Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm at Xin Yi's house now:)
Snowy is so cute!
But you can't see his eyes because he has too much hair
He's a Maltese,Nuggets too

Did I mention there's a mirror than my bedroom door in here
And I have the flu,i'm afraid I have exhausted half of Xin Yi's tissuebox
How sad
I think my nose might fall off

Common tests are over!!!
I am so happy
Every common tests I get nightmares

I would rather meet a ghost or demon than come face to face with an alien
Aliens are probably the scariest thing man has made in his likeness
It went like this

Imagine you are in your room. Then you're not. And then you watch yourself walking out,so slowly. You tell yourself that there was something in your room. You don't know what to say. You sit beside yourself,and you try to keep your mind off things. Then a piercing screech escapes your room,you scream and move closer to yourself. Cold fear,dread,the urge to rush out,away,from whatever that was. Then it comes into view. That sickening black shadow with contrasting red eyes. It has no legs,an endless expanse of smoke. You are frozen,you take back everything you said about horror movies and hope it's  nightmare. Then why did'nt you wake up. It comes closer,it walks in the most peculiar manner. Like an angel,it comes closer. It's no angel,you're no angel. It's you...

She's here
I'm here
I'm her

I made a whole story from that dream.
Trust me,whatever that thing was,it was sickening
It might have been skelly,I don't know
I told her to get out

it was a dream:)


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