Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This video always makes me feel okay

Adam was an Ellen today
They both are so funny
I hope he does get to go on her show at least once, it will be awesome to see them together
And her commencement speech was hilarious, I swear
If she was my teacher, I would actually love school

I think i'm in love with Twitter
I'm tweeting non-stop
Follow me by the way
Apparently its raining at Ratna's house
But its sunny here, wth >:(

Blueberries are anti-aging

Blueberries have been shown to have a positive effect on aging. In animal studies, blueberries appear to reverse some aspects of brain aging. To look 10 years younger in 10 days, Dr. Perricone recommends following a diet that includes blueberries. Blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants (or natural anti-inflammatories), which according to Dr. Perricone is necessary for healthy looking skin since inflammation is the basis of aging and wrinkling.

The skin benefits of blueberries are as antioxidants which are to aid in guarding the body against the damaging effects of free radicals to your cells and the potential chronic diseases associated with the type of aging. In the case of blueberries the antioxidants present in this fruit can protect the cell, so there is less chance for aging. They also contain anthocyanins and phenolics that can also act as antioxidants. They can also help you achieve better balance and co-ordination.

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