It confuses me to see those emo/scene people stepping into the shoes of those who revere glam rock
But i'm happy to see that We Will Rock You has cause people to be more absorbed in the Glam Rock scene :)
I have been listening to Queen as long as I can remember,my dad likes Queen too
Trust me,I have never met a person who likes,or even knew about King Diamond
I heard the radio once,it went something like this
DJ: We will play anything you want
Other DJ:Rap?
Other DJ: Pop?
DJ: Of Course!
Other DJ: Heavy Metal?
DJ: Uhm,ok...
I found that quite insulting to metal...
But I don't mind much,
In fact,I feel sorry for those who can't seem to appreciate metal:)
If you've never heard metal,I suggest you should try it
Don't listen to all those rumours that it's devilish or cause people to commit suicide
Or that Marilyn Manson is a reverend of Satan,and that Ozzy Osbourne passed around a bucket to everyone in the audience,told them to spit in it,and drank it all
I have a pen-pal who has met Marilyn before
She says he's a really nice person in real life.Gave them tickets to his concerts and signed autographs:)
Ozzy Osbourne is an excellent family man,as shown by the success his children are currently having
Ask Kelly Osbourne why she doesn't like sex and porn even though she's a rock princess and she'll answer you
"What does being a rock princess have to do with sex"
Metal is just a more theatical form of punk rock
No matter what you say about the so called "atrocities" of heavy metal you can never find a metal artist who would speak out of turn in an interview,or openly criticise another artist.
When they're on stage,they do those much publicised,and utterly controversial acts to get their message clear,and to get the horror-movie effect :)
Here's an excellent song of King Diamond's
Except for that douche-bag who keeps talking in the middle,how disrespectful
And below that is an interview
If you want to judge metal,at least,do judge it from this interview
And no,i'm not saying that because it puts metal in a good light
It's because this is an actually metal star,and not a teeny Simple Plan fangirling nonsense....person
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