Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I've decided I will edit this post
Because I'm not sad anymore
So on with the editing, or do I call it rewriting
I think it must be rewriting, because if it were editing then I would still have a copy of the original blog post

But I do, but I'm not using it at all
I'm starting from scratch
My L key is not working properly, I must press it extra hard
I just sneezed
And I need tissue paper
Why am I even talking about this!

I'm supposed to be telling you about the nightmare I had yesterday
This is according to my old blog post

But I was to be starting from scratch
I just got ice cream:)
Ever so often mother comes home with a ton of ice cream

This time its sweetcorn
And then sometimes I get some
And thus I eat and eat and eat and get fat

Fatter I mean, I'm already fat
But honestly, fatness is one of the last things I care about

I should start telling you about the nightmare
Well it was very scary
To you it might not me, but I've dreamt of madwomen many times
And they scare me, quite
Or so much so that I woke up sweating and shaking
So then I was too afraid to get out of bed and check the time

But when I already did, it was 5.30
And then I went back to sleep before I woke up at 6.15
Then went to school
And had the Literature paper, where I realised how showing off can really be an annoyance
Unless I think it is a great achievement, Maybe I think I should quit showing off what I do

Because honestly and truthfully
The last thing I want to do, is piss people off
And make them angry, I think it is so mean to do that
I think I don't have anymore to say
Except that Nuggets ate another bone


And that, whatever happens tomorrow during the math and science tests
I have studied for them
And I hope it will not make much difference than if I had done them on separate days
I think I have talked enough
But I really need inspiration right now
I'll find it quite soon I hope

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