Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar
And then the earthquake in china
And now a 7.2 magnitude earthquake has struck northern Japan
Well,this has happened in a space of less than a month
And so I'd like to review my takes about Armageddon once more

Well,I said that the world would end in 2012 did I not?
It was my view,since the Mayan calender stops at 2012
2012 was,and still remains the year the end will come
This is according to the Maya

Nostradamus only predicted that when the lines of the Celestial Equator, the line from the center of our galaxy to the edge of our galaxy, and our Equinox will align in a formation we call the Eight Spoked Wheel
Well,I will explain why this Eight Spoked Wheel is important
In the sky,there is a great cross
Look up,and point our eyes right at the center of our galaxy
From an astronomical point of view,this is where a Supermassive Black Hole is located

If you would like to know about the Supermassive Black Hole,I will speak of it
A black hole is a region so dense,it sucks up everything that comes to close,even light
It's formed when a star 8 times the size of our sun collapses and dies
A Supermassive Black Hole is formed almost the same way,except that the star that creates it is up to 100 times the size of our sun

This black hole in the center of our galaxy is what gives us our swirly shape
Now,imagine your sink
It is filled with water,and then you pull the plug
It creates a whirlpool shape
Perhaps this will help you understand our resident Supermassive Black Hole

Now,we all know our 12 constellations
Aries,Taurus,Gemini,Capricorn,Virgo,Libra,Pisces,Leo,Sagittarius,Aquarius,Scorpio and Cancer
Few know of a 13th Zodiac Sign,Ophiuchus-The Serpent Bearer
Now,if you drew a line from Sagittarius' arrowhead,to the end of Scorpio's tail,it will go right through the center of our galaxy
Ophiuchus is located right in the center of our galaxy,where the Supermassive Black Hole is located
This space,becomes very very important

The line from the center of our galaxy to the edge of our galaxy,meet the Celestial Equator to form a Divine Cross
Put together with the Equinox,it forms the eight spoked wheel

Curiously enough,the formation of the Divine Cross and the Equinox into the Eight Spoked Wheel only happens once every 13 000 years
The last time it happened was in 11000 B.C
This means it happened roughly 13000 years ago

If you play by Nostradamus' predictions,the Sun,the constellation of Ophiuchus, and the center of our galaxy will become very important in the coming apocalypse
This gives us a 20 year time period,from 1992 to 2012
So the Apocalypse could happen any moment

Nostradamus has predicted the end of days more precisely than any other person in history
We have to look for three significant lunar eclipses
Together with an event by the sun
10 significant lunar eclipses are to happen in the coming 4 years
4 years later it is

So there it is
The Earth Changing Event when the very veil of god is lifted,and all rules of logic are broken
Of course this is if you believe in Nostradamus that is
I do,and I'm doing fine:)
However you do not play by Nostradamus,then the end day is on december 21st
Have fun...2012

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