Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I aways end up like that
So I shall go according to what happened first, to what happened last:)
So first I shall talk about D&T lesson
I am not good with technology:(
Not good with technology at all:(
I was terrible with the machines
So while Niveetha did the cutting, I sandpapered:)
And then English lesson next
Mr Poon gave us our holiday assignment
A composition, on the topic A False Accusation
So we were drafting out of compositions
And my mind was left free to wander
In ever Essay exercise Mr Poon always gives us horribly modern topics
There was on on a boy being late for school, and there was one about a day at the beach, and there was one about taking a physics exam
So as you can see, the topics are very restrained
And writing about current affairs is the very last thing I want to do
Normally, or should I say always
My compositions revolve around 13th to 17th Century Europe
So when I was given freedom, and a chance to use that time frame, I was quite glad
So I decided I would base my composition on the plot of Macbeth, and also Hell on Earth-Chapter 2
Which means, that I wil have to have authentic 15th Century diaogues, and titles
When Mr Poon came over to see what I was doing
He did say, its very good if I can really do it
But he also said it will be very hard to do so
And that it was a very ambitious idea
I do know i'm ambitious:)
And I have a week, so I have time to write:)
And today Mr Muthi did'nt come
So there was no tamil lesson
So we were in the library instead, where I did better on my 15th Century speaking skills
Although I was saddened by the fact that the only trace of Macbeth or Shakespeare was a book entitled "Six Shakespeare Stories" and another book entitled "Six More Shakespeare Stories"
And Keerthana and Nivethitha and Menakah and Rukshana were watching a Nicole Kidman movie
And during Angklung we spent the whole day revising "The Sound of Music"
Which was sad because I only have about 5 notes to play in that song
And so did Adlina
For the rest I was just staring at the OHP screen and shaking leg
And GerGer saw that I was bored, so she took an A# for me
And then I was'nt that bored anymore:)
Thank you GerGer:D
For helping me take the Angklung and also making my hair (as Adlina says) funky:)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing,
we're just one big family.
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love
So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I'm saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me
ah, la one big family ([2nd time:] ah, la happy family)
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love love love
I won't hesitate no more
Oh no more no more no more
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved, I'm sure
Theres no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
No I won't hesitate no more, no more
This cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours, I'm yours
I've been setting this song on repeat
And it's such a nice song:)
And now YOU
Yes, you guys of My Chemical Romance can all settle down and get married happily with your female wives
And as Emmy says, grow horrid beer-bellies and watch The Simpsons all day
Oh and Bob, I'm really sorry for your wrist. I hope you get back on the drums soon, Love you.
And you Ray,i'm not done with you yet mister
Come back here right now!
You can enjoy life with whatsherface and your son/dog Bauer after your wedding
Where's bloody Buzznet when you need it!
Hair Color -Brownish
Eye Color - Jet Black:)
Height -164cm
Birthday -21st June
Right Handed or Left Handed -I can use both hands:)
Pets: Gellert Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbedore Grindlewald, and Nuggets.
Contacts/glasses: Yes:(
Favorite Things
TV Show -Mummy Forensics
Movie -Kungfu Panda:D
Band/Singer -Marilyn Manson
Album - Antichrist Superstar (by Marilyn Manson)
Animal -Panda:D
Class -English:)
Can You
Speak A Different Language -Yes
Cook -No:(
Blow A Bubble -Yes:)
Do A Split -No:(
Impersonate Someone -I impersonate everyone:)
Move your ears-Almost:(
What/Who Is The Last
Person You Spoke To -Xin Yi
Book You Read -Anne of Green Gables
Time You Laughed -Today:)
Food You've Eaten -Cookie
What Do You Want In A Boy/Girl
Eye Color -Brown/Hazel/Grey/Yellow/Like Marilyn Manson
Hair Colour -Brown, but any will do
Height -Any height:)
Clothing Style -Any clothing style is fine
Monday, August 25, 2008
^ I wrote that to answeuhiyjgkdr6
Niveetha typed anyhowD:
I wrote that to answer Awesome(ego)
Very happy:)
So happy, I could eat a horse!!
Even though I'm not hungry...:(
Music assessment later
I have to dance pantsula with Niveetha the dance partner
Yes, I got good English marks
I got an 86.7%
So I won't cry
I'm not going to cry
Of course I won't cry
I love my English Marks:)
People thought I was crying today
Because my eyes are very big and watery today
It's because I walked to school the terrace houses way
And of course, I've been happy and very bright since yesterday
And when I'm happy and bright, my eyes are watery:)
But I'm not crying
Because I did better that the show off I was telling you about
No, she's not a mean person, she just wants to make it look as though she's very good at english
And I turn out to do better than her for both English and Literature, so i'm happy
I sound so mean:(
So now I've gotten my common test results
And the paper is on my table
It's a very pretty paper, except for the dash under the maths
But I love my marks, I wouldn't exchange them for any other I think
Unless someone got the same as me, and passed maths
But, seeing the Sec4s going for their prelims is a bit scary
Because 2 years later, it's going to be me:(
But, I'm not really scared much yet
There's 2 years to go:)
And the blue, and now purple, tag board is bak:D
And it's filled with foul language because I turned off the filtering
And Adelia and I were testing it
And you can use foul words on it now:)
Since I'm helping out for the P6 open house
I have to bring home 2 IQ games and play them till I'm an expert
There's one where I have to distangle the metal pieces
And another about some turtle things
Then I've got to come down and help the primary school students:)
Two more marks were added to my tamil paper so now I passed:)
Geography was not bad, so that was okay for me
And well, I got a B3 for literature
And what makes me simple-minded is that I was getting pissed and hoping to kill the teacher
Because it was 1 mark to a distinction
Still, I am happy
Because I did better than who I wanted to do better than for literature
And we cannot get back our English paper because Mr Poon has to go away for personal problems
Of course I am sad for him for his personal problems:(
But I really want my english paper back
PBL Awareness Activity has been settled
It is to give out pens to passers-by
So I will be giving out pens with the PBL group
And, before I end this post ...

Courtesy of Adelia
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
And i'm bored:(
I did all my overdue tamil homework
And i'm doing maths upside down on my bed
I forgot to bring home emath1 so i'm doing it on fullscap paper:)
Rainbows are good :)
Because my brain is so overloaded with information
I want to go to sleep now:(
But Maths must be concentrated on
I have been spending too much time a bed, wrapped in the blanket and drinking orange juice
Because its so cold
And i'm sick:(
But, its nice to be sick sometimes
Because when you're sick, your parents do everything for you
Yes, I know i'm spoiled
Wan Teng and Siti were making me finish all my rice the other day
As in, ever single grain of rice on my plate
But i'm so used to leaving at least 2 spoons of rice on it
I have no idea why, I just feel that those are the nasty bits of food, but its exactly the same as the rest
Still, I did not enjoy eating them
Anyways, its about a week left till September
And I remain firm I won't enjoy September much
Maybe October will be better
With the China exchange trip and all
Oh well
I feel as though it's 2007 all over again
And then I'm going to miss 2G1
The amount of people gone this year, Varuni, and Manju
And next year its going to be Adelia, Geraldine, and Reshma and some others
I still remember what Emmy said to me last year
I told her that Secondary school was supposed to be the best time of our studying lives, and one quarter of it was gone
And she told me that if I kept hanging on to that 1 quarter, I won't have time for the other 3 Quarters
Norm life baby "we're white and oh so hetero and our sex is missionary."
Norm life baby "we're quitters and we're sober our confessions will be televised."
You and I are underdosed and we're ready to fall
Raised to be stupid, taught to be nothing at all
I don't like the drugs but the drugs like me
I don't like the drugs, the drugs, the drugs
Norm life baby "our god is white and unforgiving we're piss tested and we're praying."
Norm life baby "I'm just a sample of a soul made to look just like a human being."
Norm life baby "we're rehabbed and we're ready dor our 15 minutes of shame."
Norm life baby "we're talkshown and we're poiting just like christians at a suicide."
You and I are underdosed and we're ready to fall
Raised to be stupid, taught to be nothing at all
I don't like the drugs but the drugs like me
I don't like the drugs, the drugs, the drugs
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sad post, happy post, sad post, happy post
I have bipolar disorders
But I think that I deserve to be sad some times,
Everybody does
But I don't enjoy it, so I won't be
I have tons to talk about though
We had the Geography Field Trip today:)
Me, and Shasha and Wan Teng
And others from other classes
The goats farm, and the hydroponics farm
I swear
Goats are incredibly cute
They're so sweet!
We shared a packet of hay, and we got to feed them
And some of the goats were just climbing on the bars for the food
And it was kind of them to stand still so I could pet and stroke their heads
I named the goat I liked best "Goatee"
Because fluffy seems too normal
I mean BAA
Okay, never mind
It was so funny because a few times a goat would poke me on my waist with her nose
And I would give her food
Because I'm kind:)
And then we were on the bus, and I was sleeping
Until we reached the hydroponics place
Then we were shown vegetables
That were grown in the greenhouses
Then they gave us vegetables to take home
And Hazwani and me were buying essential oils, while the some others were buying peppermint crystals and plants and such
I got euclyptus now, I hope it helps with the fact that I sneeze TOO MUCH
Speaking of the surrounding world
I went home a different way today
Walked near the terrace houses
When we are older, Ger and Me are going to be roommates
Then we will live in a house like that
Then I saw a bird!
It did not look like a sparrow, and of course it was not a pigeon
it was a very pretty bird:)
And also, yesterday 2G1 went to Labrador Park
To do our CIP
Picking up rubbish
We got to go around the entire park
And then we saw a tunnel leading into the rock
I need someone, as reckless as me, to follow me into that tunnel
It's right at the place where hundreds of people were killed by the Japanese in World War II
Which makes it even more important to me to go in, and look around it
Including the funny tunnels,
Labrador Park is really a very pretty place
But really, it is:)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
How does it feel to be one other beautiful people
And I don't want you and I don't need you
Don't bother to resist, or I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
The weak ones are there to justify the strong
The beautiful people, the beautiful people
It's all relative to the size of your steeple
You can't see the forest for the trees
You can't smell your own shit on your knees
There's no time to discriminate,
Hate every motherfucker
That's in your way
Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful, something free?
Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean
The worms will live in every host
It's hard to pick which one they eat most
The horrible people, the horrible people
It's as anatomic as the size of your steeple
Capitalism has made it this way,
Old-fashioned fascism will take it away
There's no time to discriminate,
Hate every motherfucker
That's in your way
The beautiful people
The beautiful people (aahh)
The beautiful people
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
And it is not supposed to bother me
But who in the world is Iknowyoucopiedandpastedthishahahaha
I'm not bothered
Do I look bothered
No not bothered
I am really not bothered
Can you see how indifferent I am
I like ladybugs
Because i'm not bothered
(whatever,it does'nt really bother me)
I feel much much much better about maths
Thank you very very much Hanisah:)
Good luck for the prelims too
I think you will do very very well though, so you don't need luck
But good luck anyways:)
And all the best:D
I feel alright for the rest of my papers too
Just, Literature and English, and D&T and, Tamil left
I still feel nervous
But I think I won't go crazy
Yes, simple-minded peeps like me will go crazy sometimes
Like below
Look below ^
No that's up
lOOk below
Instead I got what I thought, and knew I would get
And i'm not happy at all
Yes, I failed
I thought I would manage a 20 at least, it's a pass
But I did'nt
And science did'nt exactly get me happier
In fact all it did was make me feel even worse
I don't understand
How come some teachers give out papers earlier than others
I don't understand it at all
And because of that, I hate all the teachers now
And I hate myself more than ever
But one thing though, I am not telling you what
But I should feel happier
But i'm really dreading the month of September
And i'm dreading the coming two days
Thursday and Friday
And on Saturday and Sunday, i'll feel lonely as usual
I'm going off now
Because i'm brooding over alot of things
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I have alot to tell about
But I don't know where and when to start
So i'll take the simplest apporach
And go from what happened first:)
Yesterday we changed our Angklung numbers
So we are all playing different angklungs now
I miss my base B:(
Now I have a base A
Then I went home, and because the common tests are over the work load is lesser
So I could play super mario brothers
You could play super mario brothers too
Just go here
I went all the way to the end, after defeating the dragon monster thingy:D
Then there came credits
We did Pantsula today:D
During music lessons
It was so much fun! :D
Pantsula is a South African dance
It started when miners used to make rhythms with their heavy gumboots
They were made to work by the white people
And while they worked they could not talk
S0 they conversed via rythem instead
Then it evolved, and this is the modern version:)
I took the train today with Adelia and Xin Yi
And Xin Yi and I are immature enough to play that crazy game
Yes, it was invented last year, when we were in math remedial together
Then as we walked to the MRT Station we would play it
Things like
"Who touches the grass first" and "Who can touch the lamp post first":D
The I came home and was sleeping untill about 8
Then i woke up, bathed
Yes, I was sleeping in my school uniform
then now i'm here and going to sleep in another 15 minutes
I sleep too much D:
:D (Finally the smiley is back:) )
And i've been setting it on repeat too
So i'll put it here:)
I confess, I messed up
dropping "I'm sorry" like you're still around
And I know you dressed up
"hey kid you'll never live this down"
'Cause you're just the girl all the boys want to dance with
And I'm just the boy who's had too many chances
I'm sleeping on your folk's porch again, dreaming
She said, she said, she said, "Why don't you just drop dead?"
I don't blame you for being you
But you can't blame me for hating it
So say, what are you waiting for?
Kiss her, kiss her
I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late
Write me off, give up on me
Cause darling, what did you expect
I'm just off a lost cause
a long shot, don't even take this bet
You can make all the moves, you can aim all the spotlights
Get all the sighs and the moans just right
I'm sleeping on your folk's porch again, dreaming
She said, she said, she said, "Why don't you just drop dead?"
I don't blame you for being you
But you can't blame me for hating it
So say, what are you waiting for?
Kiss her, kiss her
I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late
(always on, always on)
You said you'd keep me honest
(always on, always on)
But I won't call you on it
(always on, always on)
I don't blame you for being you
But you can't blame me for hating it
So say, what are you waiting for?
Kiss her, kiss her
I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late
I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late
Monday, August 18, 2008
I have been incredibly....bitchy today
I feel trashed
Sad enough, my fever has come back
The type of, body gets hot, hands and feet gets cold
And I feel really cold
I remember telling Adelia about my red-blood cell stuffs today
No, its not iron-deficiency anemia because I have enough iron
I just don't have enough red blood cells
It's inherited
And its mild-alpha, so I don't need tranfusions etc etc
I dislike champange grapes
When you take them out of the box, it feels like insects coming out of your skin
And then I have no idea how i'm supposed to eat this genetically modified nonsense
Adelia says she eats them with a spoon
One thing though, they are not designed for messy eaters like me
When I pull the grapes out they fall all over the place
So that is very sad
I am depressed:(
The amount of grapes being wasted is huge
Oh god, another grape just fell
And I don't understand the point of such grapes at all
1. You cannot eat them properly
2. They are hard to eat
3. They fall here and there
I think
The person that invented these things
Is just doing it
Cause he can
Tamil oral marks were fine
Better than I expected:)
That's good
Mr Muthi was making fun of my tamil today
It's not scolding, not at all
Mr Muthi just enjoys making fun of my tamil
He tried to make me say a tongue twister!
Some ulu banana skin was on the road and an old man slipped and fell thing
For example, "à®´" is pronounced as RA
But I keep saying it as "RLA"
Then Mr Muthi went on doing a wierdo British accent
And then I realised he was imitating me
This is just another day in tamil class no?
Nothing more to say
The post downstairs,
I'm going to delete it
Oh well, then i'll sleep
Because i'm terribly tired
And I think maybe i'll undo some of my bitchiness tomorrow
And be a bit nicer
Saturday, August 16, 2008
"I see you like to chew, maybe you should like to chew ON MY FIST!"
The warrior said nothing, for his mouth was full. Then he swallowed, and then he spoke.
"Enough talk. Let's fight! SHATAMUI!!!!"
He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies would go blind from exposure to pure awesomeness!
"My eyes!!!"
"He's too awesome!!!"
"And attractive...."
"How can we repay you?"
"There is no charge for awesomeness, or attractiveness."
It mattered not how many foes he faced, they were no match for his vodacity. Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved. Even the most heroic heroes in all of china, the furious five, bowed in respect to this great master.
"We should hang out"
But hanging out would have to wait, cause when you're facing the 10 000 demons of Demon Mountain, there's only one thing that matters, and thats-
"Po, get up! You'll be late for work!"
I love this movie:)
I'm wondering what I want to be when I grow older
And I don't have the answer
I want to accomplish so many things!
I know, I know
Every young thingummywat must start somewhere
I want to write books, and direct plays, and perform, and be heard, and the strangest thing of all
Is that I want to be a zookeeper
People laugh when I say that but its very true
1. I love animals
2. I love public speaking
3. I love meeting new people
4. The outdoors is a nice place
And on friday Pranjali showed me her sec 3 biology textbook
I won't mind taking biology
In fact I would love to take biology
And if I were to choose between taking physics and chemistry, I would take chemistry
Anyways, i've picked up a new hobby
You just take a some beads and some string and it becomes a fish, or a flower
But everthing I make looks like grapes
I will get better, I know I will:)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Who's the fag?
"Liz,You're blushing again."
"You're such a fag."
"Who's the fag? Me?", Hayley pinned me down on the floor. Shit.
"Get off of me!"
"Tell me who's the fag, and I'll let you go."
Her brown eyes burned into mine, searching me.
"Ok fine, I'm the fag", Hayley seemed to pull the words out of my mouth. She smiled, happy that she got what she wanted. But she still did'nt let go. In fact, that bitch tightened her grip.
"You suck."
The reply I got only made my insides squirm. She kissed me with a vengence, attacking my lips and making my brain freeze. She brought my hands under my back, still keeping a tight grip on my wrists. Her body was on mine pressing me down tight to the ground, pulling me down with her as she went further and further.
"Get a room." I heard someone say. We pulled apart. Hayley blushed and got up. I had never seen her blush, but that thought just turned me on so much. I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to the reception, but there was no one at the counter.
"Take your pick, baby." She blushed a deeper red, and we both giggled. I grabbed the keys to a first class suite.
I have'nt taken quizzes for a long long time
So now I did, that's good
It was not a very good day today
I think I can forget my A1 for literature
I did poorly for my Class Test
I did'nt like my results at all
But, what is done is done
And I cannot possibly redo my common test
So, I'll just hope for the best
I think I'm getting worse and worse in studies
I really don't want to, really
We had the tamil oral today
On such short notice
I think, it was horrible
I stuttered so many times
The question was "Is learning tamil necessary"
And I'll just type in tamil over here
I said,
தமிà®´் கற்பது à®®ுக்கியம் இல்லை. ஆனால், அது அவசியமாக இருப்பதாக நம்à®®ுடை அரசாà®™்கம் கருதுகிறதால் நாà®®் அதை கற்கவேண்டுà®®்.
Which basically means "Learning tamil is not necessary. But, because the government thinks of it at necessary, we are forced to learn it."
I lost count of the number of english words I used
I would have preffered Mr Muthi as an examiner
Because he has been teaching me for two years
And he is bound to know how dreadful I am
Thus he would go easier on me
But if I said that that learning tamil was not necessary to him
He would have strangled me right there and then
And D&T paper was fine
The isometric drawings were not that good
But I can pass
I feel stupid now
Really, I do
But instead i'm thinking of some other stuff
Nuggets keeps hitting my door
Because when I switch on the aircon and close the door
The cool air from inside diffuses into the warm air outside through the bottom of the door
And Nuggets likes the cool air so he sleeps outside at the foot of my bedroom door
And when he moves sometimes he hits it
And I hear a thump
There he goes again
I shall continue cross-stitching now
I don't think i'm quite that happy nowadays, honestly
Feet. I'm happy you're not big, so I don't need to keep buying new shoes. And i'm glad you're not flat either, because I don't stand so much:) But I still have the stitches on my right one and I don't like them:(
Legs. I'm so glad you can walk! I don't have skinny awesome legs, but you look okay to me:D But why can't you run faster! You always get tired during mass runs, and I always walk during my 2.4s D:
Stomach. You're too fat. It's obviously because I always stuff you with food, and never try to lose any weight. And, I never do sit ups, so i'm probably not that surprised:)
Arms. I'm glad you're not too long, so I don't look like a monkey. But maybe if you were a little longer, I would not have to keep getting up and bending down to get back the stuff I constantly drop on the floor.
Hands. You're awesome. I never get bored when playing the keyboards. As for my handwriting, I would rather have a terrible letters than perfectly normal ones. Its so cool, I can highlight stuff with my left hand and write with my right one at the same time:)
Face. You're too round. It makes me look so chubby. Mother always said you would not always be, and as I grow older, it would not be that round. But you still are! D:
Mouth. You talk too much. TOO MUCH. And, you never stop talking. I also have the wierdest silent laugh in the world.
Nose. Its good you're not too big, but I always get the flu. And I sneeze awfully loudly and unglamourously.
Eyes. Panda eyes are so irritating. You're too sunken, and short sighted. I've tried everything, teabags, cucumbers, but panda eyes never ever go away. they're obviously heriditary, but still, D:
Hair. You're too messy. And too messy. Probably because whenever i'm outdoors the wind always blows and messes you up. But i'll rather have messy hair than hair that is limp and lifeless.
Ears. thank you for not being too big, or too small. Without you, I can't listen to my favourite bands, like Marilyn Manson, and King Diamond.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Hello world.
Nishan is currently having a fever and sleeping and will be back very soon.
She feels very bad that she is leaving you all although she is only going on hiatus for one day.
Adelia is Awesome.
Adelia is very Awesome.
Adelia is very very Awesome!
You get the point (:
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Because I'm not sad anymore
So on with the editing, or do I call it rewriting
I think it must be rewriting, because if it were editing then I would still have a copy of the original blog post
But I do, but I'm not using it at all
I'm starting from scratch
My L key is not working properly, I must press it extra hard
I just sneezed
And I need tissue paper
Why am I even talking about this!
I'm supposed to be telling you about the nightmare I had yesterday
This is according to my old blog post
But I was to be starting from scratch
I just got ice cream:)
Ever so often mother comes home with a ton of ice cream
This time its sweetcorn
And then sometimes I get some
And thus I eat and eat and eat and get fat
Fatter I mean, I'm already fat
But honestly, fatness is one of the last things I care about
I should start telling you about the nightmare
Well it was very scary
To you it might not me, but I've dreamt of madwomen many times
And they scare me, quite
Or so much so that I woke up sweating and shaking
So then I was too afraid to get out of bed and check the time
But when I already did, it was 5.30
And then I went back to sleep before I woke up at 6.15
Then went to school
And had the Literature paper, where I realised how showing off can really be an annoyance
Unless I think it is a great achievement, Maybe I think I should quit showing off what I do
Because honestly and truthfully
The last thing I want to do, is piss people off
And make them angry, I think it is so mean to do that
I think I don't have anymore to say
Except that Nuggets ate another bone
And that, whatever happens tomorrow during the math and science tests
I have studied for them
And I hope it will not make much difference than if I had done them on separate days
I think I have talked enough
But I really need inspiration right now
I'll find it quite soon I hope
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
If you see Ger's blog, her archive will look something like this
- National Day
- Study
- Panda
- Tired
- Outing
And if you click on Panda, it wil lead you to this page
And on that page, Ger had said,
I realised that Nishan Panda had no life.
and took pictures of me.
Oh boo.
She even took videos.
Without me knowing.
So apparently, i was talking crap and she was recording it):
Oh well.
But she is damn funny:DD
I will end off this post with pictures(:
So now I dedicate this post to Ger
Because Ger is awesome, and also because i've finished memorizing Literature
FAQ about Geraldine Lim aka Gerald aka Panda aka No-life Buddy
She sits two seats away from ME:D to the left
She went to Changi Terminal 3 with ME:D to do nothing but eat dinner and then went to White Sands to buy stuffs on the 2nd of August
She plays the Anklung at the back row, like ME:D
She loves ME:D very much
She has a dog called Jack, like ME:D I have a dog too
She eats very slowly, unlike ME:D
She bullies ME:D on a regular basis D:
She is going to NJC or VJC, a JC next year and she is going to be leaving ME D:
She is sitting beside Adlina, whose name starts with an A like Adelia who is sitting beside ME:D
Her favourite colour is red, unlike ME:D, mine is blue
And Ger told me not to upload a video..So I shall:D
Ger and me in the MRT Train
But since its going to be Halloween very very soon,
I thought I would just change it
This is the version by Marilyn Manson:)
English paper today was good
I would not want to seem overconfident
So I will say it was good:)
There was no summary, lucky for me
I am terrible at summarising anything
It was geography that I did not like
I came into class to find the tables and chairs oddly arranged
Then I remembered I forgot my calculator
And so did Emmy
So then we went to Miro's class to ask for one
But they needed it for their chemistry paper
Then we borrowed it from the kind Sec 4 people
So then blah blah blah and the geography paper was thrown unceremoniously onto my table by a very inconsiderate Niveetha
The MCQ Part was okay
But the Structured Essay Part was..
I remember what I wrote, very clearly
Question: Name the 7 processes of farming
Me: *writes*"1.Sowing, the planting of the seed"
"2.Transferring, the taking of the rice plant and planting it somewhere else"
"3.Cutting, the cutting of the rice plant to harvest it"
"4.Thrashing, the removal of the rice husk from the rice grain"
"5.Packaging, the packaging of the rice grains for export"
"6.Exporting, the sending of the rice grains to another country"
"7.Buying, the buying of the rice by the consumer"
I am such a dumdum
But I only studied the Shifting Cultivation process in detail, not the Wet Rice Cultivation
Well at least the rest of the questions were alright..
But at least
This were the only truely problematic question
Maybe they would be nice, because what I wrote was true
Quite true
Of the rice seeds, not me
Oh well, Tamil
And Literature..yay:)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Chapter 2- One Hundred Villagers
Master Antecest stared out the window,
He did that every day the three years he spent working as a missionary
But the past few days, the mountains were different
The only light came from a bizarre red sphere in the sky
He supposed that was the sun
But he was a man of images, not a man of science
He supposed the fellows at the academy would have some knowledge, but he did not press the matter.
As he drafted out a letter to the village priest, he heard the voice of his messenger.
“Master Antecest, the Count tells me he wants to see you. It’s urgent.”
Antecest hated being summoned like a bitch, but he did not want to lose his job.
“Did he tell you what he wanted from me?” he asked.
But the guard only blinked, “It’s urgent”.
He dutifully entered the room, and Count Colinvert was standing opposite the door, watching him through gazed eyes.
“Tell the villagers to turn back. I don’t want them out there anymore,” he said.
Antecest was appalled, if the villagers came back, the Army from the north would soon arrive, and would slay any living man in their path.
“But sire, who will protect us? Will god protect us? ” he stammered.
Handsome face wrought with confusion, Antecest ran out the door.
Ever since the death of Countess Colinvert, the man had been such a terrible fuck
The nurses loved him, no one else did
As the young man exited the room, something strange happened.
Monsieur Dunstan, who was always at the side of the Count, withdrew his hand from the back of the Count’s jacket.
Count Colinvert slumped to the side, dead.
Monsieur Dunstan was a Master Puppeteer.
Miles away, the Army rode over the Valley of Kings
They left behind a chilling sight, of every one of the one hundred villagers burning in a huge fire.
Their ashes blew in the wind, breathed in by a single survivor
The lonely young woman graced the sight before her
She could do nothing, and she went insane
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
The sitting partner who has to tolerate my nonstop endless chatter every day
And when i'm not talking, I will be stuffing notes that say nothing but "Hello Adelia" into your pencil case, and sticking them on your bag with double sided tape
Thank you for letting me borrow your chip and dale mirror:D
And the person who has to put up with me and my clumsiness
I shall write whatever you said in your notes down here:D
Do you want a cookie?
Hello nishan:D
Hello holmie, what's up man
Toaster Waffles
Hello Nishan:)
Hello Nishan, ramalama bang bang. Here's a pleasent surprise.
Whataboutadam <3s Nishan
Gerard Way was here
Hello Nishan:D
Jason Mraz was here:D
Everybody's going to love today, love today, love today
Panic! @ the disco was here
GeekinthePink says hi
Yo man:D
Well let the geek in the pink take a stab at it
This is why Adelia is awesome
But she is leaving next year for NJC
But I will send you notes via the mail untill the postman scolds me:D
YAY :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
02. Do you ever turn you cell phone off?
I do. Many times.
03. What happened at 10.00am today?
Sleeping in tamil class:)
04. When did you last cry?
Today morning I teared up. But then I was ok in seconds.
05. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
I have no idea
06. What do you want in your life right now?
For all the technology in the world to just disappear.
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
Unbrella ella ella ella eh eh eh eh:)
08. What is your favourite thing to have on your bed?
Pillow, and blanket.
09. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What is the nicest text in your inbox say?
I'm too lazy to reach for the phone:(
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
I don't know, I've never had one.
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
Nope, actually, yes. Ger lent me the rubber bands to tie my hair.
13. What was the last movie you caught?
Kungfu Panda:D
14. What are you proud of?
I don't know. My English Literature knowledge, I boast about it lots:)
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
It's Syahirah asking to borrow a sari for Racial Harmony Day
16. If you have a chance to migrate where will you migrate to?
17. Do you have any nicknames?
NISHAN:D simple...easy to remember:)
18. What does your last received text message say?Who was it from?
Its from Adlina telling me how to go to the MRT Station.
19. What time did you sleep on your bed last night?
20. Are you currently happy?
After doing this I am a bit:)
21. Who gives you best advice?
Surprisingly, its Menakah
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
No, put it on home economics practice cookies:)
23. Who did you talk to on phone last night?
Nobody. See! SEE~~~~! No one calls me D:
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
My hair
25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
ANGKLUNG :D I shall describe it. We were playing Kuda Hitam (Black Horse) and then the Kulintang people kept having to repeat it, and Dian was trying to get our attention with the long golden wavy thing. And then Ger,Adlina and Afiqah were dancing:) Emmy had that dramatic ending which she did too, AWESOME:D
26. Do you wear toe socks?
Nope, no toe socks
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
29. What annoys you most in a person?
When the person thinks they are better at doing things than me
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Let me think...
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
I am drug free:)
32. What is the colour of your room?
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
Yes, you could bribe anyone with that money
34. Do you believe in the saying “talk is cheap”?
No, talking is vital.
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
Yesterday, Alyssa has'nt seen me for years D:
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
I did those a long long time ago, so lets just say I aged 1 month in a couple of minutes:)
38. Do you have a life?
No:D Neither does Ger, we are no life panda buddies:D
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didnt?
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
It's such a good song:D
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
42. Last time you smiled?
43. Have you changed this year?
I'm always changing, but I always remain Nishan. I don't know how I do that. Just my accent, it changes, all the time.
44. What are you listening right now?
Geek in the Pink:)
45. Are you talking to someone when you are doing this?
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
Both, I'm always falling down and knocking things over:D
47. Is there a quote you live by?
Turn on, Tune in, Drop out:)
48. Do you want someone you cant have?
I have no idea
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
I play the Keyboards
50. What was the worst idea you have had in this week?
I'm locked up, in a box, with no freedom. But I know i'm not now.
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
Nonexistant sounds fine
53. What song best describe your love life?
Uh....well since i'm listening to it, maybe its Geek in the Pink
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
I'm terrible at secrets.
55. Who always make you laugh?
Adelia:D And Xue Ling being her crazy self.
56. Do you speak other languages other than English?
57. Favourite website?
Youtube I think:)
58. What your middle name?
No middle name:(
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
I dont know:(
60. What do you think you are like?
61. Who will you choose to die with?
I'm not dying yet, I can still decide
62. Where have you been today?
63. What game do you play often?
64. Who are you missing right now?
No one, i'm fine here.
65. Have you ever skipped school.
I only skipped it when I was sick:)
66. What are you doing right now?
67. Which primary school are you from?
West Grove Primary School
68. Name 3 colours that you like?
Blue, Silver, and Transparent
69. What emotion you like to show?
70. What is your life to you?
Very colourful:)
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
72. Who did you last chat in msn today?
I did'nt log in today....
73. Who you admire most?
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
Annoyed that the sister is back
76. What is the time now?
2 pm
77. Where are you now?
In front of the computer.
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
Red,and maybe blue, but nowadays the hair dye keeps fading:(
79. What is the highest alcoholic percentage you have had consume?
I have no idea,
80. What do you do when you are moody?
I have no idea
81. At which age you wish to get marry?
82. Do you hate going school?
No, not at all, unless i'm tired.
83. Do you think you have enough confident?
I think,I do:)
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
There can be rainbows even without rain:D You just need a prism and white light source.
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
To acheive all my dreams
87. What is your goal for this year?
Do whatever I want to do,
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
I've never felt love, so I don't know.
89. What feeling do you love most?
When I acheive good marks
90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
Yes, definitely
91. What feeling you hate the most?
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
93. Do you believe in god?
Yes, but god's not here today father.
94. Who cares for you most?
Nice people who are my friends
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
The stuff I want to do before I die
96. What will you bring when you fight?
I don't fight, I scold.
97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?
Lots of things.
98. What would you feel that everyone no longer cares for you?
I care for myself, and there is always someone out there who cares about me.
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
Find another man, like Lady Macbeth should
100.What do you want now?
To rainbowfy this post:D
Which I have done now:)
But me:(
I'm at home, alone:(
So I shall study, force myself to study
Its so saddening
Mother is coming back soon, I'll probably drag her somewhere
Since I have nothing to do
I got accepted in Calafare
I received the email, then I told them when I could come down for filming
But they haven't called me so I'm still waiting
Mass dance was good
The played the song "Low":D
Which Dini predicted they would play, and they did
Yay Dini:D
The performance today was funny:D
I kept swaying the wrong way
I was concentrating on my Angklungs D:
The Bass B, the Bass F, the Bass F#, the F, and the High C
And I played stuffs wrongly at the end on Kuda Hitam
I played the Bass B at the wrong place D:
And I swear I will never tie two ponytails again
My hair looks horrible with two ponytails
Next time I go on stage, I will wear a paper bag over my head
I have absolutely no idea why people keep laughing when I say that
It's not funny! :(
I have low self esteem:(
And a swollen left arm, I've never had a swollen left arm before :o
I wonder, I haven't changed my attitude about being a Singaporean
Don't get me wrong, its ok here
It's just that I don't like it here
Maybe someday, I'll run off somewhere else
Anyways, I should go study now
So I won't do badly for common tests
But I'm afraid it's terribly boring to study when you're alone
But if I study with others, I cannot concentrate
So I'm alone
Not studying, yet
I will study soon
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Darshini is also here, and she's taking a nap
Adelia has left for tuition
I'm doing absoulutely nothing
Well, except for playing Super Mario Brothers
Stupid mushrooms keep attacking Mario
As you can see I have changed my blog title,
It is no longer Turn on, Tune in, Drop out:)
It is now Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly:)
I'm on super mario level 5 now
It is so difficult, and the muchrooms are now throwing things at me
I have no life, I know
But it is fun to have no life:D
Darsheni is sleeping :O
I have to do english homework
And I have to do math homework
And I have to do tamil homework
But i'm playing Super Mario
I really really want a Wii of my own, badly
I used to have a playstation, but it was sold:(
So now I want a Wii
Adelia has a Wii
But i don't have a Wii:(
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The biggest music event in Southeast Asia
I really did, I cannot express it
At all, i'm just so happy right now
While Emmy and I were witing for Adlina,
I saw Bryan from West Grand Boulevard, and he grew his hair
So he was hot:D
After finding a place to watch near the place
Jamie Scott was performing
It was the first time I had heard him
But I thought he was good:)
Then it was One Republic
It was'nt only me, even Adlina agreed that all their songs sounded the same
Then there was PANIC AT THE DISCO
I died
It was...AWESOME
The most adorable band!!
But really, Panic at the Disco, Awesome stuff
Then there was Jason Mraz
He is the cutest person i've seen
He is ridiculously creative
The only song i knew of his was Geek in the Pink
But I liked alot of them and I cannot stop singing I'm Yours
But I think Jason Mraz is very good
"Don't let your mind get in the way of you having a good time"
I shall follow that motto from now on
I do sometimes, but I will more now
And whistle guy..HE LIVES!
I love singfest
I'm saving up for the next one
Saturday, August 2, 2008
She was bored
And I was bored
And I woke her up with her Beat It ringtone:D
I was supposed to meet her at Tiong Bahru MRT
Then I called her because I could'nt find her
Then she could'nt see me when I was right in front of her!
Ger, you are blur:)
And that rhymes:D
Then we were hungry, so we ate at Terminal 3
She eats so so slowly
She ate the Curry Chicken Noodles while I ate the Hainese Chicken Rice
There was this cleaning auntie!
It was so funny,
We had both finshed eating
And my plate was clean so the cleaning auntie said Hello to me and took away the plate:D
But she did'nt take away Ger's bowl
And its because my finished plate looked like this
And her finished bowl looked like this
She looks like the Kungfu Panda when she eats the potato with chopsticks
The fishball scene:)
After eating we had absoulutely nothing to do
So we went to White Sands shopping centre
She bought a bangle, while I bought a Birthday Present for mother
That was the only things we bought
But it was already after 9
And we both were super tired
So we took the train
And in the train there was this moth
And it was flying
Suddenly it stopped flying
And Ger asked me if it was dead
But it was'nt because it flew away later
So it means that we wasted our time for one whole evening
Going to Singfest later with Emmy, Addie, and Addie sister:)
And Adelia might be joining after her ballet lesson:)
She's going on her toes today!
Friday, August 1, 2008

I still bring the dog for walks, I still step wherever I want