Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why I hate the government.

Why do you think the world does not have a common market? If we did have a common market, there would be no such thing as "Singapore's economy" or "America's economy". It would be "The Economy". The economy of the whole world. Prices will not rise, and money would not make the world go round as much.

Well, why? It's because people are stupid. Whenever I hear government people saying, "So that Singapore's economy can prosper, I honestly feel like slapping that person upside down. Well, Mr Lee, I want to say that you are old and dying and I think you have dementia because you don't realise how much other countries have helped you.

And oh, President Bush, you are very revolting. Though I find you adorable sometimes, I think you are just plain stupid because you only care for America and nothing else. If you used up a little more of the world's petroleum, I think we would have to start burning your mom to satisfy our need for fuel. Honestly, I hate the government. I feel like causing anarchy.

And parents. Where can I start. Well, with the fact that they are the one who made the babies and brought them into the world. Shut up about the government, I've already blamed them. If you know that you will have 12, 13, 14,24 hours then stop bringing babies into this world that you know you cannot be around for.

Try as hard as you can (no not to make babies, I know you do that very well which is why Singapore is clogged up with people. Really, it is. Lee just wants more people to have sex so he can videotape them and sell it as porn to developing nations because they need more kids. That is where 90% of Singapore's money comes from, of course it doesn't come from tourism) to work. But oh look, 10 seconds have passed and the prices havent gone up yet!

Oh wait they just did. Anyway, you could ask for the $5000 subsidies that the government gives you if you have kids. Maybe you'll get it by your 60th birthday, after all the negotiations of course. I mean, who doesnt want to part with all their money! (government) And one you've got that (oh shit the prices went up again) , it will buy you your meals for about 2 days because everything is goddamn expensive.

But of course, you can't go out because about 50 people are crammed into a one foot space. This is what the government plans after all. More people = More talent = More money. They could not take the population census because the calculator stopped working before it could finish calculating. But still, Singapore does not have natural resources. It has to use it's own human resources. In fact, some sad souls are burnt as fuel because they ran out financing Lee's Aircon.

Anyways, to encourage a higher birth rate, the government decides not to allow gay marriages. Because Married Gay People = Happy People = Less Kids. Well then, why should homosexuals serve their duty for National Service? You don't even grant them marriage. Do not be saddened by people migrating. Just know that you are the one at fault.

And if you make women serve National Service, I swear I'll make Jesse McCartney perform sado-masochism on you. How much do you think it costs for the entire arsenal, including armoury, for a single soldier in National Service? Now times that by the number of soldiers coming into National Service year after year. And now times that by 2 because there are roughly the same number of men as women. That is one big number.

And where do you get the money? From us civilians. You're going to have to set a tax on us for breathing (Government: We purify the airs!!!) I wonder how much you earn a year. Go live in a cardboard box.

This post is incredibly useless
I just had to rant..:(

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