Friday, May 29, 2009

Debating with Zehra is nice
She asked me today of what I thought of a person she knew, who does her makeup so well people think she's gorgeous, but looks really fake
Her view of too much makeup, or makeup looking fake being bad is fine

But, I think makeup should not be looked at as a "procedure" or, a "routine" that you do before you leave the house
Makeup, is an art
And it should be looked at as an art
The face, is the canvas
And the makeup, is the medium

I mean, look at Visual Kei
Every look is unique, beautiful, and it's own
New looks are coming up, and this part of the subculture is full of innovation
And it's an expression of the wearer's feelings and persona
You just have to approach it with an open mind

Being fake is as wrong as being natural is, it's perfectly fine
Being fake, is like hiding a secret from the world, in this case the secret of how you really look like
And, anybody can be fake
I can put on foot-long hair extensions to the sides of your face, and give you a foundation colour five shades away from your skin tone and you'll look fake

But to look fake, and look good at the same time, it takes skill
Someone who has on rhinestones all over his or her face can be much better looking than someone who has brown hair and brown eyes
Even doing your makeup in such a way that it makes you look natural is a skill
A foundation line, or lipliner that is too obvious can completely break the look, and it takes skill to not make any mistakes
It takes discipline and hours of practice to perfect a look
And it takes more time to develop it into a way that makes it your own

For those who want to be natural, you can go ahead
Even if it means missing the chance to look better
There's nothing wrong with it at all
But know that those who can change the looks and change the faces they were born with are going to look infinitely more unique and unnaturally artistic than just a pretty face

That's all I thought about makeup
And, i'll still wear fake eyelashes, colour my hair, and shave off my eyebrows so I can draw them in
And, just because a guy wears makeup does not mean he is gay
In fact, guys who wear makeup are hot
Straight guys, and gay guys, and straight girls and lesbians and bisexuals and asexuals and zoophiles and pedophiles all wear makeup-.-

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