Thursday, October 30, 2008


He's working hard on his music, his fucking boyfriend is using him, and now he has to deal with all you sick bastards bashing him up on youtube and his own website. He doesn't even have time to date and he can't even talk about his favourite pop star because idiots accuse him of using Britney for fame! He's just defending her because unlike you idiots who want to bash her up and write stupid stuff about her, he knows that she's a human!

And even if he hadn't talked about Britney, he or she would forever be much more famous than you all because he's such an excellent speaker and person. So LEAVE HIM ALONE. He can't use the bathroom in public because he's a transgender, he can't buy makeup without people giving him weird looks, and you stupid girls keep bitching about him because you think you have a harder time than him. He's having a much hard time, and he's handling it much better than you sick idiots!

He's changed, he's more mature now, but he says himself that he's still Chrissy from the Crock. If you have a problem with that, then you re not a real fan. I'm really disgusted at your attitudes, and to anyone who wants to bash him up anymore, you deal with me.

Thank you

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