Sunday, January 25, 2009

1.) I have a severe fingernail fetish, where I feel wierd if I touch people's hands if they have dirty fingernails, which is sad.
2.) I stubbornly stick to what I think is right, unless someone gives me a very very good reason to not think so.
3.) I'm mildly obsessed with pandas, and Jack Skellington.
4.) I get affected by what people say really easily, and I get annoyed by people really easily.
5.) I like watching burlesque dancers. It's not some sick obsession, I just find burlesque really artistic.
6.) I eat at Subway really really messily:(
7.) I collect, and read children's books:)
8.) When I do math, I get really pissed, and snap at anyone who annoys me. And then I get really guilty later.
9.) I was at 2007 My Chemical Romance concert:)
10.) I love Marilyn Manson in a very brotherly way which is surprising because we don't know each other.
11.) Sometimes I practice the keyboard till my fingers are red, and I still continue.
12.) I think the Indian accent is funny:)
13.) I have a special folder in my tablet PC, where I keep pictures of hot people.
14.) I think Angelina Jolie is an inspiration.
15.) I dream to become a Hollywood actress, and host my own talkshow like Oprah.
16.) Only a few people address me as Nishanthini, and many people don't know thats my real name because they only know me as Nishan. My parents, reletives, friends, and even teachers call me Nishan, and I prefer to be known that way.
17.) I secretly listen to, and like, the Jonas Brothers:)
18.) I don't like Singapore at all, and I want to do my post-secondary education in the US. Hopefully:)
19.) I collect every letter, or significant small anything, and keep it inside a cookie box. I have 2 full ones, and one almost full now, and they're about as big as a shoebox:) I read whatever's inside occasionally, and I still find the things we used to write to one another really funny.
20.) I think right now, everyone has very funny facebooks What are you doing now? messages:)

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