Saturday, September 6, 2008

I had to go back to school today for the Open House
Which did not look very much like an open house, but was an open house nonetheless
Me, and Ger Keerthana and NIvethitha and Niveetha and Darshini and Jayashree, and a few others
We had to give IQ puzzles, to the little Primary 5 kids
Now, they are little Primary 5 kids, it must have been 8 free CIP hours you would think
No, not at all

They were so...I cannot find a better word...
They were so rude
And I was there just doing what I could do and enduring the loud noises and banging
Well, they are kids, but they are very very mean
Although some of them were really very intelligent
They were the rare few that amazed me

For their age, very disturbing were the swear words
I should have counted how many times they used the word Shit
And yes motherfucker slipped out of one of their mouths
Now, if I can keep my mouth shut and not use words like that so often i'm sure they can too, especially at their age
I would love to write a story that said

I fucking woke up one fucking morning and stared at the fucking sun before closing the fucking curtains that fucking dopeshow bitch sold me. Then I fucking dragged my ass down the stairs and tripped so I fucking got up and said


My mom fucking saw me and she said

"Morning, dumbass"

I whipped out my middle finger at her, and then I took out my fucking cereal and the fucking thing spilled fucking honeystars all over my fucking pyjamas. Fuck this.

I don't think I'm in a position to say anything now
But I remember talking to Anne once
Anne is my penpal from Norway
And we were debating about porn, whether it was right or not
Well, I think its fine to watch porn
I don't watch porn, I have seen those pornographic advertistments but I don't watch it
I have watched though, movies rated M-18 for Sexual Content

Some might consider some fanfictions and stories to have adult content
I read tons of them, rated NC-17 yes
So if I'm reading porn, I think so be it
Because those writers, are really brilliant
But, I am not writing any sex scenes now though

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