Friday, October 9, 2009

I activated my Facebook to find a quiz
Because I'm bored right now and it's a Friday night.
And then of course, I deactivated it again
I refuse to keep my Facebook

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you

1. I really do drink blood, just n
ot as often as I'd like to. Of course I only take blood from one person.

2. I hate to go out except for things pertaining to theatre and with people I like. If I do go out, I prefer it to be by myself. I have everything I need at home anyway.

3. First thing I notice about people are their fingernails. I don't like ugly fingernails. Nice fingernails are hot.

4. I don't like colors. They're disturbing, they disturb my eyes. I prefer to be in a world where everything is black.

5. I like The Amanda Show, and All That, and Kenan and Kel.

6. I love potatoes. I will eat anything with potatoes because potatoes make the world a better place.

7. Marilyn Manson is very, very important to me. He is one of my loved ones and when people insult him, I get really pissed. Of course if it's by accident I don't really mind, but I'll bash you if you say anything bad about him.

8. I have an unusual obsession with The Nightmare Before Christmas.

9. I want a video camera. A proper one so I can start filming my scripts. And then I would require actors as well. But, I will have to wait for Christmas.

10. The song I can play best on my keyboard would be Intermission by Panic! at the Disco.

11. I brush my fingernails everyday. I take better care of them then I take care of my teeth.

12. I look at mirrors but I don't look into them because I'm scared of what I might see.

13. Apart from the bloody school uniform, I only wear black.

14. I like defying authority.

15. I enjoy it when singers use vibrato in their singing, especially when classic rock singers like Freddie do it.

16. I'm very superstitious. I got it from my father, he's very superstitious as well.

17. I like Red Wine better than any other alcohol. Not because it's anti-aging, it just tastes stronger and more distinct.

18. I said I like potatoes before, but I shall elaborate. Potatoes are the best vegetables on earth. French fries don't do them enough justice. If I every marry, the person has to have full experience with cooking with potatoes.

19. I love Germany. I love Germany so much, that if there was a war between Germany and the rest of the world, I would be on Germany's side.

20. I love bats.

21. I cry a lot. I cry in front of people, but i cry more when I'm by myself.

22. I only believed in love at first sight, but part of me is afraid of getting too close to people for fear that I might fall for them. I've only completely fallen for someone once ever.

23. If I had an idol, it would be Death. It ends people's misery, makes them cry, everyone waits for it, many people fear it, it rules their lives, and they all get it.

24. I, like my dad, want to go to the Himalayas when I'm old and I retire, and sit there. And of course, meditate.

25. I believe in true love.

I signed up for the Writing a Story workshop on October 24th
I wanted to sign up for Haresh Sigma's Bitesize: Introduction to Playwriting workshop
I remember meeting him once while Volunteering for Past Caring
I thought he was so cool, but scary, but very nice
Still, I really wanted to go for the workshop but unfortunately the website says "Children below the age of 16 shall not be admitted.".

Hello excuse me
No. 1, I am not to be classified under "Children"
I am very mature for my age thank your very much, Kns
And No. 2, age does not matter in art
And writing is an art
So of course I'm pissed

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