Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We were counting down the months, then the days, then the hours, then the minutes
And one second before we got on the stage, we lifted our hands up to show that we would give it our all
And we did
We played, every note like it was our last
Nothing was left on earth
It was just our conductor, our music, and our orchestra

When it ended
The crowd cheered, and the smiles on our faces made it all worth it
Backstage, and all of our tears flowed
You hugged each and everyone in your reach, because you loved them all
You couldn't say it in words, but you didn't need to
Because everyone understood
That I was proud of them beyond anything

Mdm Nisa spoke to us
Told us how proud she was, and thanked us
Told us everyone loved our performance
Right then, Gold with honours, Gold, Silver, or Bronze, you didn't care
We'd already won

A second before the results, you squeezed the hand of the person beside you
You wanted a gold so badly
And you cried, worse than before
Till you reached the bus, you couldn't stop
Then on the bus, the speech by our conductor made it better

Its just a piece of paper
I, we, got so much more out of that
But the bus ride was still solemn, no one dared to speak
Angklung had never meant so much to me before
And now it does

I love you, all of you

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