Which is now also my dream wallet
But SOMEONE is getting it for her already, HAHA:D
But you could always get it for me:)
The Buttered Toast Wallet

Oh, and Bees are invading the S2B classroom
It must be because we're too sweet
Oh oh!
I love my teachers
Mrs Gek: You all ar, get this question wrong ar. I want to cry already.
Haha, Sabrina and I were laughing like crazy
We laugh lots during all emath lessons
And during Lit,
Fatehah: *accidently spills water on herself* Does anyone have tissue?
Sabrina: Nope
Fatehah: Tissuetissuetissue. *in a really high voice* TISSUE
Mrs Rupa: You all make me a better person.
And SS
Mr Poon: Himbos
Me: Don't himbos wear pink?
Class: *laughs cause Mr Poon is wearing a pink shirt*
Mr Poon: This is peach!
Me: Pink
Mr Poon: PEACH
Me: Pink
Mr Poon: PEACH
Me: Self-denial...
Mr Poon: *Give up*
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