Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Damn me for not finishing my homework during the holidays
And now I have to do 3 tamil compos in one day
And Amath, and Social Studies
And 5 more English newspaper articles, and literature
Luckily, I have Adam's voice to keep me company at night
He is so good looking
I wish I was in the United States so I could go for the idol tour
Of course it would mean watching Kris Allen too, but I guess for Adam, I can deal with that
But I'm here in Singapore where there's nothing good
Speaking of awesome singers
I'm glad Germany isn't affected by H1N1 cause Tokio Hotel and Cinema Bizzare are there
If any one of them gets sick
I'll just die of sadness
But the US is affected, ADAM D:
He's healthy and fine, Kris on the other hand >:(
I am staying up all night tonight
Who wants to not sleep with me
And we can do homework together
I'll need all the coffee in the world tomorrow
But, it's all my fault for not doing my work
Jie'r and I fangirled over Japanese singers earlier
I like all of them, even though I can only remember two names
But they're all so pretty
The persuasive speaking course was boring
I expected it to be nice, but it was boring
Luckily Sabrina woke me up every time I got sleepy
The weekend is so far away
The Twilight lip stain Lip Venom V is coming out tomorrow
And I want it badly
The venom is mixed with a lip stain in a little vial so it looks like blood
So cool
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I love this song
I've been looking for it for so long
And I finally found it
And I can't get enough of this interview
And his laugh at the end, was so cute
Buds today
Did improvisation most of the time
Honestly, i'm so bad at it, which is really sad
Cause i'm in the Improvisation crew for the Celebrate Drama show
So, I have, and really want, to get better
I also really want black night curtains for my room
Because I want to block out all the sunlight cause I want to be whiter
Right now I have two layers of curtains
Which block out a reasonable amount of sunlight
But, not enough for me
There's school tomorrow
I don't want to go
It's so annoying:(
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Went to grandmother's house today
And I saw Iida at the train station
Which was surprising, but nice
I was supposed to help my baby cousin with his homework
But I ended up just sitting there while Auntie helped him instead
SMSing Ratna was the saving grace:)
I will never, ever be a teacher when I grow up
Cause it seems to me, as being the worst job in history
Grandmother knows Michael Jackson has left the world
The walk we took together was nice
Cause I love talking to her
454 cases already
If I get swine flu, I'm going to cause a mutiny against the government
*I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday.
*I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
*I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman.
*I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
*We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
*I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
*I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had.
*I wish they could adopt me. I am not one of the lucky ones.
*I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
*We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
*I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
*I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
*I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
*I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
*I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
*I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.
*I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
*I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didn't have to always deal with society hating me.
*I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
*I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.
*I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends I'm a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them.
*I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson".
I believe homophobia is wrong
Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's like Freddie Mercury all over again
I never thought there would be a day when all the music greats would go away
But I guess people do have to die one day
Today's artists are fine
But the oldie ones were the pioneers
The real musicians, who inspired the ones today
Just yesterday I was thinking about how it would be like to be friends with Michael Jackson
And then today I find out he's gone
He's the king of pop, and he always will be
And I didn't even get to meet him once
I just hope that after four decades of entertaining us, he's finally resting peacefully
I watched the whole of Tokio Hotel:Caught on Camera today
It's sad not hearing anything from Tokio hotel for so long
But I will survive
Because I have Adam
He might be a celebrity and all, but I really think i've fallen head over heels in love with him

To the one that made it
To the one that had more talent in a finger, than most people had in their whole bodies
To the one that sold 750 million records
To the one that was criticized, put down, and ridiculed
To the one that went through so much, but stayed true to himself
To the one that fought for equality in his music
To the one that had inspired millions, including me
You're an inspiration Michael Jackson, and though you're gone, your music will carry on
Through your records, through your videos, and through your fans
Someday, I will tell someone I lived while Michael Jackson did
And I won't ever let your music or your name ever die
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ellen is really such an inspiration
She's awesome:)
I am very concerned
Because I have done one question of Literature and one chapter of emath only
Out of all the holiday homework i've been given
WHYWHYWHY are the holidays not being postponed
For the amount of people they've quarentined, they might as well postpone it
And the alert has been shifted from yellow to yellow mitigation
WTH is that supposed to be
Does it make a difference?
Obviously not, they're so gay
"I wanna give you every inch of my love."
You did. Every, single, fucking, inch of it. I need you Adam. I need you to feel me from the inside out and fuck me till dawn like how you did before. I need you to say it in my ear and know I'm the only one to hear it, "I want you".
The hair, right down to the shoes and everything in between. I imagine my hands feeling every part of you. The shirt, open enough to entice and closed enough for my imagination to run wild. The jacket, with the light bouncing off every thread as you strut on stage, feeling every bass note with a passion that only you can have. You're badass, Adam.
I close my eyes as you serenade the crowd. You know I'm watching you, and you look right into the camera, right at me. At that moment, thousands of fangirls all over the country were probably panting their hearts out, mothers, aunts, tweens. Hanging onto your every word, every note, every move. You don't know the amount of pleasure you give them. Even if you did, you'd be too humble to admit it.
I don't want you to be humble, Adam. I want you to admit it. You're a motherfucking, sexy beast of a man and you know it. You sent me into waves of ecstasy with a single touch. I want you to fuck me like an animal, the way only you could. I want to make you make me moan like a little whore while you subdue me, and have me beg for more.
And, I want you to hold me, and comfort me, and make me feel safe. Live every day knowing that you would be there for me, and spend the rest of my life with you that way. I need you to wrap your arms around me and tell me how much you love me, as I melt into your warm skin while its snowing outside. I want to lie down on the grass with you, hold your hand, and look for our names in the stars.
I hope it doesn't come as a surprise that I love you, Adam Lambert.
You did. Every, single, fucking, inch of it. I need you Adam. I need you to feel me from the inside out and fuck me till dawn like how you did before. I need you to say it in my ear and know I'm the only one to hear it, "I want you".
The hair, right down to the shoes and everything in between. I imagine my hands feeling every part of you. The shirt, open enough to entice and closed enough for my imagination to run wild. The jacket, with the light bouncing off every thread as you strut on stage, feeling every bass note with a passion that only you can have. You're badass, Adam.
I close my eyes as you serenade the crowd. You know I'm watching you, and you look right into the camera, right at me. At that moment, thousands of fangirls all over the country were probably panting their hearts out, mothers, aunts, tweens. Hanging onto your every word, every note, every move. You don't know the amount of pleasure you give them. Even if you did, you'd be too humble to admit it.
I don't want you to be humble, Adam. I want you to admit it. You're a motherfucking, sexy beast of a man and you know it. You sent me into waves of ecstasy with a single touch. I want you to fuck me like an animal, the way only you could. I want to make you make me moan like a little whore while you subdue me, and have me beg for more.
And, I want you to hold me, and comfort me, and make me feel safe. Live every day knowing that you would be there for me, and spend the rest of my life with you that way. I need you to wrap your arms around me and tell me how much you love me, as I melt into your warm skin while its snowing outside. I want to lie down on the grass with you, hold your hand, and look for our names in the stars.
I hope it doesn't come as a surprise that I love you, Adam Lambert.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
This video always makes me feel okay
Adam was an Ellen today
They both are so funny
I hope he does get to go on her show at least once, it will be awesome to see them together
And her commencement speech was hilarious, I swear
If she was my teacher, I would actually love school
I think i'm in love with Twitter
I'm tweeting non-stop
Follow me by the way
Apparently its raining at Ratna's house
But its sunny here, wth >:(
Blueberries are anti-aging
Blueberries have been shown to have a positive effect on aging. In animal studies, blueberries appear to reverse some aspects of brain aging. To look 10 years younger in 10 days, Dr. Perricone recommends following a diet that includes blueberries. Blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants (or natural anti-inflammatories), which according to Dr. Perricone is necessary for healthy looking skin since inflammation is the basis of aging and wrinkling.
The skin benefits of blueberries are as antioxidants which are to aid in guarding the body against the damaging effects of free radicals to your cells and the potential chronic diseases associated with the type of aging. In the case of blueberries the antioxidants present in this fruit can protect the cell, so there is less chance for aging. They also contain anthocyanins and phenolics that can also act as antioxidants. They can also help you achieve better balance and co-ordination.
Adam was an Ellen today
They both are so funny
I hope he does get to go on her show at least once, it will be awesome to see them together
And her commencement speech was hilarious, I swear
If she was my teacher, I would actually love school
I think i'm in love with Twitter
I'm tweeting non-stop
Follow me by the way
Apparently its raining at Ratna's house
But its sunny here, wth >:(
Blueberries are anti-aging
Blueberries have been shown to have a positive effect on aging. In animal studies, blueberries appear to reverse some aspects of brain aging. To look 10 years younger in 10 days, Dr. Perricone recommends following a diet that includes blueberries. Blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants (or natural anti-inflammatories), which according to Dr. Perricone is necessary for healthy looking skin since inflammation is the basis of aging and wrinkling.
The skin benefits of blueberries are as antioxidants which are to aid in guarding the body against the damaging effects of free radicals to your cells and the potential chronic diseases associated with the type of aging. In the case of blueberries the antioxidants present in this fruit can protect the cell, so there is less chance for aging. They also contain anthocyanins and phenolics that can also act as antioxidants. They can also help you achieve better balance and co-ordination.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The covers were so warm. I rolled over to the side on the soft silk comforter and pulled the quilt up higher.
"Morning, sleepyhead." I opened my eyes to see Adam watching over me with a small smile on his face. His hair was messy and tousled, and he wore nothing but a pair of jeans. I felt him stroke the side of my face gently and he leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.
"Is it morning already?"
"No, you slept through the day. It's 5." I opened my eyes wider to get used to the sunlight, and sat upright to be the same height as him. Even half lying-down he was so tall. It was cold even though the afternoon just happened, and I held on to him for warmth. He put his arms around me and we stayed that way for about five minutes until I got out of bed. I had to move around.
I brushed my teeth as Adam prepared a warm bath for me. He even sat at the edge of the bathtub and helped me wash my hair. He was so genuinely generous and nice. I would never have thought that way about a guy who had been part of three musicals. I finally got out of the bath and rinsed myself before heading back to our room.
It was a small apartment, but we still made it work. Adam watched me get dressed. I knew he loved it when I wore his clothes so I put on one of his David Bowie T shirts and a pair of black boxers he owned. I went to the kitchen. Knowing Adam, he probably had been overdosing on Pop Tarts since morning. That man could do many things, but he knew nuts about cooking.
He came to me as I watched the water boil and hugged me around the waist.
"What do you want to do today?" he muttered into my neck. I turned around and looked into his startling blue eyes, smiling.
"I rented the entire season 2 of Gossip Girl for you."
"NO KIDDING." Knowing Adam, he loved that damn show. He was hooked on every scene, from Blair's make out session with Chuck in the limousine to Selena arguing with her mother. He kissed me on the forehead, and then my cheeks, moving down my arm and coming back to my lips. His skin tickled mine.
"Go set the DVR, I'll be right there," I said laughing, and he scooted off. I watched him excitedly go into our room and I knew in an hour, I could be there curled up under his warm chest, not really paying attention to the TV but listening instead to his slow heartbeat, something that would never change no matter what else did, and falling asleep with him by my side.
"Morning, sleepyhead." I opened my eyes to see Adam watching over me with a small smile on his face. His hair was messy and tousled, and he wore nothing but a pair of jeans. I felt him stroke the side of my face gently and he leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.
"Is it morning already?"
"No, you slept through the day. It's 5." I opened my eyes wider to get used to the sunlight, and sat upright to be the same height as him. Even half lying-down he was so tall. It was cold even though the afternoon just happened, and I held on to him for warmth. He put his arms around me and we stayed that way for about five minutes until I got out of bed. I had to move around.
I brushed my teeth as Adam prepared a warm bath for me. He even sat at the edge of the bathtub and helped me wash my hair. He was so genuinely generous and nice. I would never have thought that way about a guy who had been part of three musicals. I finally got out of the bath and rinsed myself before heading back to our room.
It was a small apartment, but we still made it work. Adam watched me get dressed. I knew he loved it when I wore his clothes so I put on one of his David Bowie T shirts and a pair of black boxers he owned. I went to the kitchen. Knowing Adam, he probably had been overdosing on Pop Tarts since morning. That man could do many things, but he knew nuts about cooking.
He came to me as I watched the water boil and hugged me around the waist.
"What do you want to do today?" he muttered into my neck. I turned around and looked into his startling blue eyes, smiling.
"I rented the entire season 2 of Gossip Girl for you."
"NO KIDDING." Knowing Adam, he loved that damn show. He was hooked on every scene, from Blair's make out session with Chuck in the limousine to Selena arguing with her mother. He kissed me on the forehead, and then my cheeks, moving down my arm and coming back to my lips. His skin tickled mine.
"Go set the DVR, I'll be right there," I said laughing, and he scooted off. I watched him excitedly go into our room and I knew in an hour, I could be there curled up under his warm chest, not really paying attention to the TV but listening instead to his slow heartbeat, something that would never change no matter what else did, and falling asleep with him by my side.
I really really cannot wait for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland
The concept art of the movie itself is so pretty

And the fact that Helena Bonham Carter is playing the Red Queen

And Johnny Depp the Mad Hatter

Makes it so much more exciting
But, it's only set to be released in March next year
So, we have to wait
Oh, go here
To vote for extended holidays
Because you have a right to rest as a student
But mostly because I have done nuts for holiday homework, and have barely finished even Emath, and need more time:(
But its stupid seriously
1 case and the level goes to orange
142 cases and the level is still yellow, and school should still happen
They want us to study to built Singapore's nonsexistant future
Or they want all the students to get swine flu and die so they won't have to waste money on us
LOL at Fart:)
"i wish you and lamby all the best for your future. may you have great sex with him like you've always dreamed of."
Anyways, I was listening to Adam singing Detroit Rock City with KISS
And then my dad came into the room looking for his uniform cover bag
And then he started singing along
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
FA-TEE ♥ MST! [; says:
Slow down says:
Then he can console me and we can make out
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
FA-TEE ♥ MST! [; says:
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
Slow down says:
imagine him in a tie and specs
oh he already did that
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
FA-TEE ♥ MST! [; says:
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
Slow down says:
Fart has issues:(
The concept art of the movie itself is so pretty
And the fact that Helena Bonham Carter is playing the Red Queen

And Johnny Depp the Mad Hatter

Makes it so much more exciting
But, it's only set to be released in March next year
So, we have to wait
Oh, go here
To vote for extended holidays
Because you have a right to rest as a student
But mostly because I have done nuts for holiday homework, and have barely finished even Emath, and need more time:(
But its stupid seriously
1 case and the level goes to orange
142 cases and the level is still yellow, and school should still happen
They want us to study to built Singapore's nonsexistant future
Or they want all the students to get swine flu and die so they won't have to waste money on us
LOL at Fart:)
"i wish you and lamby all the best for your future. may you have great sex with him like you've always dreamed of."
Anyways, I was listening to Adam singing Detroit Rock City with KISS
And then my dad came into the room looking for his uniform cover bag
And then he started singing along
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
FA-TEE ♥ MST! [; says:
Slow down says:
Then he can console me and we can make out
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
FA-TEE ♥ MST! [; says:
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
Slow down says:
imagine him in a tie and specs
oh he already did that
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
FA-TEE ♥ MST! [; says:
[u][c=7]Batman the Robin[/c][/u] says:
Slow down says:
Fart has issues:(
Sunday, June 21, 2009
How long have you been 15?
A while
Definitely one of the most relaxed birthdays i've had in my life, and afterlife
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and messages
I love you guys so much:)
I loved replying to all the smses
And all the facebook wishes
Dad was so funny
He sent me a SMS ecard thingy cause he couldn't be here
And it turned up as "Error. Unsupported message" on my phone
So he says he'll let me look at it in his phone instead
Happy Fathers Day, Dad<3
And grandfather and grandmother visted in the morning
Granddad bought me flowers too
And Grandmother said she prayed for me
I love them
I almost cried when watching Finding Nemo cause its so sad
I love the movie, its so cute
A while
Definitely one of the most relaxed birthdays i've had in my life, and afterlife
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and messages
I love you guys so much:)
I loved replying to all the smses
And all the facebook wishes
Dad was so funny
He sent me a SMS ecard thingy cause he couldn't be here
And it turned up as "Error. Unsupported message" on my phone
So he says he'll let me look at it in his phone instead
Happy Fathers Day, Dad<3
And grandfather and grandmother visted in the morning
Granddad bought me flowers too
And Grandmother said she prayed for me
I love them
I almost cried when watching Finding Nemo cause its so sad
I love the movie, its so cute
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sentosa with the S2Bees was, just awesome
So me and Ratna were supposed to meet at Harbourfront at 10.20
But I saw her at the train station getting lost-.-
So then at Harbourfront we fangirled and then went to Giant to get food to bring along and she had such awesome things to say
"Do you think the S2Bs like nuts" being one of them
And while waiting for Zehra and Pearlyn, we went to search for the Rolling Stone magazine but none of the shops had it
What fools
Whats the use of selling magazines if you don't have the most inportant one
With Adam on it
I bet the salesgirls stole it all and kept it for themselves
The beach was awesome
It was raining so we went to go fool around in the water and get wet
And stuff sand down each other's shirts
It was just so cool
And, we even managed to swim all the way to the other to some other island
And then look at the view from the clifftop
So the whole day was spent in the water in the beach
And on the beach staying away from the sun and listening to Adam's beautiful voice
And looking at hot people
Then, Burger King with Siti, Ratna, Hang, Atikah, and Zehra
And we sat on the Vivocity rooftop talking
The return trip on the train with Ratna was hilarious
We went to stand beside a guy who looked 6 feet 1
So we could get a feel on how it would be like to stand beside Adam
It was so cool
Althogh the guy was not good looking at all, which Adam most certainly is good looking
I made a twitter
So me and Ratna were supposed to meet at Harbourfront at 10.20
But I saw her at the train station getting lost-.-
So then at Harbourfront we fangirled and then went to Giant to get food to bring along and she had such awesome things to say
"Do you think the S2Bs like nuts" being one of them
And while waiting for Zehra and Pearlyn, we went to search for the Rolling Stone magazine but none of the shops had it
What fools
Whats the use of selling magazines if you don't have the most inportant one
With Adam on it
I bet the salesgirls stole it all and kept it for themselves
The beach was awesome
It was raining so we went to go fool around in the water and get wet
And stuff sand down each other's shirts
It was just so cool
And, we even managed to swim all the way to the other to some other island
And then look at the view from the clifftop
So the whole day was spent in the water in the beach
And on the beach staying away from the sun and listening to Adam's beautiful voice
And looking at hot people
Then, Burger King with Siti, Ratna, Hang, Atikah, and Zehra
And we sat on the Vivocity rooftop talking
The return trip on the train with Ratna was hilarious
We went to stand beside a guy who looked 6 feet 1
So we could get a feel on how it would be like to stand beside Adam
It was so cool
Althogh the guy was not good looking at all, which Adam most certainly is good looking
I made a twitter
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thank you so much for the flowers Jie'r
They're so nice
Fangirling with you over your Japanese stars and Adam Lambert is so much fun
I'm having trouble remembering all their names, but they're all super pretty
I love you:)
Charcoal drawing is scary
Not counting the fact that I drew on an easel that had her name writen on it
It doesn't really matter anymore though
But I made Greek God Zeus or Apollo or whoever he is look like a lion with my hideous charcoal drawing skills
I bet the Greek gods are angry with me now
I'm going to hell
I'm really thinking that straight couples
As in, guy and girl couples
Look a bit weird
I mean, I know they love each other and everything
But I don't understand how they can stand being together
The Chris Brown and Rihanna thing is still going on
I'm actually really glad Chris Brown beat Rihanna up
She deserves it
I hate everything of hers, especially the video for Disturbia
It was so disgusting the way she almost exactly copied Marilyn Manson's The Beautiful People video
He made it look artistic, she just made it look stupid
Okay now i'm pissed
Danny Gokey can just go fuck himself
I don't care if he's homophobic
But how dare he ridicule Adam like that
Its disgusting, it's just disgusting
Even if it wasn't Adam, if it were any other gay man
It would be as stupid and gross
They're so nice
Fangirling with you over your Japanese stars and Adam Lambert is so much fun
I'm having trouble remembering all their names, but they're all super pretty
I love you:)
Charcoal drawing is scary
Not counting the fact that I drew on an easel that had her name writen on it
It doesn't really matter anymore though
But I made Greek God Zeus or Apollo or whoever he is look like a lion with my hideous charcoal drawing skills
I bet the Greek gods are angry with me now
I'm going to hell
I'm really thinking that straight couples
As in, guy and girl couples
Look a bit weird
I mean, I know they love each other and everything
But I don't understand how they can stand being together
The Chris Brown and Rihanna thing is still going on
I'm actually really glad Chris Brown beat Rihanna up
She deserves it
I hate everything of hers, especially the video for Disturbia
It was so disgusting the way she almost exactly copied Marilyn Manson's The Beautiful People video
He made it look artistic, she just made it look stupid
Okay now i'm pissed
Danny Gokey can just go fuck himself
I don't care if he's homophobic
But how dare he ridicule Adam like that
Its disgusting, it's just disgusting
Even if it wasn't Adam, if it were any other gay man
It would be as stupid and gross
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I came into the bar hoping to get drunk enough to be charged with public intoxication. But while I looked around for a place to sit down, my eyes met with a perfect being instead. He was sitting alone in the bar in a black blazer and jeans. The first four buttons on his shirt were left unbuttoned to reveal ivory white, perfect skin on his chest, and he was hunched over, as if brooding about something only he knew about.
I studied his features. His eyes were lined generously with eyeliner, and smudged slightly so it looked like it had been there for days. Like he had slept in it. The man turned his head to face me and smiled, raising one eyebrow in a seductive gesture. I felt the air leave my chest. It must have been me who walked up and introduced myself, but it was him who bought me a drink, and we spent the rest of the hour talking.
Every move he made was perfectly choreographed, and every word he said made my insides squirm. His voice hypnotized me. It was husky, deep, the way I liked it. I must have been the luckiest son of a bitch in that club when he took me by one of his strong hands, and with a gentle tug, led me to small, dark room at the end of the bar.
He closed the door behind him, and it was only the both of us in that small, dimly lit room. He took over me immediately. He seemed to love being on top, and very experienced at it. He knew exactly which places to caress and which buttons to push. Our mouths met like two hungry lions as we explored each other. The couch we were lying on must have squirmed as I met every touch of his with an eagerness that only suggested, "Fuck me."
His tongue moved into my mouth, and then he let it slide over to my cheek, going down my neck and down my chest as he ripped off my shirt in one soft, fluid motion. I felt around for his body in the dark and rid him of his blazer, which he shrugged off. I felt around for his chest again, and removed his shirt. The static was unbearable. The electricity in that small room could have lit up every light bulb in New York City.
Adam's capable hands were on my waist as he straddled me to the couch, and his lips met mine again with an energy that humiliated any martial arts expert. My breathing came in short gasps as my back arched, begging for him to do whatever he pleased to me. I grasped a fistful of his gelled hair and pulled him closer. He smiled into our kiss.
"Not so fast love."
No, it had to be fast. I needed this man. I wanted him to ravage me. I tried to roll over so I could be on top instead but his strong arms resisted me, and they resisted me well. He took both my wrists in an iron grip and held them above my head, while he continued to cover the rest of my body with hot kisses before pulling back.
Adam hovered over me for a while, studying my face. I stared at his blue irises, and he met my eyes with a piercing gaze and a seductive smile. He took far too long, and the anticipation was killing me. I wanted to scream "Just fuck me already" but I didn't. He was such a tease. I felt his hot breath in my ear and he spoke to me.
"You're very pretty, you know that."
I studied his features. His eyes were lined generously with eyeliner, and smudged slightly so it looked like it had been there for days. Like he had slept in it. The man turned his head to face me and smiled, raising one eyebrow in a seductive gesture. I felt the air leave my chest. It must have been me who walked up and introduced myself, but it was him who bought me a drink, and we spent the rest of the hour talking.
Every move he made was perfectly choreographed, and every word he said made my insides squirm. His voice hypnotized me. It was husky, deep, the way I liked it. I must have been the luckiest son of a bitch in that club when he took me by one of his strong hands, and with a gentle tug, led me to small, dark room at the end of the bar.
He closed the door behind him, and it was only the both of us in that small, dimly lit room. He took over me immediately. He seemed to love being on top, and very experienced at it. He knew exactly which places to caress and which buttons to push. Our mouths met like two hungry lions as we explored each other. The couch we were lying on must have squirmed as I met every touch of his with an eagerness that only suggested, "Fuck me."
His tongue moved into my mouth, and then he let it slide over to my cheek, going down my neck and down my chest as he ripped off my shirt in one soft, fluid motion. I felt around for his body in the dark and rid him of his blazer, which he shrugged off. I felt around for his chest again, and removed his shirt. The static was unbearable. The electricity in that small room could have lit up every light bulb in New York City.
Adam's capable hands were on my waist as he straddled me to the couch, and his lips met mine again with an energy that humiliated any martial arts expert. My breathing came in short gasps as my back arched, begging for him to do whatever he pleased to me. I grasped a fistful of his gelled hair and pulled him closer. He smiled into our kiss.
"Not so fast love."
No, it had to be fast. I needed this man. I wanted him to ravage me. I tried to roll over so I could be on top instead but his strong arms resisted me, and they resisted me well. He took both my wrists in an iron grip and held them above my head, while he continued to cover the rest of my body with hot kisses before pulling back.
Adam hovered over me for a while, studying my face. I stared at his blue irises, and he met my eyes with a piercing gaze and a seductive smile. He took far too long, and the anticipation was killing me. I wanted to scream "Just fuck me already" but I didn't. He was such a tease. I felt his hot breath in my ear and he spoke to me.
"You're very pretty, you know that."
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Even in small squarish forms, Adam is hot
And the Rolling Stone cover shoot
It's so, Adamgasmic
He is, pure perfection
Thanks to Jie'r
I can't stop staring at the Rolling Stone cover
No one can measure up to him
His eyes and his smile and his, everything
I would just kill to have that close to me
He's so crazy sexy awesome
He's just, irrisistable
Monday, June 15, 2009
"Bella, Bella wait."
"No Jacob, get away from me." He cut across her, his strong physique becoming an obstacle to her way out. He wouldn't let he go, not without telling him what had happened. He knew from the beginning, that Edward Cullen did not have the slightest idea what was best for her. Bella turned around so she wouldn't have to look at him, and he wouldn't have to see her crying.
"Bella," he touched her elbow. She yanked it from him, and wiped away a single tear. She could have yanked his heart out instead and it wouldn't have made a difference. He stared at her hair. The deep brown that fell below her waist. The curls moving ever so slightly as sobs she could not hide wretched their way out of her. She was in pain, and her pain hurt him.
"Bella, listen to me," he turned her around to face him, "if he's forcing you to be with him, you can tell me. Is he hurting you in any way?"
She didn't answer, but her sobs gave her away. Anger stung Jacob. That bloodsucker hurt Bella, his Bella. A fresh wave of hysteria washed her over and she clung to him for support as new tears came. He placed an arm to her back to keep her steady, she was so weak.
"Don't go looking for him, Jacob."
"I'm going to rip that leech limb from limb."
"I don't want you to get hurt. I need you,Jacob" She looked up at him. His heart melted into his stomach to see her that way. She needed him now, and he wanted to be there. She pressed her cheek to his chest, aching for his warmth.
"You're so cold." He set her back down on the couch and rushed to the closet for a blanket that he wrapped around the both of them. She nestled up to him willingly, the curves of her body fit his perfectly. Like a jigsaw puzzle, and both pieces just as mangled.
"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would be this mad," she whispered.
"How could he?"
"He doesn't know what he's capable of."
They were silent for a while. Even the wind outside the window seemed to have slowed down, but the snow was still as thick as ever. Bella might have been sleeping, but she shifted herself slightly to look at Jacob. He stroked her soft hair gently, and studied the features of her pale face. She was still beautiful.
"He's going to be mad you know, that i'm here."
"I won't let him hurt you." She felt the hold he had on her with his strong arms tighten. She kissed him on the forehead, and then on the lips, once, twice.
"I love you, Jacob."
"I love you too, Bella."
"No Jacob, get away from me." He cut across her, his strong physique becoming an obstacle to her way out. He wouldn't let he go, not without telling him what had happened. He knew from the beginning, that Edward Cullen did not have the slightest idea what was best for her. Bella turned around so she wouldn't have to look at him, and he wouldn't have to see her crying.
"Bella," he touched her elbow. She yanked it from him, and wiped away a single tear. She could have yanked his heart out instead and it wouldn't have made a difference. He stared at her hair. The deep brown that fell below her waist. The curls moving ever so slightly as sobs she could not hide wretched their way out of her. She was in pain, and her pain hurt him.
"Bella, listen to me," he turned her around to face him, "if he's forcing you to be with him, you can tell me. Is he hurting you in any way?"
She didn't answer, but her sobs gave her away. Anger stung Jacob. That bloodsucker hurt Bella, his Bella. A fresh wave of hysteria washed her over and she clung to him for support as new tears came. He placed an arm to her back to keep her steady, she was so weak.
"Don't go looking for him, Jacob."
"I'm going to rip that leech limb from limb."
"I don't want you to get hurt. I need you,Jacob" She looked up at him. His heart melted into his stomach to see her that way. She needed him now, and he wanted to be there. She pressed her cheek to his chest, aching for his warmth.
"You're so cold." He set her back down on the couch and rushed to the closet for a blanket that he wrapped around the both of them. She nestled up to him willingly, the curves of her body fit his perfectly. Like a jigsaw puzzle, and both pieces just as mangled.
"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would be this mad," she whispered.
"How could he?"
"He doesn't know what he's capable of."
They were silent for a while. Even the wind outside the window seemed to have slowed down, but the snow was still as thick as ever. Bella might have been sleeping, but she shifted herself slightly to look at Jacob. He stroked her soft hair gently, and studied the features of her pale face. She was still beautiful.
"He's going to be mad you know, that i'm here."
"I won't let him hurt you." She felt the hold he had on her with his strong arms tighten. She kissed him on the forehead, and then on the lips, once, twice.
"I love you, Jacob."
"I love you too, Bella."
Adam sang this perfectly:)
But Kris, Kris ruined it
Kris should just go stuff his head into a rabbit hole and stay there
He can totally be the covergirl for the Ugly Times magazine
On a nicer note
Tokio Hotel Dolls:D

Mini awesomeness~~~
58 Ways to Annoy Jacob Black
1. Throw a stick, and tell him to fetch it.
2. When he doesn’t get it, say. “What kind of dog are you?”
3. Buy him a kitten for his birthday, and name it Edward.
4. Tell him that he needs a haircut, and take him to a pet groomers.
5. Buy him a; “Bite me” T-shirt.
6. Buy him a shock collar, and press the button every time he swears.
7. Give him a muzzle.
8. Go cliff diving without him.
9. Wait for him to come safe you, when you start to drown.
10. When he asks why you did it. Tell him that you don’t know how to doggie paddle, and ask him if he can teach you.
11. When you get out of the lake, insist that he needs to give you CPR.
12. When he leans down to give you CPR, hold your nose and make a crack about him smelling like wet dog.
13. Kiss him.
14. Then push him off.
15. Then ask if you’re safe, and that he doesn’t have any rabies that you need to worry about.
16. Follow him around, singing “Who let the dog out? (Who! Who! Who!?)”
17. Buy him dog treats and a chew toy for his birthday.
18. When he gets mad, begin to cry. And tell him that Edward would have been grateful.
19. Ask him why he doesn’t glitter in the sun.
20. Wait until he goes to bed, and then dump glitter-glue all over him.
21. When he wakes up the next morning; open the window shade to let the sunlight in. And clap your hands, saying that he glitters too.
22. Ask him if he has fleas.
23. Tell him that you know the “real” reason why the La Push guys are so close.
24. Wink when you do #23.
25. Tell him to go fetch a space heater.
26. Ask him to go get you a coke from the fridge, and if he does. Pat his head, and say. “Good boy.”
27. If he doesn’t; hit him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
28. Whenever he tries to speak, howl at the top of your lungs.
29. Walk behind him for a really long time, constantly touching his butt.
30. When he asks you what you are doing, tell him that you are looking for his tail.
31. Compare the number of Edward fans, to Jacob fans.
32. Make insinuations, about the pack having “hot homo doggie fun”.
33. Go into his bathroom, and replace his shampoo with flea shampoo.
34. Whenever he says “Werewolf” scream “SHAPE SHIFTER” right into his ear on the top of your lungs.
35. Tell him that he is the love child of; Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
36. When you cant find him, sing “Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?”.
37. Dress up for a vampire on Halloween, and go trick or treating in La Push.
38. Tell him that real men sparkle in the sun.
39. Bring him over to your house, and serve him; Purina dog food.
40. Serve that dog food, in a plastic doggie dish.
41. Ask him to kiss you.
42. Then push him off, and slap him in the face.
43. Then scream and yell about him breaking your hand.
44. Put up; missing dog posters, with his name on them.
45. Paint his motor cycle hot pink.
46. Sneeze and tell him that you must be allergic to dogs.
47. Sing “I kissed a girl” but change the words to “I kissed a wolf.”
48. Ask if Edward dazzles him.
49. Lick your finger, and touch his chest saying a sizzle sound.
50. Ask him about Air Bud, his BFF.
51. Ask him if he likes to do things doggy style.
52. Buy him a team Edward shirt.
53. Take Breaking dawn, and make him read Edward and Bellas honeymoon scene.
54. When he gets all mad. Lean into his ear, and whisper “We could do that.”
55. Then pull away, and say. “Oh, I forgot. You’re with Seth, right?”
56. When he turns around, say “Edward won!”
57. When he phases, steal his pants.
58. Tell him that you would rather see Edward half naked.
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Anyone who does not think Adam is hot must kid
Or they lack the mechanisms to be turned on
Because he is smexy, and so gasmically gorgeous
He's impossible
I got an sms, saying there won't be buds today
Damn me for not switching on my phone
But, I wasn't planning on going today either
Kah Heng asked me why I wasn't going as much as I used to, and I guess telling him made things better
And, the old movies are so, gay
But I still love the Addams Family
Morticia, is hot
Really, she's better than the actress who played her in the newer live action movies
Although I like both of them
Friday, June 12, 2009
I love Adam's voice when he said Hey
Especially the second time he said it
And he sounds so smart when he talks about the art history stuff
And his eyes are so hot
He's so perfect
Meeting Vocal Coach Iris was scary at first
But she was nice
She asked me to sing for her, which I did
And she said my voice was fine
Although, she did say I lacked confidence in my singing
I'm reading Eclipse now
And, Jacob is so adorable
The way he and Edward don't like each other is really, hilarious
Jacob sprang lightly to his feet, his agility at odds with his sheer mass, and trotted over to where Edward and I stood on the fringe of things.
"Jacob," Edward greeted him politely.
Jacob ignored him, his dark eyes on me.
He's so cute, Taylor Lautner is cute too
But nothing can beat Adam
Did I mention
Adam likes Twilight:D
Finally, a guy who likes Twilight
I hate The New Scooby Doo Movies
The animated ones, and they cannot be considered new anymore because they're really old
Scooby Doo: Meets The Addams Family was the worst
They made the Addams family look like such freaks
Not just because of the way they drew the characters, which was so gay
Thing is not supposed to be green, and Morticia does not wear blue eyeshadow
Wednesday does not dress in pink, and It is not a blonde
The animated ones, and they cannot be considered new anymore because they're really old
Scooby Doo: Meets The Addams Family was the worst
They made the Addams family look like such freaks
Not just because of the way they drew the characters, which was so gay
Thing is not supposed to be green, and Morticia does not wear blue eyeshadow
Wednesday does not dress in pink, and It is not a blonde
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Just watched Entertainment Tonight with dad
And, Adam was on it:D
The rolling stone cover was being unveiled to him and they were talking about his gayness
He was so cute
I was trying so hard not to fangirl or make inappropriate noises when I saw him on TV because dad was there
But, Adam was like sex on legs
So hot
I was sending an SMS to Ratna
And dad saw my wallpaper, which is well, a picture of Adam
And he thinks Adam is cool:)
Dad likes glam rock, so its fitting that he would like him
Ratna's not online:(
Okay now she's online
The weather lady is crazy
But Adam is so adorable:)
And this kid is so cool
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

“I don’t think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear that I’m gay,”
Damn, Adam
Of all people, it was you
Maybe, just maybe someday
If I can't have you, I wish I could at least, get someone like you
Even though nobody can even be close to what you are
Real guys wear guyliner
And Adam is the most good looking out of all of them
And the fact that he is gay, makes him seem even hotter
Really, no one can compare

You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin',
I'm gonna send you back to schoolin',
Way down inside honey, you need it,
I'm gonna give you my love,
Wanna Whole Lotta Love
You've been learnin', baby, I bean learnin',
All them good times, baby, baby, I've been yearnin',
Way, way down inside honey, you need it,
I'm gonna give you my love... I'm gonna give you my love.
You've been coolin', baby, I've been droolin',
All the good times I've been misusin',
Way, way down inside, I'm gonna give you my love,
I'm gonna give you every inch of my love,
Gonna give you my love.
Way down inside... woman... You need... love.
Shake for me, girl. I wanna be your backdoor man.
Keep it coolin', baby.
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
it's so argh.
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
and kris got a record deal -.- ew
Kiss and tell says:
With who, his face?
Ratna says:
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
aaaaaaaahhhhhh i hope his album doesnt sell!
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
oh ew kris said drake is a nice guy
Kiss and tell says:
Kris says drake is a nice guy so drake must be a whiny ass
Ratna says:
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
but maybe, drake is nice :/
i mean, adam has good taste
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
i cant wait for rolling stones!!!
Kiss and tell says:
Lol that was funny
like, you're waiting for stones to roll
Ratna says:
Please don't be gay, Adam:(
For my sake
You're too Hot, Nice, Adorable, Funny, Cute, Sensitive, Kind, Good Singer, Talanted, Open, and Loving to be gay
Ratna says:
it's so argh.
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
and kris got a record deal -.- ew
Kiss and tell says:
With who, his face?
Ratna says:
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
aaaaaaaahhhhhh i hope his album doesnt sell!
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
oh ew kris said drake is a nice guy
Kiss and tell says:
Kris says drake is a nice guy so drake must be a whiny ass
Ratna says:
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
but maybe, drake is nice :/
i mean, adam has good taste
Kiss and tell says:
Ratna says:
i cant wait for rolling stones!!!
Kiss and tell says:
Lol that was funny
like, you're waiting for stones to roll
Ratna says:
Please don't be gay, Adam:(
For my sake
You're too Hot, Nice, Adorable, Funny, Cute, Sensitive, Kind, Good Singer, Talanted, Open, and Loving to be gay
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