Thursday, May 27, 2010

Currently in question is this little boy.

I say Little Boy because that is what he is
Greyson Chance is 12 years old and that means that he is still a child
Young, and highly impressionable
Ellen has made plenty of decisions in her life, both wise and unwise ones
Giving little Greyson a record deal is, I'm sorry, one of her unwise decisions

I have nothing against children getting the recognition they deserve for being extremely talented
But, a record deal? An actual job in the music industry?
Greyson Chance might want it but that does not mean that he is ready for a record deal.
I edit myself, he is talented enough but he is certainly not ready in his mindset.

In fact, him being talented is the reason why I think giving him a record deal now is unwise
I would hate to see such passion and drive being wasted when he gets influenced by the music industry which has proven itself to be more evil than I am.
If this Greyson wants a career in music that much, he can certainly wait a while longer for one.

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