Adam's got a boyfriend now
And his name is Drake
But, i'm not so sad
Or even sad at all because they both look really cute together
Adam looks cute everywhere, but they fit each other so well
I would rather Adam be with him that some whore from somewhere
Drake is a really lucky guy:(
Anyways, life is very relaxed now
Or, more relaxed than it was
Skipped Biology yesterday because I didn't feel like it
And had to visit Auntie's house to collect shoes for the wedding
Not my wedding, a family friend's wedding
I don't really want to get married like that, i'd rather elope
I need to shop, badly
And, by shopping I mean, buying loads of stuff at one time
I mean, I don't shop that often
But, I do want to shop
Playback Theatre Workshop tomorrow and Friday and Saturday
And I can't wait
I hope the kids we'll be teaching like me though
I have enough experiences of kids throwing stuff at me
But, I bet they'll all be nice and well-behaved:)
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