Thursday, June 5, 2008

Greetings fellow comrades:)
My shift key is not working,so I have to use the other shift key
And it is hard since I'm not accustomed to using this shift key
How sad...
I'll get used to it soon though:)

Nuggets is eccentric
We are both on the bed using the computer
I am using the computer,he is resting
He got tired of taking rest,so he's resting again

Nuggets: *Starts scratching ear*
Me: hey!
Nuggets: *stares,then moves to the other end of the bed and scratches*
Me: Thats my blanket you! *tugs on blanket*
Nuggets: *stares,then lies down on top*

Indeed,Nuggets is not accompanying me as dogs should to their masters
He only came in here
for the air-con
Indeed... I watched Courage the Cowardly Dog the other day

His computer had a virus,a worm
And then Muriel's Artichoke Soup cleared it up
If only real viruses were that easy to clear up...

We had math intensive today
It was reasonably fine
I revised many things
But I am still way behind on homework

But I will tell of this conversation during maths intensive remedial
Niveetha: How to calculate area of circle?
Jayasree: Nishan how?
Nishan: 2PieR right?

Menakah: PieD lah.
Nishan: You idiot!
Teacher: Yes yes need any help

But the teacher is open minded,so it was funny:)

And this,I got this from Niveetha's blog
It is from Niveetha's point of view as well
Teacher: what's so special about parallel lines?
Nishan: they're parallel [haha!]
Me: i think we know that
Teacher: my questions are actually sensible but you guys make them sound wrong
Nishan: they go on forever and never touch
Teacher: least she tried, any other answers?

And my dental appointment is next monday
My mother says I cannot go to the National Dental Centre by myself
Or I might get lost along the way
I am 13!
And two more weeks untill i'm 14!

This is propaganda
Intese propaganda
I am perfectly capable of going to the National Dental Centre without losing my way!
And I am old and mature!
I can seek rectifience for my baby teeth myself!

Yes indeed,in the abscence of your's truly from this blog
I have sought salvation in the History Channel
Digging for the Truth:)
Mummy Forensics:)
The Universe:)
And Cities of the Underworld:)

They are talking about a lobster called Billy on Animal Planet
He was born blue in colour
And they said the reason is that,like albinos
It's a part of their genetic structure
Blue is nice:)

And they are now talking about a cross breed of horse and zebra
I recognise Terri Irwin's voice:)
She said the strange genetics of the horse/zebra make it fascinating
And there is a rabbit who weighs 9 kilograms!
It's not a fat bunny,its a huge bunny
You can say,it is acceptable weight
But it is tall:)

Well now,
Blood,Blood,galleons of the stuff
I gave them all that they can drink and it will never be enough
I gave them bloo-oooood
Grab a glass because it's going to be a flood:)

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