I thought perfection couldn't get any better
But along came Adam
His smile is so, dyingworthy
And his eyes
Anybody can have blue eyes, but Adam's blue eyes are the best
The Playback Theatre workshop was beyond words
I loved it
It was so much fun,and the kids were just adorable
Anne and Jerry, and the rest of the volunteers were just awesome
I could never ask to work with anybody better
I really have to do things like this more often
Thank you Anne, for the ice cream treat afterwards:)
And, she was so nice
She was talking to Pippa and me, giving us beauty tips:)
Oh such females, really
But like I said, she's a great mentor and teacher
Learning Playback Theatre from her is the best thing ever
I found out I had 31 people coming to this page yesterday
Normally I have many pageloads because I keep coming to my blog
But since I was staying at Grandmother's house I didn't go to my blog at all
So it must have been 31 random people, 4 of whom are apparently very interested in what I say because they were returning visitors
To anyone who's coming to my blog and not commenting, shame on you >:(
Adam's a bit drunk in this one
But he's adorable when he's drunk
3:35 to 4.05 is the hottest part of his singing
Pure Adamgasm
Especially the high note, he hit it perfectly
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