Adam sang this perfectly:)
But Kris, Kris ruined it
Kris should just go stuff his head into a rabbit hole and stay there
He can totally be the covergirl for the Ugly Times magazine
On a nicer note
Tokio Hotel Dolls:D

Mini awesomeness~~~
58 Ways to Annoy Jacob Black
1. Throw a stick, and tell him to fetch it.
2. When he doesn’t get it, say. “What kind of dog are you?”
3. Buy him a kitten for his birthday, and name it Edward.
4. Tell him that he needs a haircut, and take him to a pet groomers.
5. Buy him a; “Bite me” T-shirt.
6. Buy him a shock collar, and press the button every time he swears.
7. Give him a muzzle.
8. Go cliff diving without him.
9. Wait for him to come safe you, when you start to drown.
10. When he asks why you did it. Tell him that you don’t know how to doggie paddle, and ask him if he can teach you.
11. When you get out of the lake, insist that he needs to give you CPR.
12. When he leans down to give you CPR, hold your nose and make a crack about him smelling like wet dog.
13. Kiss him.
14. Then push him off.
15. Then ask if you’re safe, and that he doesn’t have any rabies that you need to worry about.
16. Follow him around, singing “Who let the dog out? (Who! Who! Who!?)”
17. Buy him dog treats and a chew toy for his birthday.
18. When he gets mad, begin to cry. And tell him that Edward would have been grateful.
19. Ask him why he doesn’t glitter in the sun.
20. Wait until he goes to bed, and then dump glitter-glue all over him.
21. When he wakes up the next morning; open the window shade to let the sunlight in. And clap your hands, saying that he glitters too.
22. Ask him if he has fleas.
23. Tell him that you know the “real” reason why the La Push guys are so close.
24. Wink when you do #23.
25. Tell him to go fetch a space heater.
26. Ask him to go get you a coke from the fridge, and if he does. Pat his head, and say. “Good boy.”
27. If he doesn’t; hit him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
28. Whenever he tries to speak, howl at the top of your lungs.
29. Walk behind him for a really long time, constantly touching his butt.
30. When he asks you what you are doing, tell him that you are looking for his tail.
31. Compare the number of Edward fans, to Jacob fans.
32. Make insinuations, about the pack having “hot homo doggie fun”.
33. Go into his bathroom, and replace his shampoo with flea shampoo.
34. Whenever he says “Werewolf” scream “SHAPE SHIFTER” right into his ear on the top of your lungs.
35. Tell him that he is the love child of; Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
36. When you cant find him, sing “Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?”.
37. Dress up for a vampire on Halloween, and go trick or treating in La Push.
38. Tell him that real men sparkle in the sun.
39. Bring him over to your house, and serve him; Purina dog food.
40. Serve that dog food, in a plastic doggie dish.
41. Ask him to kiss you.
42. Then push him off, and slap him in the face.
43. Then scream and yell about him breaking your hand.
44. Put up; missing dog posters, with his name on them.
45. Paint his motor cycle hot pink.
46. Sneeze and tell him that you must be allergic to dogs.
47. Sing “I kissed a girl” but change the words to “I kissed a wolf.”
48. Ask if Edward dazzles him.
49. Lick your finger, and touch his chest saying a sizzle sound.
50. Ask him about Air Bud, his BFF.
51. Ask him if he likes to do things doggy style.
52. Buy him a team Edward shirt.
53. Take Breaking dawn, and make him read Edward and Bellas honeymoon scene.
54. When he gets all mad. Lean into his ear, and whisper “We could do that.”
55. Then pull away, and say. “Oh, I forgot. You’re with Seth, right?”
56. When he turns around, say “Edward won!”
57. When he phases, steal his pants.
58. Tell him that you would rather see Edward half naked.
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