Watched Saw 4 and 5 with the S2Bs this week, as well as Final Destination
Final Destination, is a dumb show.
It's not gory or scary, like the ending in Saw 5 was
The guy was torn apart in the chamber when the walls closed in
That idiot should have just followed the rules of the game and gone into the glass box, Kns.
But still, nobody deserves anything like that.
The Science Chem people haven't finished watching Coming Soon yet
Chemistry lessons are epic nowadays, not just because Mr Joe is such a nice teacher
But because I'm surrounded by funny people.
And, I prefer Miss Poh to any other Bio teacher
Miss Poh is so nice, she's one of the only teachers who can get us to do our work
Unlike someone else who can probably join the Mafia
Literature lessons are getting hilarious
Maybe, she isn't such a bad teacher after all
Except when she scolds but then again all teachers scold
And she's a nice person most of the time
She doesn't know what "Nuts" means and she keeps using the word, which is so funny
Nuggets got a new collar with a bell so he now makes more noise than usual, wth-.-
Okay now I'm pissed because some stupid people think Tokyo Drift was sung by Tokio Hotel
That is so not true
Tokio Hotel would never create or perform such a gross song.

Happy Birthday Nick Jonas
Joe is so much hotter than you, and you can't sing
But still, Love You.
The American Idol tour is over
Which is so depressing
No more going on youtube first thing and looking for last night's concert footage
But people have to move on, and Adam's debut album will be coming out soon
He deserves a vacation, he's been working since forever
But still, no tour can stop him from looking so hot

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