Friday, July 31, 2009

Although I hate school most of the time
Teachers are funny

Miss Vanitha; Tom parellels Tennessee Williams, and in this case Tom goes out at night to....explore the gay world....
Ratna and Me: *start laughing*
Miss Vanitha: Cause at night, the gays come out?! *bends over laughing* And in mainstream, normally homosexuals are not accepted

Me: But they're so nice D:
Miss Vanitha: But Nishan most of the time you're not mainstream

I think Miss Vanitha thinks I'm abnormal
But she hasn't seen Kris yet.
He has abnormal written all over his forehead
Kris makes everyone seem normal, except for Adam who is well, beyond anything

I love this song
But I would prefer listening to a band called "Boys like boys" anyways.

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