But really entertaining:)
My daily link is vampires:)