She was bored
And I was bored
And I woke her up with her Beat It ringtone:D
I was supposed to meet her at Tiong Bahru MRT
Then I called her because I could'nt find her
Then she could'nt see me when I was right in front of her!
Ger, you are blur:)
And that rhymes:D
Then we were hungry, so we ate at Terminal 3
She eats so so slowly
She ate the Curry Chicken Noodles while I ate the Hainese Chicken Rice
There was this cleaning auntie!
It was so funny,
We had both finshed eating
And my plate was clean so the cleaning auntie said Hello to me and took away the plate:D
But she did'nt take away Ger's bowl
And its because my finished plate looked like this
And her finished bowl looked like this
She looks like the Kungfu Panda when she eats the potato with chopsticks
The fishball scene:)
After eating we had absoulutely nothing to do
So we went to White Sands shopping centre
She bought a bangle, while I bought a Birthday Present for mother
That was the only things we bought
But it was already after 9
And we both were super tired
So we took the train
And in the train there was this moth
And it was flying
Suddenly it stopped flying
And Ger asked me if it was dead
But it was'nt because it flew away later
So it means that we wasted our time for one whole evening
Going to Singfest later with Emmy, Addie, and Addie sister:)
And Adelia might be joining after her ballet lesson:)
She's going on her toes today!
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