Monday, January 28, 2008

Everyone should play chess,it helps alot with memory
I managed to memorise the anklung score by reding it twice
And my memory is improving,so that's good

How sweet:)

This hamster looks exactly like dumbledore:)
I never kept dwarf hamsters,because i'm allergic to them
When I go near I start sneezing and i can't breathe
:( which is a pity becasue they're really cute

My chess playing is mediocre
I'm averaging about 5-9 seconds
Which is very very bad as that's the time I take to make one move

Everyone should play chess,it helps alot with memory
I memorised all the science notes reading through it only twice
And my memory is improving,so that's good

I seriously want to take higher tamil in upper secondary levels
But Tamil is my seound weakest subject,right after maths
And there's no such combination as Chem and Bio
Physics and me don't get along too well
I feel like the stupidest person on the planet

Ok well then,that's it
I'm going to learn to speak backwards



1 comment:

Gowtham said...

whats up with memorizing science…u are suppose to understand science…feel it and love it…apply it..not memorize it… if u want to learn quicker just relate all that u learn to u r daily activities… it helps :)