Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lest We Forget,York

A city not unlike Victorian England. To New Yorkers nowadays, it had never existed. But for one man, it's a nightmare all too true.

Long long before America was discovered by Christopher Columbus, it was discovered by Gregorian islanders. When America was discovered, they hid themselves, in trees, plants, animals, anything they could take posession of. Those who had not, or could not master the magic took refuge in caves. Now, they want their country back.

Chapter 1

"A pill to make you numb...

A pill to make you dumb"

Something to get me out of this world, get me on a high. What that? Over there? Teenagers, laughing, scaring me. They don't leave me alone. Where's the mirror, and i'll tell you why. My face is different. Heavy eyelashes, round face, small mouth. They call me elfin, they call me doll-like, I call it Gregorian. I'll wear a mask. I'll wear some gloves. I'll wear a coat, I'll wear what I love.

I walk out onto the street, and the kids yell "Hey, mister! You dropped something!" I turn back, and it's my right glove. She runs to pick it up, I run to pick it up, and we collide. She sees my ring, and she recognises the man on the street wearing the coat and mask. She calls her friends.
I call mine, but I don't have any. They beat me senseless this time and leave me there because i'm a freak.

I wake up at 5 and cannot move. The sun is coming out. I cannot face the light, it will hurt. The pain, though not enough to kill me, will kill me all the same. You were from a perfect world, a world that spit on my name. The sun slowly comes out, I must go home. I grab the curb with my hand and pull. My legs hinder more than help and I get into the front door. I cannot go any further and the sun is already halfway up. I reach for the window and pull on the cord, the shutters close.

As it closes a new light fills the house. And from it, came real people. People that were just like me, the beautiful people, with heavy eyelashes, round faces, and small mouths. They gave me medicine, and I felt almost human again. But it did'nt matter, because my people were back, and there was meaning behind their smiles once again.

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