Sunday, June 8, 2008

What's your Rabbit I Q?
Rabbt's Best Friend!
Rabbit's Best Friend!
I'm so happy to know there are people like you who know so much about bunnies!

Take the quiz!

What crazy ass poet are you? (pics)
Robert Browning
Robert Browning
No one knows what the hell you are talking about and your work is full of creeps. You like writing for the hell of it and thought talent surpassed all things. You are devoted being, even if your poetry is wild, you are still not all that weird. You are a lover and will continue to be successful for many moons.

Take the quiz!

How well do you know Marilyn Manson?
You are a Mansonite, just like I am. I love Marilyn Manson, and I don't what people say about me being a poser, I will always listen to him. You are like me and know tons about him.

Take the quiz!
What Spongebob character are you?
Your I.Q. may not be as high as the average rock, but you love to make people laugh and you're always hungry.

Take the quiz!

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