Thursday, February 7, 2008

I have just returned from one of my weekly conquests to
Yes,its a portal where self proclaimed Goths share their views,ideas etc.
I have been visiting said website for a little over a year now,ever since my search for American Head Charge merchandise had led me there
The newsletters are interesting,and the online catalogues there are much less,well,sleazy than those on ebay

Pink Jack Skellington,honestly

My mother was clearing up her jewellery case just now
And she let me have all those pieces that she thinks I would like
And they are nice:)
Of course I don't accesorize much
But I do a fair bit
It's all the"Bling Bling" thing people are doing now
i don't know why on earth people would want to drape themselves with 50 Kilograms of (fake) metel,but it seems interesting
Of course I would'nt want to drape myself with a ton of "Bling"
My back is bent enough
There is a thing as Singaporean Ebay?
Oh I must have a look at that
I never buy stuffs online
I just don't like going out of the house to go window-shopping
So I look for something I like,I ask my mother if she knows any place that would possible sell such an object,and then i go out and buy it
Or get my parents to get it for me:)

Simple,easy to remember process

Dumbledore needs a new cage
A bigger one:)
So i'm saving up for that

I taped/glued/stapled/melted shut one of those transparent cookie containers
and then I wrapped it with newspaper 'the classifieds section'
And then I cut a hole on the top

And now its half full of money
So when the march holidays are here I can break it open and spend all the money inside:)

I love my brain:)

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