Sunday, December 6, 2009

Another one, I really love this pairing
Jasper's very different than how he's portrayed in the books, but I'm working on making it more Jasper.
Once again, I'm naming this Chapter 4 for the time being.
I haven't even named the entire story yet.

Chapter 4
Seth Clearwater/Jasper Hale.

A sharp tap jolted the young man out of his dreams. He was having a good one, of him sitting on a rock watching a waterfall. It wasn't that interesting but it had given him the peace he'd been lacking the past few days. He heard another tap and Seth Clearwater opened his eyes. The clock on his nightstand said "3:11 am". He heard another tap and sat upright in his bed.


Seth stood up and walked to his window, sliding the glass up and leaning over to look outside. The cold air hit his bare chest in sharp contrast to his warm bed as he looked at Jasper watching him from below.

"Hello, Seth," he smiled, looking up Seth's messy bed head and sleepy eyes.

"It's 3 am."

"I know, hold on, I'm coming up." Seth stepped back from the window and collapsed back onto his mattress. Jasper came in and crossed the floor to sit down on the bed.

"It's not fair, vampires don't sleep," Seth mumbled through the sheets, half asleep. His sleepiness faded away and he remembered Jasper's vampire gift. He sat up again and ran his hand through his hair messing it up even more, a gesture that Jasper found strangely attractive.

"I never said I was fair. I wanted to talk to you."


"You told Jacob about, us?" Jasper was slightly taller even when they were sitting down. Seth was still half buried in the sheets.

"I was just feeling like I had to tell someone. How come you knew I'd told him?"

"Edward, he came to La Push to talk to Sam and he saw Jacob. He read Jacob's mind and told me about it when he came back."

"Oh." Neither of them spoke for a while. Seth took interest in a spot on his bedsheets and stared at it, not wanting to look at Jasper.

"Were you okay with me telling him?"

"Seth, I'm fine with anything you do. I was just wondering why you didn't choose to tell the entire pack."

"I want to tell them, and I know I have to tell them soon, but I don't know how they'll react. Your family took the whole idea so well. Carlisle and Esme just took me in and treated me like family," he said, "and I don't know if the pack will be that way."

Jasper reached forward and pulled Seth into a hug.

"They will. But I want you to tell them when you feel like it, not because you feel you have to. Please promise me that." Seth pulled back, he felt a calmness come over him and realized Jasper was using his vampire gift again. For the first time in days a real smile came over his face.

"I promise, now quit using your magical powers on me." Jasper looked stunned.

"I'm not!"

"Right, I believe that."

"Have you maybe thought that you were feeling like that because you're in love with me?" he said, smirking.

"Man, I can't stand you." Seth lifted his blankets and crawled back underneath them. Jasper moved to his side, wrapping one arm around him and using the other to prop his head on the pillow while Seth turned to face him.

"Are you going to stay here till morning?"

"I'll be gone once you're asleep."

"It's going to be a long time considering you woke me up at 3 am in the middle of a pretty good dream."

"I can give you a better one." Seth sighed.

"Just, stay here okay?" he asked. Jasper kissed his hair and wrapped his arm tighter around Seth.

"I will." He stayed there till it was almost dawn, watching Seth until he was he had fallen asleep, before heading out of the window and back to the Cullen house. Sam Uley watched him leave from afar.


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